Acne problems!

Or you could just eat stuff that actually tastes good while still eating responsibly. I'd rather live to my average life expectancy of 76.52 years while having enjoyed food than to live to 120 on a diet of cooked meat and raw vegetables. It isn't even guaranteed you make it to 120, and none of the people who did make it were health freaks. Hell, the usual response from old people to the question "what's your secret?" is to smile a lot and keep yourself busy.

I actually really enjoy the taste of my diet, the last time i had fast food i threw up.....

I love things like berries and nuts so its all fair enough, it's prob why i can handle the diet i do tbh whereas a lot of other people feel they need to eat rubbish.
I am not expert but once when I went to the beach my face got some sun burns,well my whole body cuz my skin is weak, and I have a big amount of acne or something like that on my face but after my skin got burned and back to normal most of it disapeared
[1] Wash your face often
To make it easy, wash your hands and face every time you go to the bathroom.

[2] Do not touch your face!
This includes things like healing on your hands, rubbing/itching your face, or sleeping on your hands/arms. If you do have to touch your face, try to use the back of your hands (less greasy/dirty). Also if you do catch yourself touching your face, go wash your face.

[3] Shaving
I’m not exactly an expert on this; do your best to avoid irritating your skin. What works for me is one pass with the electric & then 1 pass with my razor. Buy quality razors and replace the heads often. Stay consistent with your shaving habits so your skin gets used to it. Also, don’t get lazy on shaving; maybe skip 1 day, but never 2 days. The hair on your face will irritate your skin and trap any grease. Try to find an aftershave that works for you. I like the one below because it’s not a strong scent & seems to “repair” the skin…

Some products may actually CAUSE you to break out, as strange as it seems, the above product does wonders for my face while this FACE WASH below ****ed up my face for 1.5 months.


[4] Do not mess with your zits (or whatever you call them)
Touching/squeezing them will almost always cause them to get worse; most minor acne will fade (with the above procedures). The ONLY time you should “manually remove” it is when it’s above the skin & can be “removed” with only minor pressure; after, put ice on the spot for a 3-4 minutes.

[5] Wash your face after eating.
Grease and other shit get on your face, even if you are a neat eater. Just wash your damn face & stop whining!

[6] Diet
Try to eat less greasy foods overall.

[7] Sun
A nice tan hides most of it & it also seems to reduce overall breakouts for me. It's magical..... lol

[8] Acne Products?
Some don’t work, some work for some people ,s ome cause osme people to break out, some are great…. You just have to try it and stick to it for like 2 weeks and see if it works.
Maybe I'll turn into terminator and eat nothing but cardboard
Sig material! :laugh:

Zits are rather okay for me. Sometimes they'll start a rave all over my face, but only for a week, max. After that, it's the occassional zit or two.
I used to use Retatin(SP?)A cream which is only available through your doctor. It cleared up my acne fairly quick.