Advanced Mode Walkthrough?


Sep 4, 2004
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I finished Portal in like a few hours, and it was fantastic.
Although, Im stuck at the very last map in the advanced mode, level 18.
Has anyone completed this? I've been spending 3 hours in there and I CANT finish it. It's not like it's hard to make jumps or fast portalswitches or something, it just that there is NOTHING you can do after a certain while.

Anyone fancy to tell me? =)
The whole purpose of a puzzle game is to figure out the puzzle... just try to go about it from another "angle".
I finished Portal in like a few hours, and it was fantastic.
Although, Im stuck at the very last map in the advanced mode, level 18.
Has anyone completed this? I've been spending 3 hours in there and I CANT finish it. It's not like it's hard to make jumps or fast portalswitches or something, it just that there is NOTHING you can do after a certain while.

Anyone fancy to tell me? =)

When they make you unable to use portals on the ceiling you just have to use the floor.

Since the only thing i reckon you talk about(as i had absolutely no problems from there on) is the first part where you have to get over a gap and then get to a raised floor over a gap of goo.

In that case you have to hit with a portal on the floor while still flying from the first portal puzzle.

If you're at the turrets though you have to use the angled wall before it goes back to jump over to the wall.
I've done it too. I recorded playing the whole level on a demo, but the demos don't really work too well in portal. I could post it though, tell me if you're interested. Or maybe other people to see if they have done it differently, cause I used some nasty tricks :p
I don't think we're talking about the same map..
It's the last one in advanced mode. You start out by jumping over a lake of nuclear waste. Then you have a hole in the wall to the left with debris inside, nothing useful as it seems. Then to the right, you have a cliff with a wall where you can put portals, however, to get above that cliff/wall, you have to telport into something building up speed, and thats just not possible..

wait a bit.. i will try to make a video or take some pictures..

haha nevermind.. I just solved it :D:D omg that wasnt expected.. had to become a ninja to go further.. now there are new things.. with turrets :

I made a vid anyway to show you what i meant:
I think there's a few ways to do this level, I got up that cliff ok, but was stuck on that platform above it for awhile until I came up with a solution. Then later with the turrets, my solution was probably pretty unorthodox and most likely not the "right" solution. I'd really like to see what people came up with.
This one had me for about an hour, the first part with the fling to platform 2 was not too hard (but I die a lot going back for the radio), Then moving to the raised platform 3 was a mind game till I noted the small ledge below the raised platform 3. This trained me for the turret room, having done the timed fling before that was easy, the test was getting to the button as you can't kill the Turrets (The moving platform is cake, and cake is a lie). What I did was to run to the left to the corner (below the energy ball button) place a B portal there and a O portal half way across the gap (behind the Turrets) to get angle to fire a O portal into the button area (this shoot takes time to travel so you have time to back out to the B portal side). And (after the double fling) once I'm too the box I drop down too the lower floor trying to avoid the turret fire and portal back to where I place the first B portal.
I don't think we're talking about the same map..
It's the last one in advanced mode. You start out by jumping over a lake of nuclear waste. Then you have a hole in the wall to the left with debris inside, nothing useful as it seems. Then to the right, you have a cliff with a wall where you can put portals, however, to get above that cliff/wall, you have to telport into something building up speed, and thats just not possible..

wait a bit.. i will try to make a video or take some pictures..

haha nevermind.. I just solved it :D:D omg that wasnt expected.. had to become a ninja to go further.. now there are new things.. with turrets :

I made a vid anyway to show you what i meant:

I made a vid of the solution anyway.

I made a vid of the solution anyway.


Aye. After that, what I did was shoot an exit on the very right of the far wall you can see, (edit: there's a small block sticking out you can land on).

Then I peaked through to have a look around. I then ran forward, shot an exit on the platform you can see to your right, quickly turned and shot an entrance on the wall to the left as I was falling and slid into it.

From there, I think it's a standard fling to get to the big area with the 4 turrets, cube, platform, and switch which opens the wall to an angled platform (and opens your exit).

This section required some /awesome/ flings.

First the turret closest to you on your right.

You can do a momentum fling from the wall on your left, but make sure you jump as you first go through otherwise you will fall short. When you (finally) land on the turret platform, quickly pick it up and throw it, then immediately shoot an portal in front of you and get out the way - the other turrets will kill you quickly.

Now the far turret of the two to your left.

Shoot a portal as high up as you can on the left wall, lined up with the turret. You can just jump through this to land on the platform and throw the turret into the water.

So you're now standing on the far left turrent platform (as if you were looking from the entrance.) Shoot a portal on the square area of ground below you. Now shoot a portal on the left wall (again, as if you were looking from the entrance), pretty much level with the sentry. Do a momentum jump through the portal on the square ground area, and hopefully land on the turrent platform. Knock it over.

The last one is simple enough and the rest is a piece of...cake?

Hmm, I guess someone should make a video.
I used a camera to take out the gun on the closest right. Then I jumped to the far left one from high up on the wall. Fling myself behind the close left one then finally took out the far right one. Was pretty weird doing it but in the long run it worked.

I bet Brick has some crazy thing that makes it look 10 times easier.