Adding Jeep on HL2DM servers


Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
ok so i've been mucking around as a server admin for a few weeks now - i've added in npc baddies and stuff and it's all been good (apart from a few bugs but i've minimised them)..
now I thought it might be cool every now and again to add the buggy into a map. If i run my own local server it's easy, works fine.. doing it on the server i have rcon access to doesn't work - it just doesn't appear... anyone got any tips?
I've seen it done before...have you ever played the map sdk_vehicles?

But the thing is it's buggy and laggy as hell, for some strange reason you can only use secondary fire on the tau cannon and theres no player model in the buggy itself so you have to guess the location of the invisible character.
maybe it's like the combinegunship and can only be spawned on certain surfaces... will have to give that a go.
First off, are you running from a dedicated server? If yes, the vehicles don't work. (Dunno why)
ok well that's basically what i was trying to figure out..

i can get it working if i host my own local server, but not with a server i have rcon access to.. oh well :(
Vehicles would be fun, if you ever played de_jeepathon2k you know exactly what I am talking about.
if you're asking me it's the server - runs lots of custom maps
dm_WackyRaces is a pretty cool map with cars on it and roads with ramps all over =)