Adrian Shepard



Who else is awaiting the triumphant return of Shepard? I never finished Opposing Force personally (i got 3/4 and had to format) but i still wonder what happened to poor old Shepard. What happens to the guy? Is he dead? Is he in the resistance? Is he combine? So many questions.

I think the G-Man is satan, what a twist eh? Explains all the perculiar mannerisms and mysterious time manipulation though.
Adrian Shephard is only detained. In the end G-man shelve him.
I suppose he will back in some expansion (mayby from 7 hour war).
Adrian is my favourite HL hero. And G-man is not devil, I think he is some powerfull anti-Combine agent.
Polaris said:
I think he is some powerfull anti-Combine agent.

I agree with you there. That's the theory that best fits all the available evidence at this point.
I think Adrian will be most likely in an expansion of City 17, signed up for Combine Overwatch. Barney can be in the 7 Hour War.
I think Adrian is still in stasis. The only reason he was kept alive is because of the g-man and his employers have no intention of letting him out.
A 7-hour was expantion would suck ass as the humans were completely owned.
shepard is not going to be in an expansion, give it a rest. I dont think barney will either. it will prolly be alyx and civ #135667 who joins the metrocops
rpgprog said:
shepard is not going to be in an expansion, give it a rest. I dont think barney will either. it will prolly be alyx and civ #135667 who joins the metrocops
actually, it seems rather likely that shepard would be...
y, i mean shepard is gearbox's property. VALVe could buy it, but why would it when it could much cheaperly make it a random civ
rpgprog said:
y, i mean shepard is gearbox's property. VALVe could buy it, but why would it when it could much cheaperly make it a random civ
Shepard is a key part of the story and everyone is eagerly awaiting happens to him. It would make sense, too, since the G-man shelved him after OpFor...
Ennui said:
Shepard is a key part of the story and everyone is eagerly awaiting happens to him. It would make sense, too, since the G-man shelved him after OpFor...

He's a key part of the story? :S
I really think Valve has decided to shelve the entire OpFor episode.

Race X, the destruction of BMRF, Adrian Shepard -- I don't think Valve will be acknowledging the existence of any of these things within the HL universe. They are the equivalent of the expanded universe in Star Wars lore, nice for the fans, but not written by Laidlaw and thus not part of the cannon.
Ennui said:
Shepard is a key part of the story and everyone is eagerly awaiting happens to him. It would make sense, too, since the G-man shelved him after OpFor...

Actually, Marc Laidlaw has said OpFor isn't canon :(.
DeusExMachinia said:
Actually, Marc Laidlaw has said OpFor isn't canon :(.

Where did he say that? I would have thought that he approved the storylines for both official expansion packs to Half-Life. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Ya have to wait for Barney to open the case, too.
Well, Gman put him on stasis just like wat he did to Gordon. Hmm... its only a miracle now if we'll be able to see a Opposinf 4ce expansion for HL2
Maybe G-man saved him for a rainy day? Gordon might die one day, at least he has a backup.
To clear things up, ladilaw said op for is cannon but has no effect whatsoever on the storyline.
FireCrack said:
To clear things up, ladilaw said op for is cannon but has no effect whatsoever on the storyline.

I see. I wonder if that will change. If Shepherd turns out to be popular enough, Valve will likely bring him back in some way just to make money. I hope at some point that they provide a little closer about his fate.
At said Gabe Newell this:

Halfrules: We've had a lot of people telling us to ask you this, so... will we ever play as Shephard again?

Gabe Newell: We get these requests as well.
Originally I was against bringing Shepard back, but I don't see why Gearbox couldn't resurrect him, seeing as he was put in stasis by the G-Man. They can make it to where he has no affect on the storyline. I liked the idea of playing as him in the 7 hours war.

I can see the opening scene now:

*G-Man fades in talking to Shepard like he did with Gordon in the beginning of HL2.*

"On your feet, Corporal. It seems as though our old foes have begun somewhat of an invasion. Let's just say... your services are required once again."

Then Shepard is transported into the middle of a raging battle in some city street with Striders, Combine Soldiers, Synths and all of the Combine forces laying waste as the invasion begins.
FireCrack said:
To clear things up, ladilaw said op for is cannon but has no effect whatsoever on the storyline.
I really don't see what reason Shepherd has to return. If he was such a fantastic, undefeatable killing machine why not just let him loose during the 7-hour war?
I really couldn't care less if he returns or not.

The Alyx expansion will be fantstic. That's what we should be waiting for.
How can people actualy want to play the 7-hour war, synth after synth. The humans were f*cking pwned so hard!
Yeah! The bleakness and futility of it all is half the appeal, as far as I'm concerned!
You know all the way through how the story ends, yet you keep on going because you have to.
Plus, it could all be done in proper real-time - from just before the invasion to just after the surrender - which would be quite cool.

Isn't there a 7-Hour War mod in progress though?
I used to be very opposed to the idea of fighting in the 7-hour War. However the more I think about it... the idea of fighting lots of Synths (aliens and monsters if you will) would be a nice change from blasting wave after wave of Combine Soldiers.

As I said: I want closure to Shepherd's fate. Either bring him back and kill him off at the end... (some people here would love that it seems) or set him free at the end. Most likely though that if he gains more popularity that Valve would want to keep him around.

I wouldn't mind brining him back as an NPC either. He doesn't speak in the game... but it's safe to assume that if he can communicate through that radio at the beggining that he did speak in-game. (of-course, Gordon probably does too) However, it's important to remember that even if we don't have voiced lines... we do have his diary entries in the Opposing Force Manual. Even that is far more characterization than Freeman, so making him an NPC somewhere in the Half-Life universe isn't too farfetched.
Langolier said:
I used to be very opposed to the idea of fighting in the 7-hour War. However the more I think about it... the idea of fighting lots of Synths (aliens and monsters if you will) would be a nice change from blasting wave after wave of Combine Soldiers.

We don't know how does Synths attack. What if it's worse than the Combine?
Samon said:
Hopefully, he wont be returning.

You're mean. ;(

I don't really care if we play as Shepherd or not, I just want closure to what happened to him. It's annoying just leaving him in Stasis...
Qwert93 said:
We don't know how does Synths attack. What if it's worse than the Combine?
Dropships, gunships, striders and sheild scanners are synths aswell

Crab synths have a machinegun and charge you and mortar synths shoot an energy cannon at you I think.
They toss in Creamators too... I wonder what those would be like?

Also, they could add in lots of "new" Synths.
Langolier said:
You're mean. ;(

I don't really care if we play as Shepherd or not, I just want closure to what happened to him. It's annoying just leaving him in Stasis...

Haha, thats because i despise Shepard ;)
Polaris said:
Why? You are some pacific anti-military intellectual?
Adrian rocks !

Nope. I just hate Shepard, the term *shepard* sends shivers down my spine. I think its because I - just don't like him, I mean people love him. For what reason? He did sweet f all, he has no personality like Gordon, yet people want to play as!

Samon said:
Nope. I just hate Shepard, the term *shepard* sends shivers down my spine. I think its because I - just don't like him, I mean people love him. For what reason? He did sweet f all, he has no personality like Gordon, yet people want to play as!

He is typical young brave soldier - ideal hero. And he is a little mysterious. But I prefer Gordon too - he is mayby more inteligent, charismatic and interesting person.
Shephard will come around. Shephard's point of view in the incident wasn't for nothing, it even adds intrigue to the soldiers sent there. Apparently in the HL series the G-Man has an eccentric habit of keeping those who adapt and survive for future use, except for Calhoun who escaped with Rosenberg.
Do you think g-man will try to recruit Barney again before the citadel falls on him?
If shephard doesn't get a sequel, I'm gonna start an op4 2 mod.
Or, at least, a race-x mod. :p

Why is shephard cool? He got the the best weapons, the coolest armour and night vision goggles. 'Nuff said.