Star Wars Quiz

/me looks at questions.
/me is confused.

Am I the only one who doesn't know the answers to like any of these? :eek:
Frank said:
He gets killed...oh yes indeed! Gather around all I'll tell you a tale...

At the start of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Han Solo and Chewbacca were on the planet of Sernpidal when it became a target of the alien menace. Using massive gravity-altering creatures called dovin basals, the Yuuzhan Vong began to drag Serpidal's moon of Dobido from its orbit to the planet's surface. Han Solo, his son Anakin, and Chewbacca began organizing a desperate evacuation, cramming as many escapees aboard the Falcon as they could. Solo and Chewbacca have had many close calls in the past, and have executed countless last-second escapes. Sernpidal was not to be one of them. As the moon rushed closer to the surface, Chewbacca was cut off from the Falcon. Anakin was faced with a terrible decision. The Falcon could not wait any longer. Rather than endanger everyone aboard, Anakin piloted the ship away, leaving Chewbacca behind. Chewbacca stood his ground, howling defiantly at the immense moon as it crashed into Sernpidal's surface, killing the mighty Wookiee instantly.
Varg|Hund said:
Am I the only one who doesn't know the answers to like any of these? :eek:

Nope, same here.

But I know that [Spoiler!!!!!!!!!!]Darth Vader is Luke's farther[/Spoiler ended!!!!!!!!!!!]!!
NOOOOOOO! Does he get killed? It's not from any movie, is it ? EU, eh?

WTF is it with all these novelists/comic writers and wanting to kill every f**king ROTJ survivor?
/me skips all above posts to write witty comment
Star wars sucks hahaahah :p:p:p:p:p !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Well, can anyone enlighten me about the Yuuzan Vong?

I saw their profile on the "SW database" and it looks like they've ****ed the New Republic up, does someone can tell me the bok in which they appear so I can get it?
I've never heard of a Yuuzan Vong? What's that?
The Yuuzhan Vong are and alien race that came out of no where and attacke the New Republic. Led by Tsavong Lah, a Yuuzhan Vong warmaster, they overwhelmed the New Republic with unknown alien technology. Devoid of the Force, the Jedi are weak against the Yuuzhan Vong. (All of this was my own words.:eek: )
You should really read the series "The New Jedi Order". That is when the Yuuzhan Vong attack.
EDIT: Look for the book Vector Prime.
ray_MAN said:
You should really read the series "The New Jedi Order". That is when the Yuuzhan Vong attack.
EDIT: Look for the book Vector Prime.

I will.

Everything you told me I already knew by reading their profile in the databank, the things I really want to know is hows the Gallactic Alliance, Luke and whatever agaisnt them. I mean, they conquered Coruscant and appareantly most of the Core Worlds, the Hutts are on their is the Gallatic Alliance down or what?

And they're religious sorta like the Covenant in Halo. Whats up with that?

And La is dead aint he? Thje big guy now is Anor in the Vong right?

edit - I started reading the databank a little more than 1 year ago.
It's pretty weird the whole "Expanded Universe" - Palpatine's clone, Yuuzhan Vong, the Black Sun, Sun Destroyer...

Most books dont come out here so I just buy them when I travel to other countries
ray_MAN said:
1. Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?
2. Does Chewbacca die? If so, when?
2 has been answered, I didn't read anymore of this thread so...
1)Grand Admiral Thrawn is in the books and made a clone of Jorus C' the clone is Joruus C'Boath...he also used teh ysalimri against teh Jedi :cheese:
Frank said:
I've never heard of a Yuuzan Vong? What's that?
Their technology is mostly bio-tech...they think machine tech crap is an insult to their God(s)... And their carapace can withstand lightsaber attacks... and they are ugly...

And Fat Tony-ur the only guy I know who dosn't like Star Wars...
Tredoslop said:
And Fat Tony-ur the only guy I know who dosn't like Star Wars...
No! Me too! Me! Me!
Though KOTOR is good.
/me fondles the KOTOR case.
Star Wars is t3h ROCKZZ stfu! ahhahahah-.......-......-......ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
/me runs away
