Absolutely D E V A S T A T E D



I silently have followed the game without joinin in the community for some time, to be honest i did not know this website existed! until a few nights ago .... and to find out all i have in the first few days of actually bein here .... its horrible, i will never forget the day i bought half life it was delayed here in the UK for months after PC Gamer reviewed it. It took me 2 hours to get the graphics workin on my old voodoo 2 and then i was just completely immersed, HL2 is a game we have all waited on for almost 8 years, and here i am joinin the community to find it is in its darkest hour, the events of the last few days have been nuthin short of unbelievable and i only hope that the mature among us have the sense not to give in to temptation, out of sheer curiosity i have located various locations to download the beta but just to read the file name and see it existed has nearly made me feel sick. I think right now as a community we should do out best to help valve and honour their years of work by not allowin ourselves to fall victim and by WAITING to enjoy the quality product valve intended us to!!!

now im no noob to community forums and i know this thread is likey gunna get flamed by some but let me just give you some food for thought before you do....first off no doubt uve posted threads on these forums about how great HL2 and Valve are and how much you are lookin' forward to the game, this would show you are a true member to the community eager to support valve and HL2 itself, if you download the beta, you no longer fall into this catagory because that is no way to show your support.

Regardless of whether or not you plan on buyin the game, you are supportin a community which defaces, corrupts, and defies everything that gaming and game developement is - F A I R P L A Y

Obi ;(
8 years? So you knew about HL2 3 years before HL1 came out? :)
no, HL2 was 1996 this is now near the end of 2003 im sorry if i messed up my maths im not the best with dates, but the point is any game as good as half life was ALWAYS has expectency and demand for a sequel.
What's this half life 2 thing everyone's been talking about?
AH ok my bad ... 6 years HL was 1998, i can't read when im tired its 6am here (read off the back of the original Half Life CD) appologies!
the only support valve and vivendi want from us is our $$$. many people that have downloaded the beta are still gonna pay their $$$ when the game comes out, mostly because you can't play online without buying. this is all that matters to them.
Originally posted by Obiwan
AH ok my bad ... 6 years HL was 1998, i can't read when im tired its 6am here (read off the back of the original Half Life CD) appologies!

obviously math doesnt come easy at 6am either, november will be the five year aniversary of the release of HL.
I agree with you.

I can't believe that people who are so eager for this game are also so eager to hurt VALVe's efforts for this game to come out.
Originally posted by Rice-Rocketeer
I agree with you.

I can't believe that people who are so eager for this game are also so eager to hurt VALVe's efforts for this game to come out.
Half-Life fans are idiots. It makes me ashamed to be excited for the same game these morons are.
4port, I agree. Nothing but reactionaries, fanboys, and overall idiots.
Mostly the people complaining about the game being delayed have also downloaded the source code and beta.
I guarantee a large number of people here have it. the people who spout all the "SUPPORT VALVE" crap are the people most likely to DL it.
I haven't downloaded the beta nor the source code, so shut the **** up.
rampage, have you ever considered suicide? If so, I have some suggestions for you to try.
i would say the ppl that are eager to make excuses and defend beta downloaders are the ones more likely to do so, and for your information no i have not and i have no intention of doin so!
hahahaahah remember when the hl2 code was stolen and people played a beta and doanloaded it? and people acted stupid about it, and people like me didnt read the thread and just assumed someone in here was being dumb about it? hahaha
there are alot of people that still have full intention of supporting valve when the game comes out.
When the source was leaked, i was like "man thats ****ed up!!! not cool at all"
But when the beta was released... the damage has been done. Valve is not going to loose money by that. people will still buy the game and people will still pirate the game. thats a fact.
the source is the issue cause that is a big source of revenue for a developer. now thats kinda lost!

as for the beta, i've tried it. its not the whole game. its not even the game. its just playable maps and some buggy code.
Originally posted by Hyped
rampage, have you ever considered suicide? If so, I have some suggestions for you to try.

If it's having to take your shit, I'm way ahead of you.
Originally posted by Hyped
rampage, have you ever considered suicide? If so, I have some suggestions for you to try.

Through experiences aye?

I haven't downloaded the source, nor the beta.

How many people who downloaded the source could write a simple string reverser in C++ without having to buy 'C++ for dummies'.
Originally posted by TM2 Rampage
If it's having to take your shit, I'm way ahead of you.

Congratulations! You make no sense.
Originally posted by Hyped
Congratulations! You make no sense.

Congratulations! This thread is full of idiots, fools, and morons! And so is this forum! :cheers:
Originally posted by Obiwan
i would say the ppl that are eager to make excuses and defend beta downloaders are the ones more likely to do so, and for your information no i have not and i have no intention of doin so!

I would tend to think that people that jump to conclusions like this are shallow minded. Everyone on the internet is a super model and makes 20 mil a year. You can spout "stuff" all you want and no one has no way of knowing if you are lying or not.

Reminds me of Shawshank Redemption when Andy shows up and he says he is innocent and doesnt belong there. Everyone else follows suit. Yet he is. But no one knows......just like posting on a forum. You can only be judged by your words.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
Congratulations! This thread is full of idiots, fools, and morons! And so is this forum! :cheers:

Congratulations! I agree! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I only can speak for myself. I can't wait until it is released and I have decided not to download the beta because I don't want to try ANY of it until the time comes. It's kind of like a CD leaking, it sucks to ruin the experience by downloading it online 2 months before its release.
the only reason all of you people spam "I haven't downloaded it!", is because you people don't even know where to get it...if someone posted a link on this forum that shows you step by step how and where to get it, so many more people would d/l it. ignorance is bliss.
Anyone can find the Beta, hell, I've seen for download when I wasn't even looking for it. I still haven't downloaded it and I'm not going to. It just might shock you, but some people are actually telling the truth.
Meh, im was gonna get the beta regardless. Also the fact that I could care less if HL2 was released before christmas or during april, because after September 23 I lost all respect for valve. So right now its up to Halo and Max Payne 2 to keep me entertained untill Doom 3 comes out.
I still have my original Half-Life cd + case :) I might reinstall it and play it again.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
the only support valve and vivendi want from us is our $$$. many people that have downloaded the beta are still gonna pay their $$$ when the game comes out, mostly because you can't play online without buying. this is all that matters to them.


as far as im concerned the £30 i paid valve for the generations package is all the support they are getting from me.
lol, this is a great example of good ol Internet anonymity.
Anybody can sit here and say "I love valve n I didn't download it so suck my freak"

Just because you act outraged at is, doesn't mean you didn't download it. So why don't people just go with the flow, and accept the fact that people are gonna say you downloaded it... Jebus people, roll with the punches, it's not like you can do jack shit.. Except get in a flame war, which just makes both people look like ****ing idiots.