adding my own music


Nov 17, 2004
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how do i add custom music tracks to my map?

cheers :afro:
If you're mapping for HL2...

1. Create your mp3 and put it in your half-life 2/hl2/sound/YOUROWNSOUNDFOLDER/ (I suggest naming the folder something to do with your map)

2. Create an ambient_generic entity in your map and browse to your music file. Fiddle with the settings.

In the future, search for some tutorials. There are quite a few on this subject.
In hammer (In your entity) use YOUROWNSOUNDFOLDER/yournamesound.mp3/wav

This goes for both HL2 and CSS, though they go in their seperate mod folders ;).
arrghhh that doesnt work, i put a custom track into halflife2/hl2/sound/MYSOUNDFOLDER and i cant find it in the sound list, and what the hell does open source do anyway
at least in hl1 and cs 1.6 the sound needs to be 8 bits mono in the .wav format many rules aply from hl1 to hl2
Marfry said:
at least in hl1 and cs 1.6 the sound needs to be 8 bits mono in the .wav format many rules aply from hl1 to hl2

no i mean i cant even find it, ive made my own folder blah blah blah but thetracks just NOT THERE
you mean its lost eaven to winows explorer if not its just that it don't suport the file type
If you're talking about a dropdownlist in an env_soundscape, you're not in the right place (Use an ambient_generic).

If you're using an ambient_generic, just enter the path (Sounds/ is your root folder, so any folder under Sound until your sound is located should be included). So if you have your sound called mysound.mp3 in your mycataloge it'd look like this in your ambient_generic;

Good luck.