Advanced Wars Duel Strike appreciation/rant thread


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, this game is just so badass. A great purchase. But I'm having such a problem with it! Maybe it's the fact that I'm really no good at these types of games, because I can't think ahead enough, much like the reason I suck at chess and such. But I'm stuck on mission 20, with the giant black cannon/crystal in the middle, and gotta capture the missile towers to blow up the sat up in the sky. ACK. I can't beat it :(

But even though I suck at it, still an awesome game.
Rush. Rush. Rush rush rush.

If you're playing the map I think you are, Orange needs to turtle really effectively to wipe out as many units as possible so they don't touch the missile silo. Yellow needs to rush as fast as possible i believe. Green needs to just rove around and wipe out stuff.

I'll remember it better when I get the game back from my cousin, whom I lent it to.
Why does everyone like this game?

Everyone loves it and recommends it, so I went out and bought it, and it's shit. Turn based bullshit, that is. I hate all of you! :|
No, see, you suck for not loving Turn-based. What were you expecting? C&C3 on a DS? D:
Why does everyone like this game?

Everyone loves it and recommends it, so I went out and bought it, and it's shit. Turn based bullshit, that is. I hate all of you! :|

It's good to play with friends on long road trips when you only have one DS.

That's the only time I ever used it.
Well, see, when I go on long road trips I bring my PSP and play Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Battlefront, Loco Roco, and what-not. DS is good for times when your waiting a short time (like when I'm getting ready to leave for those road trips, and I have like an hour left, I'll play DS, but when I'm on the road I play PSP).

I'm too angry of a person to play turn-based anymore, when I was a kid I'd wait forever for the computer to make a turn, no worries.. Now when I make a turn, I swear and get pissed waiting for either the computer to make up it's mind, or wait for the animations to finish.. It just pisses me off.. Why the hell does all this crap take so long?! I can't even play Pokemon for Gameboy anymore because of this.. Plus I broke my Gameboy.. I got pissed at Pokemon Red and smashed it.. I also broke controllers on consoles the same way. Strangely this problem never occurs on PC..
Then you need to buy some different games for the DS.
Or, you know, turn off the animations.
AW: DS was an awesome game. Freaking. Awesome. It was so fun.. the later missions got so damn hard, though.
I usually just make up scenarios or play versus mode.
Played the original AW on my GBA, one of the few turn-based games that I like.

Never got a DS though and I never will.
The AW games make me feel like ripping my hair out. I love them, I just suck really bad at it. Probably the only game that made me really angry.