Add the ability to delete your own posts

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Yea, thats what i'm trying right now

var a = document.body.innerHTML; //this sets a as the whole html
var b = a.replace('oldurl', 'newurl'); //this sets b as the whole html with the old url replaced by the new url

Except everytime i try to have it replace the original html with b it ends up looping :|


EDIT: Yeah, it works... but it made everything past my post disappear because it doesn't seem to be finishing the script and moving on. Crap.
EDIT: Whoah that's ****ed up. :D

OCybermanO said:
It's just accessing the image through the array of all of the images on the page by the order in which they're listed, then redirecting it to a different source.

Woo, I guessed right before I saw this post. Nice banner. But you know, someone already did it from the inside. :D
AHHHH! PG #10 is ****ED AHHHHH!

Well, that was unexpected. *edits*

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Fool dont do that again<script>document.getElementById('post1688421').innerHTML="";</script>
<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1687837').innerHTML="I'm such a damn newb >&lt;";</script><script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688246').innerHTML="Sparks &gt;15357 ";</script>

Dont do that again!
<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688241').innerHTML="I'm such a damn newb >&lt;";</script>
<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688241').innerHTML="sparks is the best! >&lt;";</script>
<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688241').innerHTML="I'm such a damn newb >&lt;";</script>
This is not working!!!<script>document.getElementById('post1688241').innerHTML="";</script><script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688241').innerHTML="Sparks &gt;15357 ";</script>

This is not good!!<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688421').innerHTML="I'm such a damn newb >&lt;";</script><script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688421').innerHTML="Sparks &gt;15357 ";</script>
Crap, i thought i was getting good at this!</script><script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688424').innerHTML="Sparks &gt;15357 ";</script><script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688421').innerHTML="I'm such a damn newb >&lt;";</script>
NEVER!!!<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688241').innerHTML="I'm such a damn newb >&lt;";</script><script>document.getElementById('post_message_1687811').innerHTML="Sparks &gt;15357 ";</script>
This is not working i think the whole page has conked it!<script>document.getElementById('p=1688315&posted=1#post1688315').innerHTML="";</script>
<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688241').innerHTML="I'm such a damn n00b!! >&lt;";</script>
OCybrManO said:
Come on, page 13! Yeah!

Thank god!!!
OCybrManO said:
OK, now...don't screw it up.

I did fix it, edited it, ****ed it again.

All i changed was:




I think?
Testing... BINGO!

function replaceContent(){
var replaceArray = ['OLD_URL_1','OLD_URL_2'];
var replaceWithArray = ['NEW_URL_1','NEW_URL_2'];
var theHTML = document.body.innerHTML;
for(var no=0;no<replaceArray.length;no++){
var regExp = new RegExp(replaceArray[no],"gi");
theHTML = theHTML.replace(regExp,replaceWithArray[no]);
document.body.innerHTML = theHTML;
window.onload = replaceContent;
It replaces every instance of those URLs on the page... including the ones in the script... but it doesn't matter because it's through with them by that point, anyway.

EDIT: Well, shit... it causes an error in which the forum thinks everything the next person tries to post is too short. :(
<marquee SCROLLDELAY=0 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF onmouseover="BGCOLOR=#000000">I SUCK PENOR LOLLERL</marquee>
<TEXTAREA NAME=txtMouseTrack onmouseover="this.value='GET THE **** AWAY FROM ME'" onmouseout="this.value=''"></TEXTAREA>
EDIT : Ok changed my silly phrase with a marquee ;)
EDIT2 : When viewing page 9 FF crashes while hogging 500 MB of RAM :|
OCybrManO said:
It replaces every instance of those URLs on the page... including the
ones in the script... but it doesn't matter because it's through with
them by that point, anyway.
I like! I had to read it a few times to understand what i could. You basically copied the whole image from imageshack, edited it, uploaded it back, then replaced the main URL that the page looks for with that script. The new image. Genius!

/me wonders if a new thread is made with the script hidden in the title, it would alter the main page:LOL:
OCybrManO said:
<TEXTAREA NAME=txtMouseTrack onmouseover="this.value='OMGSECRETNAZISYBMOL'" onmouseout="this.value=''"></TEXTAREA>

I love FF Adblock :p
I know you are!<script>document.getElementById('post_message_1688393').innerHTML="I'm such a damn N00B >&lt;";</script>
IFRAME works :O

<IFRAME src= border=0 width=680 height=480>ohnoes no frames D:</IFRAME>
Hey, guess what? If we wanted crappy music and annoying scripts, we'd ask for them. Any further transgressions will be immediately deleted.
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