Achievement Generator

Alyx/Chell/Zoey/Pyro hentai.

God yes.






Alyx/Chell/Zoey/Pyro hentai.]

Ew what, you bi or something?.

And yes I am aware of the silly rumours, the Pyro is a dude, an understanding of anatomy a 5 year old could tell and the sound of the muffled voice is a give away.

And Red Faction was awesome.
lol the Pyro is definitely a girl noob, or alternately, does watching porn with a dude make you bisexual?

God, for everytime my stupid teammates were totally ignorant to me being pounced, 5 people would have obtained this one.

God, for everytime my stupid teammates were totally ignorant to me being pounced, 5 people would have obtained this one.

Just now I pounced neptuneuk in a corner on No Mercy 3 and a survivor walked right up to us, fired off two shots, then walked off again. Not sure what was running through his mind. Maybe he thought he killed me?

I felt really sorry for neptune.

I earned this tonight.


Full survivor team.
Full zombie team.
Expert difficulty.

Its crazy little moments like the one above that make L4D frackin' awesome.

To not make the title be in all caps, edit the url and it'll come out how you edited it.

The novelty's kinda worn off for me since the TF2 one but it's still a nice way of presenting your achievement idea's.
Mine too. Gordon-man asked me to do new ones in L4D generator.
