Adding a skin...


Dec 29, 2004
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Would it be possible for you to add, say, another skin to the existing models like the citizens? (I just want to make a new character which uses the same template model as the rebels but a different skin, so I can select it in Hammer) Anybody? :O
its quite possible i havent had the pleasure of toucing the sdk but all u need is the vtf exporter or something an smd exporter and photoshop ..
I do have the SDK but have no idea how to add a skin, let alone a model :p Somebody?
what are you asking, how to edit the existing skins of the civilians ?
How to add a NEW SKIN to the existing civilian models. (not modify the existing skins, mind) :D
well when youre adding a new skin you use the unwrap templates from the exsisting ones. So you basicly edit the current skin with your totaly new one. This way you just backup the old BMP or whatever and replace it with your own.
Are there any tutorials that show how to get do it?

I can get the uv maps for alyx out to tga format, and can convert them back to vtf but have no idea how to get them back into the gcf, if thats even what I have to do?
Yes, REPLACING a skin I can do (and already did) but CREATING a new one is a pain in the butt since I have no idea how to do it. :(
I believe that the model has to be compiled with settings for multiple textures.
Ok, I think it has something to do with the .qc file you used to compile it, I'm working on a solution right now....