add-on names.........?


May 15, 2003
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the half-life series all had cool scientific names......... opposing force, blueshift, and even the name half-life. if theres gona be more add-on side missions what kind of names do u think there could be?
lol, I'm an idiot! I don't think I ever realized that...obviously I noticed Half-life's reference, but I was in the dark on the other two!
blue shift has something to do with stars i think, and what is opposing force?
Originally posted by Wraith
blue shift has something to do with stars i think, and what is opposing force?

blue shift has to do with the wavelengths of objects moving towards you. If the rate the object is moving is fast enough, the wavelengths will appear shorter to the observer (higher frequency) and make the objects color shift towards the blue end of the spectrum.

opposing force is just a force that pushes back against something that is exerting a force. If you push on a stationary wall, for instance, the wall will push back with an equal opposing force which cancels out the first, resulting in no movement.

and of course...

a half-life is the time it takes for half of the ions (usually radioactive) in a substance to decay.

Now, keep in mind it's been a couple years since my college physics classes, so these descriptions might be a little iffy...corrections are welcome! :cheers:
blue shift is referring to barneys SHIFT at work.

opposing force is because the army is the OPPOSING FORCE.........Wow was that so harD?
Yes and no. Opposing force does refer to the fact you're playing as the "force" that opposes Freeman, but it's also a scientific name (somewhat) for a physical force moving against another one (not sure tho) i.e. pushing a boulder up a hill, gravity is the opposing force against your movement. Also, blue shift refers to Barney's work shift and the fact he wears blue clothes, but also refers to radiation wavelength when the emitting object is moving towards the recepting object (i.e. a far-away white light moving really fast towards you "squishes" the wavelengths making the emitted light appear blue instead of white). Basically exactly what trantjd said, but you obviously need a second explanation :)
Yep i could see the new mod coming now.Its gonna be called :

Half life 2 : A force that pushes back against something that is exerting a force
Both those titles have a duel purpose in a scientific way and a pratical way
cheers to the person who came up with these titles
yeah. even half-life, imo, has a dual meaning. it refers to both radioactive half-life and the undead half-life of the headcrab zombies.

maybe i'm reading too much into this, but i don't think so.
what is the meaning of Halflife squared (halflife2's name i think)

IM sure in science squaring the halflife has some meaning.
Well, since a half-life is the time it takes for a radioactive moleule to lose half its mass, then a half-life squared would be the half-life of a radioactive molecule that loses mass at an exponential rate.
Maybe some sort of uber-radioactive element the Combine use? Something that powers the Manipulator? My guesses are as good (or bad) as anyone else's. Any other ideas?
YOu guys are really really stupid.The people who named these games WERE NOT thinking about the scientific meanings.They just named it because it made sence.

blue shift is referring to barneys SHIFT at work.
I think 'bout it, Opposing Force 2 would be a bad name, 'cause it'll have to known as OP42
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom
YOu guys are really really stupid.The people who named these games WERE NOT thinking about the scientific meanings.They just named it because it made sence.

or, the person or persons(mainly Marc Laidlaw) behind the Half Life story are deeper thinkers than ur giving them credit for..

i don't think its a coincidence that there seems to be two meanings for HL, Opposing Force and Blueshift.. it was meant to be that way for a reason.. if u think otherwise, then explain how each title has two meanings for it?
or, the person or persons(mainly Marc Laidlaw) behind the Half Life story are deeper thinkers than ur giving them credit for..

i don't think its a coincidence that there seems to be two meanings for HL, Opposing Force and Blueshift.. it was meant to be that way for a reason.. if u think otherwise, then explain how each title has two meanings for it? are you saying that this Marc person is .... un-human? Hmm.......Kinda like how THE BIBLE IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY REPENT NOW?....Hmm.....The scientific names mostly dont make any sence with what the game has.I mean,if you wanted to say Half life : QUEER BAG I would say its about gays.Not wierd things in a bag.Im sorry that made no sence but im really tired and my head hurts.
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom are you saying that this Marc person is .... un-human? Hmm.......Kinda like how THE BIBLE IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY REPENT NOW?....Hmm.....The scientific names mostly dont make any sence with what the game has.I mean,if you wanted to say Half life : QUEER BAG I would say its about gays.Not wierd things in a bag.Im sorry that made no sence but im really tired and my head hurts.

So its just a coincidence that they all have double meanings?

you sir are an idiot.
Perhaps some good expansion names could be:

Immovable object
Blue shifty
Half Life 2: Friction
Half Life 2: Specific Heat Capacity
Half Life 2: Brownian Motion
Half Life 2: Gravity
Half Life 2: Darwinism
Half Life 2: Natural Selection
Half Life 2: Evolution

I'm just being a bit silly.

But yeah, each of the names of the Expansions (and Half Life itself) do have double meanings. One Science, one not.
If you think Blueshift and Opposing Force were named without any thought to their scientific meanings, that's understandable, if dim. But how can you think "Half-life" didn't come from its scientific meaning? It's not exactly an everyday expression, nor does it really have anything to do with the game.

And what cop refers to his job as "blue shift"? Honestly.
Well seeing as how Gordon is a scientist in the game, the names have relevance. Half-Life has to do with Nuclear decay or some crap. Gordon works with some very volatile stuff(looked nuclear enough to me). The meanings fit.

A name I could see is something more to do with newton. Object in Motion? Ahh I have it.

Half-Life: Object in motion will remain in motion untill acted upon by an opposite and equal force

It's Brilliant!

Half-Life: Opposite Reaction

Half-Life: Equal Reaction

Half-Life: Constant Velocity

Good night.. 4AM here...
I can't believe anyone would think that they named Half-Life and it's expansion packs what they did because it was just a description of the game. They clearly have two meanings, one scientific and one that isn't. Like all the chapters in Half_life.
Now that you mention it, the chapter names DO have a dual meaning. I never picked up on that, but it could just be because I haven't played HL SP in about a year and a half. And here's a pre-emptive explanation for all the idiots out there who think that this isn't true because they made the first argument about it:
The chapter name I remember most is Surface Tension. This refers to two things: 1) the property of surface tension in liquids (not really anything to do with the game, but thats what it means), and 2) the fact that there is a lot of tension on the surface of Black Mesa because of what's happened and what's going on. Discuss.
Half Life 2: Combinations

Haha, I just thought of combines and then I came up with that...
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom are you saying that this Marc person is .... un-human?

this "Marc" person happens to be the storywriter for the Half Life series.. just so u know that i didn't make him up or something..

Originally posted by crabcakes66
So its just a coincidence that they all have double meanings?

you sir are an idiot.

well...thanks for beating me to the punchline.. :rolling: :p
Originally posted by subs
what is the meaning of Halflife squared (halflife2's name i think)

IM sure in science squaring the halflife has some meaning.

the only thing i know about hlsquared is that it is the solution to the calculus problem at the end of the 600 meg vid
alot of things have more than one meaning.

what would the scientific meanings of opposing force and blue shift have to do with half-life?nothing.they dont.sure they may be scientific but think about it.just because they have scientific meanings doesnt mean it affects anything at all.