About Nihlanth

ríomhaire said:
Eber, If you don't have HL on your Steam it won't be in steamapps.
Did you guys ever think he dosn't have HL on his computer/ on Steam, I don't.
i definetely have every half-life game on steam. but there are no sounds and theres also no sounds folder
can someone instruct me , how to get the sounds ?
Please stop posting the same thing over on over, it's not even bumping as this thead has been at the top the whole time.
but i want to know how to get those nihilanth sounds
eber said:
but i want to know how to get those nihilanth sounds
When people see you making 20 identicle posts about it they end up not telling you out of spite.
you are trying to locate them thro gcfscape right?
errrm i just went to the steam folder through the windows explorer
i have that program installed dude , but it doesnt help.
Open GCFscape, hit 'open' Go C, Program Files, Steam, steamapps, halflife (it should be a purpleish box, then valve and sounds, all through gcf.
would someone post a screenshot of GFC open to the appropriate folder? I've not got it installed atm.
Marx! II said:
Open GCFscape, hit 'open' Go C, Program Files, Steam, steamapps, halflife (it should be a purpleish box, then valve and sounds, all through gcf.
again and again , there is just no sounds folder. i did exactly what you said but there really is no sound folder.
For both the both of you, the last window got clipped off, but right below 'scripts' is 'sounds'.
not here :( thats one big complot against me , valve hates me .. valve sux !! ;(
Dosnt the N look like the Advisor or his brother of somthing...
specialmax said:
Dosnt the N look like the Advisor or his brother of somthing...

Not really. The Nihilanth is stitched together badly. The Advisor's wearing a giant body-sock with bad stitching.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Not really. The Nihilanth is stitched together badly.

Wait a second...

Angry Lawyer said:
The Advisor's wearing a giant body-sock with bad stitching.

Hmmm.... :thumbs:
They look nothing alike..."Wow, they are both ugly aliens! Must be connected!"
Don't believe me?

Look at the head, and the tail. That's Advisor skin. The rest of it is a dark cloth with bad stitching.


-Angry Lawyer


  • advisor.jpg
    16.7 KB · Views: 175
He was refering to the fact that the Nihalinth is like a sock as well, with stiches ;)
am i ****in dumb or what ?!!112)(/%? i HAVE registered half-life on steam , i HAVE that ****in scape program, i HAVE it ionstalled , i HAVE managed to get it working , and there IS no ****ing soundsfolder.
dont you understand it ? theres no sound folder , i looked everywhere in the steem directory.
eber said:
dont you understand it ? theres no sound folder , i looked everywhere in the steem directory.

There there, it's not the end of the world.
eber said:
dont you understand it ? theres no sound folder , i looked everywhere in the steem directory.

Have you used gcfscape to browse the Source Sounds folder in SteamApps?

Samon said:
There there, it's not the end of the world.

He's simply asking a question, your reply doesn't exactly help him and it was completely unnecessary to give him an answer like that.
CrazyHarij said:
He's simply asking a question, your reply doesn't exactly help him and it was completely unnecessary to give him an answer like that.

Nah, it's Eber. It's not like I've recieved any decency in the past :flame:

There's about 4 people who've given clear instructions, obviously he's done something wrong. He could just as easily look in the hl folder, at least that's what I did. If he kind find it, well, not the end of the world.
Samon said:
Nah, it's Eber. It's not like I've recieved any decency in the past :flame:

There's about 4 people who've given clear instructions, obviously he's done something wrong. He could just as easily look in the hl folder, at least that's what I did. If he kind find it, well, not the end of the world.

He may have a trouble understanding your instructions, but it definitely does not justify your language to him so far.
Check your PM inbox.
ive taken the liberty of emailing em to ure hotmail inbox eber.

EDIT - no i havent, your email address doesnt exist, apparently.
CrazyHarij said:
He may have a trouble understanding your instructions, but it definitely does not justify your language to him so far.
Check your PM inbox.

I think it's more than just understanding in instructions...but regardless :)
But regardless, the topic is called "About Nihlanth" not "About Eber" ;) .
lol yes haha (i understand the instructions its just not there :/)
Did you already post screenshots? If it's not there you'll have to grab it off someone else...