Adrian Shephard reborn


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
I would love to see Shephard back in the hl universe
the perfect storyline already is there
shephard is reassigned to defending the outer perimeters of cities and patrols in the headcrab and antlion infested zones carrying out search and rescue missions etc.
the combine rise in all the major metropolitan centres leading to the huge showdown between the US and the combine
Shephard is sent into battle in the 7 hour war witnessing the clash of military technology in urban and rural environments culminating in the nuclear destruction of US cities by the government in a desperate last ditch attempt to destroy the combine
shephard is then (a) taken by the gman or (b) continues the war underground in europe in tandem with freemans rebellion

gameplay possibilities are awesome on a par with battlefield 2 but potentially on a bigger scale with incredible weapons and vehicles
the gamer would pit the current US arsenal against the prototypes embraced by the combine
team-based warfare on a huge scale
story-telling possibilities filling in the years between hl1 and hl2 and also who knew what, betrayed whom, collaborated with the combine

with the graphical and technological oomph of source a project like this could potentially rival hl2 :thumbs:
I'd like to see him as a CP cop.

The whole thing starts off as him being driven from the Citadel to investigate resistance attacks at one of the checkpoints. You're initially given a pistol and attack a couple resistance fighters but end up getting blindsided by Dog throwing the APC you were brought there in and are knocked unconscious.

Instead of killing you, they capture you and start interrogations. About half way through the Combine soldiers raid the place you were being held captive and try to kill you since it was possible that the resistance fighters could have turned your alliance.

This would also give them a reason to sllow APC's and Helicopters to be pilotable.
Gearbox arnt bad. They did a good job with opforce.
JHD536 said:
I'd like to see him as a CP cop.

The whole thing starts off as him being driven from the Citadel to investigate resistance attacks at one of the checkpoints.QUOTE]

somehow I dont think the g-man would release shepard so he could do the combines bidding seeing as though both shepard , like gordon work for g-man in a fight against the combine.

if the possibility that he was to come back as a combine in some kind of role, i am sure he would infiltrate and destroy combine in some way.

also , how is he supposed to participate the the 7 hour war?

seeing as though at end of opp-force he is taken out of the world. at this time the seven hour war actually starts to begin.

u people have failed to notice that a thread about this has already been posted. why dont u read it
Raziel-Jcd said:
Gearbox arnt bad. They did a good job with opforce.

can i quote you on the quote i just quoted ?

:) urm no they didnt. op force was a bit poo
Meh, I think Shephard could be sent into action after Gordon is done right now...

Cleaning up the Combine in another one of the cities.
Kangy said:
Meh, I think Shephard could be sent into action after Gordon is done right now...

Cleaning up the Combine in another one of the cities.

thats a key idea.
shepherd could fight the 7 hour war and it would be very cool and then the rebellion in tandem with gordon
a certain amount of time - possibly a decade -passed between Black Mesa and the rise of the Combine
remember that HL3 is coming
any expansions have to take into account that hl3 will take place on earth for gameplay reasons and against an even more powerful combine
placing shephard in storyline limbo is not a good idea
like with hl1 blueshift and opfor took parts of the hl story that were touched on and expanded them
by putting shephard in the known story universe you reinforce the story of hl2 and do not create awkward storyline problems what would happen if the story of opfor 2 and hl3 clashed
answer= part of the hl universe would be destroyed
john3571000 said:
shepherd could fight the 7 hour war and it would be very cool and then the rebellion in tandem with gordon
a certain amount of time - possibly a decade -passed between Black Mesa and the rise of the Combine
remember that HL3 is coming
any expansions have to take into account that hl3 will take place on earth for gameplay reasons and against an even more powerful combine
placing shephard in storyline limbo is not a good idea
like with hl1 blueshift and opfor took parts of the hl story that were touched on and expanded them
by putting shephard in the known story universe you reinforce the story of hl2 and do not create awkward storyline problems what would happen if the story of opfor 2 and hl3 clashed
answer= part of the hl universe would be destroyed

complete, utter, total rubbish.

u are the people misunderstanding here, didnt u read the other threads?

how can he (shepard) fight in a 7 our war in which earth looses any way. what is he going to do fight a loosing battle and then die?? u idiots obviously have no clue about what this game was originally built on

and for "expanding material" as u gladly termed it. opp-force happened mostly after freeman had exited to the border world. shepard was in an area of the story we did not see with gordon.
he remaind in black mesa until its destruction. which was a part of the story that never had to be relevant to freeman, or "tie in"at all .

u my friend havnt got a clue
moggy said:
yes i can, look again

thank you for such a useless post
Capitalize the first word in the sentence. Capitalize "I" put a comma after "again" and put a period after "post".

No you can't spell and yes you are being an asshole.
Halflife: CP edition! Plot:
Walk down a street.
Stand there a bit.
Say something mean.
Use the radio for a second.
Stand still.
Look about.
Stare at a citizen.
Hit a citizen.
OMG ITS FREEMAN- AIM THE GUN AIM IT!1!111 OHNOEEE!! *Is killed by a blast of automatic gunfire*

moggy said:
complete, utter, total rubbish.

u are the people misunderstanding here, didnt u read the other threads?

how can he (shepard) fight in a 7 our war in which earth looses any way. what is he going to do fight a loosing battle and then die?? u idiots obviously have no clue about what this game was originally built on

and for "expanding material" as u gladly termed it. opp-force happened mostly after freeman had exited to the border world. shepard was in an area of the story we did not see with gordon.
he remaind in black mesa until its destruction. which was a part of the story that never had to be relevant to freeman, or "tie in"at all .

u my friend havnt got a clue

You don't have to win the 7 hour war, remember what he said, he's taken into captivity or what not and then fights again somehwere else.
Considering there's an entire game being based on the 7-hour war, we're not going to see any of it in an expansion, aside from mentionings of it.
I can imagine, in the 7 hour war, earth's most advanced armies coming out... in gear remarkably similar to an overwatch soldier
so while you're fighting mostly synths and xen grunts (hivehand!@), by the end you're seeing humans who have joined the combine cause... and brought human technology with them

or something