Addictive little game

I used to play curveball all the time in high school during my Flash MX class. I'm rusty, but I made it to lvl 8 25120pts. It's either lvl 8 or 9 that's just impossible, the computer player never misses.

EDIT: Damn! 28380 on lvl 8. I got him down to his last life. Must be lvl 9 that's impossible.

EDIT2: 30850 lvl 9 :( Can't get a single one past him.
Oh! Sorry. In my sleep deprived state I must not have seen the 'sore' part. LOL. I was looking at something that by all appearances to me said just 'arm'.
: old :

Very old.

I was never fooled by it :)

But these have gotten me before. It was a dead giveaway because the game was so buggy, and poorly made.