
Six is set in the Dark Age of the Renaissance. This means the game will be based around Magic, Swords, and the like.
Right now, 2 forces struggle to rule the Kingdom of Kelstral; The Heroes and The Damned. The Heroes, deticated to fighting for the good of man, have many races. But the counter-force, The Damned, have many skilled and powerful races as well. Clashing in the midst of a torn Kingdom has already left most everything in rubble. Only small villages and groups of people remain. Everywhere, it seems, dark creatures are spawning. Though when things seem most dim, heroes enter from other realms to help fight this seemingly growing apocolypse. Who will win? Nobody will be able to tell without the help of YOU, the warrior, the raiser of the dead, the theif, or perhaps the giant? Kelstral is in a shit hole of trouble, but you can pry it out with your magic and bloody sword.

+ Necrotic - Raise dead, Summon things.
+ Klemarin - Healing & Supporting Magic. Fair Archer.
+ Neleran - Expert Marksman (bow), some magic, such as "hide".
+ Brute - All melee. Has certain melee moves.

+ Steleban - Morpher. Can appear as an object to fool foes. Can "backstab".
+ Venar - Heavy Magic Caster.
+ Xenoth - Giant. Great Melee skills, can "Squash".
+ Padar - Theif. Can steal things. Can use "Stealth", and "Slit".

About Gameplay:
In ALL forms of Game Modes, players will be able to use more magic, have stronger attacks, and possibly
become faster as their levels progress. Each player will have Experience. Each kill will add to their Experience
level. If a special attack is used, more Experience is awarded.
About Game Modes:
In addition to killing eachother, players will have different objectives or
goals with the different gameplay types. For now, the types are as follows:
- Relic -
Players (on teams) try to guard relics on their side. This is pretty much like
Capture The Flag. The opposing team must take the relic to their sacred ground and
Protect it. For every minute protected, the team is awarded a point.
- FFA -
As always, this is a free for all mode. Players may choose whichever race they want.
whoever gets the most kills, wins.
- Team FFA -
Basically the same thing as FFA except players are on teams. The winning team is the team
with the most kills.
- Objective -
Players (on teams) must complete certain objectives. These objectives may include, but not are
not limited to:
+ Sacred Leader
Protect the leader (a player chosen at the start of the game). After a leader is killed, the opposing team then becomes the assaulting party. ( Leader has more health than usual ).
+Kill The Theif
Simple. The team of theives must steal objects, and stash them away, while other players (whom choose their race) try to kill the theives for their items (which are magic power-ups to other players!).
+Alter Run
FFA, players must find the alter with the sacred book on it. The player who finds it must keep it for as long as possible. The longer he keeps it, the more damage he does.

1-2 Concept Artists:
In addition to my concepts, I would like some concept artists to help the modelers visualize what they need to accomplish. You must be able to either scan in your images, or use a graphic tablet.
2-3 Mappers:
Mappers must be able to create rich, exciting, and creative maps that players can play over and over. Environments must really put the player into the game.
4 Modelers:
Modelers must be able to unwrap UVWS, model within polygon limits ( up to 6000 max ), export/import models for use, and compile their models correctly.
1 Weapons Modeler
1 Prop Modeler
2 Character Modelers
2 Animators:
Animators must be able to apply existing animations to created models. Some animations ( such as swords/knives/etc. may need animations created from scratch ).
1 Sound Artist:
Sound artists must be able to find sounds pertaining to this modification. Sound artists does not have to be able to make sounds, but this is a HUGE plus. If all else fails in finding a sound artist, I do sound recording as a side hobby and could do this.
2-3 Scripters:
Scripters must use any script language necessary to carry out the job. In this case, some LUA. Scripters must be TALENTED, and not "so-so". No "I can sorta do this or that".
Staff Requirments:
Staff must have atleast 2 forms of contact. Whether it's E-mail & AIM, AIM & IRC, or something of the sort. All staff members MUST be AT or over the age of 16 (exceptions to this rule may be made if you contact a leader).
About Me:
I've been modeling for about 5 years in 3d Studio Max. I've modeled lightly with Maya during school but found no interest in it. I've won numerous competitions in Skills USA competitions and have graduated from the East Valley Institute of Technology in 3d Animation&Game Design and Graphic Design. I've been doing freelance Graphic and 3d Design for about 4 years. This year I currently work for Rocket Media Studios (www.rocketmediastudios.com) as a graphic designer.
As leader of this project, I'll be looking over all aspects of this modification. I will help those who need it, and would ask that users more adept than me help me when I ask of it (no, I don't know everything, yet...). A site will be launched once I finished my concepts. I will treat all artists as equals. All artists will get to spend equal time with me and share an equal amount of ideas. All staff members will be able to express themselves in their entirety.
End Note:
This CAN be accomplished. It WILL be accomplished. If you think you are deticated enough, and skilled enough to join the SIX team, then please contact us. All applications will be looked at. Don't fear rejection, we may use you! This will be a great modification and a dangerously fun one. I can always share more details with you if you have any questions.
Please post any comments you have on this mod below. Do not send them to the team e-mail, as they will be deleted immediately without review.
Please send applications ( attach some examples of your work if available ) to: [email protected]
You may contact me via AIM at: RedR3volution.