Activision: female game heroines don't sell

I wouldn't really call them sexist. Their logic seems to be: game heroines= no $$$. It's a same too because game girls are often praised by critics and fans if done right (aka: not a sex symbol).

And since we're on this topic, has there ever been any females at all in a COD game?? In the few that I've rented, I don't recall ever seeing one.

There were a few Russian Conscripts that were female in COD2 if I'm not mistaken
hmm i may need to replay mass effect as female shepard after hearing this cos i thought male shepards vo was pretty crap :|
"I'm commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel"
Meh Male Shepard is badass. I always play as dudes. You relate and project yourself to your character. And that don't work if it's a girl. Unless I was a girl, but Im not. Im a guy.

Guys who play girls are probably gay, and/or want to be a girl. All the "Oh I whould rather stare at a womans ass then a mans, ******!" Is bullshit.
Probably something about them experiencing penetration and childbirth Im guessing. Wishing they could.

Yeah that sounds about right.
Meh Male Shepard is badass. I always play as dudes. You relate and project yourself to your character. And that don't work if it's a girl. Unless I was a girl, but Im not. Im a guy.

Guys who play girls are probably gay, and/or want to be a girl. All the "Oh I whould rather stare at a womans ass then a mans, ******!" Is bullshit.
Probably something about them experiencing penetration and childbirth Im guessing. Wishing they could.

Yeah that sounds about right.

You're a perfect example of the kind of mongoloid consumer base thats keeping this industry from being even the slightest bit respectable.
Hey now, I get it. I do. It's okay to be a little curious. I know I have thought about it. Taking it up the peehole and all.

But when it all comes down I just don't want to be on the receiving end.

Beyond Good & Evil was pretty good though.
But when it all comes down I just don't want to be on the receiving end.
This is exactly why you play as the female Shepard because the part was played perfectly lesbian. My favorite line is when she stops talking with Ashley Williams and says, all sultry-like, "At ease, chief." Ahhhhhh....
The reasons I play a female shepard boils down to:
1: An actually talented voice actor.
2: Playing as a female shepard means she basically becomes Sigourney Weaver in Alien. And I don't just mean she kicks ass, I mean in relation to men. You know how in Aliens Hicks is the chick? That's basically what happens to Shepard when you have a romantic interest. She's also a female main character not defined by her relationship to someone. IE, she doesn't fight to get the girl, unless you wanna play it that way, which is also fun. Gender role reversal. She's the strong one, and Garrus or Thane or whoever just tags along, telling her to be careful. A lot more interesting imo.

You relate and project yourself to your character. And that don't work if it's a girl.

Speak for yourself. Lack of imagination.
^^Your avatar reminds me, given the option I'd rather play as the illusive man.
Speak for yourselves guys. My Shepard likes ponies and long walks on the beach.


Female Shepard, circa 1988.
You'll find that we forumites, here, attempt to speak for everyone else as well.
I don't relate to male Shephard any more than I relate to the female Shephard. I see more positive features of the female version though.
As a straight man, I would not mind staring at a game character that is a woman. But that is just me. I guess there is a bigger market for guys playing with guys.
Female characters are often unsuccessful, because they're often poorly conceived, and therefore there's no point attempting female characters! Cool. This is good old blame-the-victims logic mobilised by Activision's marvellously stupid business model, whereby there cannot possibly be any such thing as a new idea that sells. I feel like a ****ing retard saying something like this, because the concepts I'm about to invoke deserve ~*squiggly lines*~ and ~*asterisks*~ around their hippie-assed words, but Kotek et all don't seem to realise that novelty, creativity and vision can all be profitable to a company brave enough to bother with them.
I think is the oposite

why you think lara croft is such a famous character?
Yeah, but the golden years for that franchise was like a decade ago. People have since become more intolerant and sexist.

ITT, I've just recently re-played both Parasite Eve games and Aya Brea from Parasite Eve is both hot and a badass and could kick the main character from True Crime 3's ass.

F**k you Activision.
When given the choice, I often play a game using a woman, if she is gorgeous and showing some skin. If she is an orc or ogre or something, ****ing never mind, I'll pick Rambo.

The main problem is that the vast majority of games are violent, and it's hardly believable to have some pretty, nail polished young woman in a swimsuit beating some mother****ing ass. '

Like I said before though, I liked Hit-Girl. See because that's a bit unusual (original), and it's interesting to think that someone could be so advanced in combat at such a young age, and not entirely impossible in some respects, at least.
Yeah, but the golden years for that franchise was like a decade ago. People have since become more intolerant and sexist.
Haha, what? Lara's always been about the boobage, triangular polygons or not. Why do you think everyone went so nuts at the rumour there was a nude code?
The main problem is that the vast majority of games are violent, and it's hardly believable to have some pretty, nail polished young woman in a swimsuit beating some mother****ing ass.

Many violent video games are hardly believable to begin with.
I guess there is a bigger market for guys playing with guys.
This is just too funny. :thumbs: Activision will lead gaming into a new era of synergy with the gay pr0n industry featuring giant, gooey loads of games stuffed until they are swollen and red with hot, sweaty guy-on-guy action because THIS is what sells. Kotick = genius?
also I remnber there was a interview whit infinity ward where they said that when they told the idea of making call of duty in a modern setting activison said "no" at first cuz "modern war games dont sell"
Haha, what? Lara's always been about the boobage, triangular polygons or not. Why do you think everyone went so nuts at the rumour there was a nude code?
Wait...wut? *I never knew that*

I thought the game was big because the game had revolutionary gameplay at the time. *Oh shit. I said big, but I didn't mean big boobs. Oh shit, I didn't just say boobs.*

At any rate, I'd NEVER use a game for fapping material. I mean, there's live action porn for that right?



*looks up Tomb Raider on ebay*
It had that too, but they've always touted her 'assets' from game one. She's hardly the worst example, though, murderous thieving devil woman that she is.
I would like to add that whenever I have a choice, ever, to play as a female character, I always take it. I may have some gender identification issues, or Princess Peach is really that hot.