Acne problems!


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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Hello, this might be seen as a somewhat odd topic, I'm 17 years old, and recently I've noticed I've been getting a bit more acne(Acne hasnt been a problem for me before), and I'm looking for tips on good acne-removing substances(Such as Proactiv)!
I'd be really helpful for any good tips, I have a concert in about 2 weeks and I really want to look my best then!

//Thanks in advance Gargantou
I know this won't help you in the short-term, but in the long term, I would consider watching what you eat in relation to your acne outbreaks.

In High School, for me, it was rare not to have at least some red spots on my face, but I never really tried to get rid of them via my diet. Recently I've been noticing a correlation between greasy foods and red spots on my face, as well as different types of soft drinks :|

If you wanted to take it one step further, you could make a spreadsheet of the foods you eat, and make a scale of 1-10 of how bad your acne is in a given time frame, and then analyze the data after a month or two. I've considered this, but I'm really bloody lazy.

Also, water seems to help me - try drinking lots and lots of water! I pretty much drink water and milk exclusively, at the moment.

I guess it all depends how bad yours is. I've seen people in High School that pretty much never have their face change, acne or not. Mine was very sporadic...some weeks I'd have a lot, and others, close to none.

Seriously, They're like DDT for your acne.
Thought about trying Roacutane?

I find for some reason they seem to dissappear around exam time, when I'm concentrating on other matters.
Ive never had acne.


I have a really red face all the time though. DAMN YOU IRISH GENES!
Wash your hands hands/face often, try not to eat alot of sugary foods(cookies, ice cream, etc.), and if any stores sell anti-acne creams... use those, follow the directions and stick to it.
I use Isocol.It's got alcohol in it.I use to have lots but now i get a few now and then.
Fire. And lots of it!

Or.... give your face a really good scrub with normal soap and warm water twice a day. The medicated stuff is expensive, but may help you in the timeframe you have.
I did some thinking about the food stuff and came to the conclusion that it is most possibly due to the fact that lately I havent had time to cook my own food and have been eating alot of pizza/quickfood etc instead, so now I'll switch to a sallad diet for the coming two weeks to see how that helps, if it doesnt I will try to use 'medicine' etc!

TY for all the helpful replies, saved down the topic to my comp for future reference heh!
What the hell? A help thread on was actually useful?

Forget about acne products.

Drink loads of water. 2 litres a day is the recommended isn't it? Then use daily and nightly moisturiser.

And don't eat shitty foods.
I used to have really bad acne, and tried dozens of things to get rid of it but nothing worked well. I actually got called pizza face one time in high school. .. unfortunately that guy knew karate.

Eventually, I found out a few things, and I don't have acne anymore.

* Clearasil Daily Face Wash (or a store branded generic version - it should say, "compare to clearasil daily face wash" on the tube.) It's in liquid form. Use that once or twice a day and your acne should go away. This stuff cleans better than soap, and kills bacteria that causes acne.

* Avoid touching your face, if your hands aren't clean! If you have an area that is itchy, that's probably because you are getting a zit there, and touching it and rubbing it will piss it off. So, spot clean it if you can't wash with the Daily face wash.

* Do not use alcohol based acne products

* Do not over-clean your face. Once or twice a day is plenty. Overdrying your skin will cause acne to worsen. Some oil is good.

* Bacteria, dirt, particles, dust, and smoke cause acne.

* I never noticed any difference in my acne from what I ate. I did notice that really greasy foods like that REALLY oily pizza like at the mall, that you need to put a napkin to catch the oil dripping -- that kind of pizza makes my face oily. Fried foods like at fast food restaurants make my face oily as well.

Also, I just buy the generic Daily face wash from wal-mart for like $2.50. I've been using this stuff for like 6 years, and rarely get a zit any more.
I did some thinking about the food stuff and came to the conclusion that it is most possibly due to the fact that lately I havent had time to cook my own food and have been eating alot of pizza/quickfood etc instead, so now I'll switch to a sallad diet for the coming two weeks to see how that helps, if it doesnt I will try to use 'medicine' etc!

TY for all the helpful replies, saved down the topic to my comp for future reference heh!

This is very likely the answer. My face has been pretty clear lately, except when I order pizza or breadsticks (from a pizza place). Last time I ordered pizza I had some excess redness, and I just had breadsticks a few days ago (greasy as well) and once again my face has more red spots than normal. My water intake has remained the same (2~ litres), but just the extra grease I think is what did it for me.

My face has been more red overall than I'm used to lately, which may be attributed by the the time of year (why hello Mr. Sun!), so it's hardly noticable, which I like :D
The only thing I do to my face is some Clearasil Daily Face Wash. That does me just grand. I don't think I have alot of acne, but I sitll get some spots here and there. I'm guessing what I eat doesn't bother me, either, because I eat like crap.
Hello, this might be seen as a somewhat odd topic, I'm 17 years old, and recently I've noticed I've been getting a bit more acne(Acne hasnt been a problem for me before), and I'm looking for tips on good acne-removing substances(Such as Proactiv)!
I'd be really helpful for any good tips, I have a concert in about 2 weeks and I really want to look my best then!

//Thanks in advance Gargantou

grow older and get anti acne stuff, eat less candy + chocolate + chips etc.

i used to have ****ing terrible acne but age and weight loss seems to have countered that completely
talk to your doctor about acutane... i used the stuff when i was in high school. it works REALLY well. you have to jump through some hoops to get it now (monthly check-ups) bc it can lead to wicked birth defects in chicks. its more of a 'last resort' treatment, if nothing else works. ive heard proactive is really good stuff too though, so id def try that first. also like people have said- a healthy diet is clutch. sweets, especially chocolate, are really bad for your skin.
Well how about proactiv? Why ask if you know? But that's just to treat it for a breakout, you can keep the effect if you just wash your face when it gets any excessive oil. Never understood how anyone could not do so.

TY for all the helpful replies, saved down the topic to my comp for future reference heh!

Come on now guy.. you really can't be serious can you?

I seriously hope no one goes on your PC and sees "hl2net/acnetreatmentadviceforme.html" because just.. god damn man. It's not THAT big of a process or thing to take care of. I can sympathize if you have seriously bad uncontrollable acne but you just saved a file of people telling you to eat right and wash your face!
especially chocolate, are really bad for your skin.

I'm not sure if that's a fact. Pure chocolate is used at health spas in chocolate baths for your skin. If chocolate contributes to acne, it's milk chocolate and then not the chocolate itself. Pure chocolate is said to be pretty healthy for you even, reducing the chance of heart disease.

EDIT: Wikipedia agrees with me:

There is a popular belief that the consumption of chocolate can cause acne. Pure chocolate contains anti-oxidants which aid better skin complexion. The University of Pennsylvania and the US Naval Academy conducted experiments that fed subjects chocolate or a bar with similar amounts of macronutrients (fat, sugar etc.) and found that consumption of chocolate, frequent or not, had no effect on the developing of acne. [30] Chocolate bars with milk content may contribute to acne. It is not the chocolate itself that causes acne, but rather the milk with which the chocolate is mixed.[31]

With the reference (for the people who don't trust Wikipedia but subsequently always fail to check out the references it uses):
Milk is the worst thing, contains progesterone that makes your sebacious glands go mental.

Another thing is simply having high testosterone.

If you went on a paleolithic type diet your acne would no doubt cease as mine did, whenever i eat any 'modern' food again (bread or milk etc) i get acne.

Drink loads of water. 2 litres a day is the recommended isn't it? Then use daily and nightly moisturiser.
Don't drink 2 litres of water a day unless you need to, drinking loads of water is a myth, drink enough to keep your piss from going darker in colour than straw yellow but no more is needed, too much water and you'll flush all the minerals out of your body.

And don't eat shitty foods.
Spot on, most modern foods have the potential to promote acne.
I'm not sure if that's a fact. Pure chocolate is used at health spas in chocolate baths for your skin. If chocolate contributes to acne, it's milk chocolate and then not the chocolate itself. Pure chocolate is said to be pretty healthy for you even, reducing the chance of heart disease.

EDIT: Wikipedia agrees with me:

With the reference (for the people who don't trust Wikipedia but subsequently always fail to check out the references it uses):

Milk is the worst thing, contains progesterone that makes your sebacious glands go mental.

Thanks guys, you just ruined milk for me!

Oh well, I'll probably still drink it quite a bit.
In High School, for me, it was rare not to have at least some red spots on my face, but I never really tried to get rid of them via my diet. Recently I've been noticing a correlation between greasy foods and red spots on my face, as well as different types of soft drinks :|
This man speaks the truth. Recently I went about 5 days where every day my dinner was either from a chipper or a fry-up. This wasn't out of choice, I had few options available to me. A load of new pimples appeared on my face, around my mouth in particular. It almost looks like I have a pimple goatee.
Like said before, drink lots and lots of water.
Best thing I did for my acne was tanning. Darker skin seems to hide acne and clear it up too. Just don't over do it.

Skin Disease < Acne

Careful about Acutane. I used that stuff for a bit but couldn't finish the whole 3 month dosage. I became aggressive and angry. :thumbs:
Biactol in europe is preety good, altough it contains a lot of H2O, wich can be bad for you in great amounts.
Go see your doctor, theres heaps of things they can do for acne. I went there and they put me on Doxycycline which is a mild antibiotic I believe. I haven't had any side affects and it's not expensive.
What ever happens don't let them put you on Roacutane (that shits evil).

Listen, I had acne. Not savage acne, but I'd get whiteheads and I'd often get these really painful, noticeable cystic acne bumps on my face to the point where a lot of times I'd refrain from hanging out or going anywhere because of the way my face looked. And I tried a lot of stuff.

I took antibiotics, I took corticosteroids, face washes, scrubs, pore cleansers, this that and the other thing, proactiv...and I wasted a shit ton of money. You know what helped? SOAP. Dove soap. 1/4 moisturizing bar soap, the regular old white soap they sell. Take some of that, and go to town on your face a few times a day. Acne doesn't know wtf after that.

And you know what? I drink a full 2 gallons of milk every day. And I eat oily foods like pizza (in fact I'm about to go make a pizza after I do my forum rounds). Doesn't matter.

Soap man, soap. Take my advice.
Two gallons of milk...everyday...

7.5708236 Litres, for those who love the metric system (everyone?).

Jesus, that's a lot of anything.
Only don't leave the toothpaste on all night it comes up in hideous boils. I don't know this from experience.
God damnit hell.

I had pizza yesterday, and guess what? Red spots!

It's not that bad at all, and I've been out in the sun a lot lately so my face is already red and masks it a lot...but how can the food I love so dearly, hurt me so much? :(

Maybe I'll turn into terminator and eat nothing but cardboard
Maybe I'll turn into terminator and eat nothing but eggs, lambs hearts and livers, beef, game, fish, shellfish, nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables, stinging nettles, seaweed, berries and the like.

And then i'll avoid: bread/grains, dairy, pizza, chips, fizzy drink, sweets, artificial anything and the like

Sounds like a good plan mate :)
I already don't eat chips, fizzy drink or sweets! :D
Or you could just eat stuff that actually tastes good while still eating responsibly. I'd rather live to my average life expectancy of 76.52 years while having enjoyed food than to live to 120 on a diet of cooked meat and raw vegetables. It isn't even guaranteed you make it to 120, and none of the people who did make it were health freaks. Hell, the usual response from old people to the question "what's your secret?" is to smile a lot and keep yourself busy.
eat less greesy food, wash face at least 3 times a day, work out, so you sweat, helps your pores.
Oh and shave with a straight razor.
From what i have heard diet has very little to do with acne. I used to get quite bad spots, tried proactiv but it didnt do **** all. Started using clean and clear products and seems to work pretty well, cheap too.