About Star Wars.


Dec 29, 2004
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Have you ever thought who Darth Sidious are ?
I checked few forums and asked few guys, who told me Palpatine was Darth Sidious, but how does this explain his old look on the holographic picture compared to Palpatine ?
Is this a camouflage or something similar or is Palpatine also known as the unknown Sith or not ?..

And one thought i havent got any answer on was, who are Sifa Dyas ?.
If you remember in episode 2 when Obi-Wan visits the cloners at Kamino. They told Obi that the clone army was under the lead of Sifa Dyas but he died 10 years earlier. This should be in episode 1 then since two jedis died here, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul. But could any of them be Sifa Dyas ?

If anyone knows please tell me and explain.

Thanks. Hope there are some real sw fans around here :imu:
Garfield_ said:
Have you ever thought who Darth Sidious are ?
I checked few forums and asked few guys, who told me Palpatine was Darth Sidious, but how does this explain his old look on the holographic picture compared to Palpatine ?
Is this a camouflage or something similar or is Palpatine also known as the unknown Sith or not ?..

And one thought i havent got any answer on was, who are Sifa Dyas ?.
If you remember in episode 2 when Obi-Wan visits the cloners at Kamino. They told Obi that the clone army was under the lead of Sifa Dyas but he died 10 years earlier. This should be in episode 1 then since two jedis died here, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul. But could any of them be Sifa Dyas ?

If anyone knows please tell me and explain.

Thanks. Hope there are some real sw fans around here :imu:

As for Palpatine and Darth Sidious: thats not supposed to be a secret. the Emperor in the original three movies is Emperor Palpatine. He looks exactly the same in those movies as Darth Sidious looks in these three. Not only is there a physical resemblance between the two, but they share the same name. :D
As for why he doesn't look quite so bad during episodes I and II: the Dark Side supposedly really makes you look like hell, but probably also theoretically gives you the power to hide it.
And lastly I always assumed that Sifa Dyas's name was used as an alias by either Darth Sidious (Palpatine) or Darth Tyrannous (Christopher Lee).
Garfield_ said:
You dont know english ?
I do not know a world of English, I only speak American.

I have no idea what the sifa dyas are, but Palpatine is Sidious, he just looks more evil when he shows himself as a Sith.
Ahh, thanks for this. Really wanted to know.
Cant wait to see Palpatine/Sidious duelling agiainst Yoda in Episode 3

So its like this.

In episode 1 Palpatine was already Darth Sidious, since you got to see him on the holographic picture and his apprentice Darth Maul.
And Sifa Dyas/Sidious who are standing on the dark side orders and clone army for the republic, to the light side. But why ?
Or can it be that Sifa Dyas is Palpatine and Palpatine who are on the good side orders the clone army for himself, his people.
The entire civil war thats going on (The Clone Wars) is a setup. Palpatine and his followers (Maul, Tyrannous, Grievous, etc) were able to rile up the Trade Federation enough for them to start a war against the Republic. In order to do this they had them employ a droid army. Now, in order for this to be a proper war, the Republic needs an army, and they can't use the Jedi because Palpatine wants to get rid of them. So him and his followers go and order up a clone army for the Republic, which as they mentioned in Episode II had to be done years and years before the war was even going to happen.
What Palpatine plans to do when the war becomes full-blown is use the panic to appoint himself Emperor and dissolve the senate. The Jedi are all that stand in the way of this, and therefore they must be killed. When all that is accomplished, it puts the Sith at the head of the Galaxy.
Darth Tyrannous is Coun Dooku isn't he?
And when they speak of 'the one who will bring balance to the force', do they mean Anakin when he grows to be Darth Vader, as the scales were already tipped in favour of the light side and he was balancing them to dark. Or do they mean his son, Luke, who brings back the Jedi and takes the power away from the Sith to balance out again?
Yeah, Count Dooku is Tyrannous. And the "balance to the force" is referring to Anakin/Darth Vader, since he starts in motion the whole series of events which wipes out two governments and eventually leads to the New Republic.
WOW I don't know that much about Star Wars :p

The dark side seems so much cooler than the "good" side.
Direwolf said:
As for Palpatine and Darth Sidious: thats not supposed to be a secret. the Emperor in the original three movies is Emperor Palpatine. He looks exactly the same in those movies as Darth Sidious looks in these three. Not only is there a physical resemblance between the two, but they share the same name.
:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:, that cracks me up. They're the same actor, his name is Ian McDiarmid.