About XSI -> Required Resolution


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I have run my computer at 1024x768 resolution for... well most of my life. XSI requires that the resolution be set to 1280x1024 in order to function properly. Well, I did that and everything is SO damn small. (Not XSI, everything else) This resolution nearly kills my eyes. I'm guessing there's no way to make XSI resize into 1024x768 is there? Would be nice...

[EDIT] -- I'm an idiot, I'll just switch the resolution before I run the program. Duh... Um... I can't find how to delete this...
Or we could do that... Thanks a mil. (I think that's the first time my thoughtless complaining ever achieved anything :P )
The Thing said:
You could also download layouts for your resolution...



But those layouts are for xsi 1.5 or 2 and so, will they work with exp, casue that is version 3.0 and it has to have some more options than there were in 1.5, I see no 768x1024 layout for version 3
So what happens, see my monitor doesnt support a res higher than 768x1024 so I have no choice
It works decent. You can't see EVERYTHING, but the modeling and animation areas now show. And you get all your top menu options. There are 3 or 4 "1024x768" (maybe not for version 3, but the one I got works well enough). Try them, see if they will work for you.