Adrenaline Gamer


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
6 Let me first just say, thanks for granting me this
interview, I’ve had a personal interest in this mod for a long time. This is
something I’m keen to ask: Is this just Adrenaline Gamer: Source?
Precizion: No. Something we have been keen to state from the start
is that AG2 will be a new game with new things to learn. None of the design
team really have any interest in just remaking AG with better graphics. After
all, some of us have been playing that game for around six years now, and it
really is time for something different.[br]
We will take advantage of some of the great features AG had to offer though,
such as the comprehensive set of match options which will be used and improved
upon in AG2. Would you say you’re happy with Valve’s take on
Precizion: Even though I am not that keen on it myself, I would say
such games certainly have their place. They can be especially good for anyone
who is just looking for a quick bit of fun and who is not that interested
expending all that much effort on it. However if a player is looking for
something with a bit more to it, HL2DM does fall quite a bit short in many
areas. Hopefully AG2 will be able to satisfy those gamers though. Will AG2 be to HL2 DM what AG was to HL DM i.e. more
speed, voting system, more user control over servers. Or will it be closer to
the old-school HL DM?
Precizion: In some ways yes, as it will certainly be faster and have
many features that cater to the more competitive gamers. But in other ways no,
as AG2 will not just be a match mod like the first AG was. Instead it will be
a game that, whilst taking its base from HL2, will be designed almost from the
ground up. We will be looking at every aspect of the gameplay and changing
whatever is needed to make the game as fun and rewarding as possible.[br]
For more information on just what we hope to achieve, please check out the
about page
on our website. What led to the removal of wall-gaussing from AG2?
Precizion: A lot of reasons. But as it would take quite a while to
go through them all, I will instead just say that, having looked at many
different factors, a decision was made that the game and scene would benefit
overall from its removal. How do you propose to get new people interested in AG2?
Precizion: Mainly through a lot of good PR work and word of mouth
from the players. There are a lot of players out there who probably started
out their FPS careers with games such as CS and who have never really played a
deathmatch game properly. It would be great to get some of those to try the
mod. The problem though is not so much getting them to play the game, it is
getting them to stay. Like I mentioned in a previous answer, having new
players come up against those who have years of experience over them is not
the best situation to have. There is only so much a player can take of being
totally outplayed before they begin to get a bit tired of it. And that really
is a shame, because there is so much depth and richness of gameplay in
deathmatch games which only becomes apparent after many months of playing. Would you say you are aiming to get AG2 included in
pro-gaming tourneys?
Precizion: Well AG2 certainly caters to the more competitive players
and should have the depth needed to be used in such tournaments, but I would
not say it is really an aim.[br]
The thing about pro-gaming is that, even though it offers benefits to the
game/scene used (increased publicity and perhaps an influx of new players), it
does also tend to do a bit of damage as well (player's attitudes for one). If
such a thing were to come about though, I expect we would most likely help it
along. We will just have to wait and see. How many maps do you plan on releasing with AG2?
Precizion: That is a hard question to answer at the moment. All I
can really say is we will try to get as many maps as possible in to the first
release so that players have plenty of variety. Will there be any remakes or will they be all new?
Precizion: We are trying to stay away from remakes, especially of
the more popular maps. You may see one of two updated levels from some of our
mapper's back catalogues, but only if they are not that well known and can be
adapted to play well. We really want AG2 to be as fresh as possible. I recall you’ve said before the long jump module will
return, but, in what form?
Precizion: This is something we have given a lot of thought to,
especially since it is not present in HL2. We do have a couple of ideas for
different types of long jump (neither of which are the same as they were in
the first game), but whether they will be used or not has yet to be decided.
One of the reasons for this is that, due to the increased speed and a couple
of new moves, it may not be even needed. I think though that this will be
something that will be decided once we begin proper play testing. We may even
bring in some outside players for a closed beta and give them a chance to have
their say after testing it. Can you give any juicy details about the proposed new
movement tricks planned?
Precizion: Not right now. Perhaps once we get closer to completion
and move into beta testing we will release more information on them, but not
before. All I will say is that they should help to make the game a lot more