Advertisements in Video Games


Feb 3, 2005
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What do you think about Advertisements in Video Games?

Sucks right?

Well what if they could lower the price of the game? That advertiser would pay the pretty good to have their name or product shown on a video game.

My opinion:
If you can lower the cost of video game software by a significant amount, then hell yeah. Put the adds in!

Microsoft is considering doing it, in an effort to keep prices down

I wouldn't care if I was playing a driving game and i pass a sign that says "coca-cola" for example. THey have been doing that for years.

As long as they don't have ****ing pop-ups. ****!
as long as the ads are textured properly. All the in-game ads that I've ever seen have been out of place jpegs just plasted wherever.
No, i guess its okay if it fits. I mean so there is no huge EA Games sign in a game that takes place in 1944 :>
Garfield_ said:
No, i guess its okay if it fits. I mean so there is no huge EA Games sign in a game that takes place in 1944 :>
Thats true, great points. :laugh:

but what if there were adds in the game option menus and such. That would be something new. as long as it doesn't flash and tell me to click it and have misleading buttons and such .. like uhh. the Warning advertisement at the top of this page :P
I don't mind them if they're billboards in a mmorpg/fps city.
I just don't want things that get in the way, like stopscreens or pop-ups.
And as long as it doesn't intterupt gameplay...

Of course this could go horribly wrong. I remember a game... Raven Shield 4, I believe... the dev crew stuck a domain name in the game, on banners. A guy saw it, went to the website... and there wasn't one. So he bought it and filled it with porn links.
"You're not strong enough to beat the last boss! Here, drink this Pepsi Twist (tm)! The great refreshing taste of classic Pepsi with lemon!"

When such a scene occurs in a game, we shall have gone too far. Until then, I don't care too much.
VirusType2 said:
but what if there were adds in the game option menus and such. That would be something new
This would really suck
I reeaally doubt we'll be seeing prices go down as a result of advertising in games though
If it meant that it would allow developers to pull away from publishing houses and independantly market their products I'm all for it.

If it's merely something brokered by a publisher that ultimately leaves developers in the situation that they're currently in (bitches to their publishers forced to release products early and unfinished) then I say hell no.
bliink said:
as long as the ads are textured properly. All the in-game ads that I've ever seen have been out of place jpegs just plasted wherever.

lol jpegs
And and we could download new adverts via Xbox live! w00t. Least it'd add some change to the game :P

I wouldn't mind adverts, as long as they weren't pop-ups or disrupted gameplay... i couldnt care less.
I wouldn't mind advertisement in games, as long as its not specifically for one product, and its associated with the games time period (1970's, 1980's etc). The reason behind this is that games need a more natural look, and when we look at the real world, we don't just see advertisement for Red Bull littered everywhere and right in your face (*cough*Judge Dredd Game*Cough*)
Adverts are ok if they fit seamlessly into the game.
If I play fifa I wouldnt mind seeing the same kind of ads you'd see in a regular footie-field. Actually I would find it more annoying with lots of ads for ea and their games, since that looks out of place.

In futuristic games they could make the ads seem futuristic, even though they are for present-day commodities.

There is ingame advertising in fear btw. Not very inyourface, but I did notice it right away. I think it will become more normal, and when developers learn to integrate the ads into their games in a convincing way people will expect to see them in their games as in their newspapers/magazines.

Your next mission should you choose to accept it..blah blah blah...But before we can begin we need to prepare you, inside you will find a milk chocolatey snickers and a delicious refreshing coca cola classic. Good luck.
Ads like billboards, etc. in games like NFSU are fine... they fit right in!
Garfield_ said:
No, i guess its okay if it fits. I mean so there is no huge EA Games sign in a game that takes place in 1944 :>

didn't you know? EA Games was created by Bob Dole, whom invented the internet and the entire earth...
Eventually it'll get out of control and the charecters will be wearing KFC shirts in RPG's and all the shops will be Kmart and stuf, disraceful.
Well, i won't complain if they link in taste and i can drink real coke for my virtual dollars.

As in, I earn them by hacking at monsters all day virtual dollars.
theSteven said:
Eventually it'll get out of control and the charecters will be wearing KFC shirts in RPG's and all the shops will be Kmart and stuf, disraceful.
That reminds me of NFSU2, where there were about 4-5 Best Buys in the city.
Personally I support advertisment in MMORPGs to get rid of the monthly fees, even if they dont fit it. One could be able to chose between ads and a monthly fee for those who absolutly hate advertisment.
HunterSeeker said:
Personally I support advertisment in MMORPGs to get rid of the monthly fees, even if they dont fit it. One could be able to chose between ads and a monthly fee for those who absolutly hate advertisment.

HEY thats not a bad idea seeker!

Since a MMORPG is linked to the internet, it could constantly update with the latest adds. whoever pays the highest to addvertise their product

And another good idea about choosing to pay if you don't like adds!
As has been said, it's fine if they fit into the context of the game. Billboards, posters, advertising that would really be there - that's all lovely. It's when it goes further, like Sam Fisher chewing his gum, or if they put Sprite in WoW, where it gets ridiculous.
Oh, come on! Wouldn't you want to run those high level instances looking for your epic SEARS armor set... or your enchanted price-reducing Wal-Mart ring... or the EXTREME Mountain Dew potion? I, for one, welcome our new capitalistic overlords.
Hell no! I play singleplayer games to get away from advertisement.

I guess it's ok in MMO's as long as it's not too much (i.e. an NPC in Orgrimmar called Coke McVanilla who constantly /y's "Buy Coke! :D")
OCybermanO said:
Oh, come on! Wouldn't you want to run those high level instances looking for your epic SEARS armor set... or your enchanted price-reducing Wal-Mart ring... or the EXTREME Mountain Dew potion? I, for one, welcome our new capitalistic overlords.

Well...maybe I would.

I am weak. :(
Where's that penny-arcade with the battlefield and sprite?
Hahaha thats ****ing awesome Riom! thanks

ya that would ruin ! I would kill myself if games came to that

shoot me to win an Xbox360!

VirusType2 said:
What do you think about Advertisements in Video Games?

Sucks right?

Well what if they could lower the price of the game? That advertiser would pay the pretty good to have their name or product shown on a video game.

My opinion:
If you can lower the cost of video game software by a significant amount, then hell yeah. Put the adds in!

Microsoft is considering doing it, in an effort to keep prices down

I wouldn't care if I was playing a driving game and i pass a sign that says "coca-cola" for example. THey have been doing that for years.

As long as they don't have ****ing pop-ups. ****!
Actually in-game ads can add to the atmosphere of the game, IF done right. For example a game that has a player running through Time Square in NYC, having companies buy up the actual ad space in the game would be awesome- they're there in real life and it needs to be represented in the game, so they might as well get as much out of it and lower prices in the process. It's only bad when they appear in places out of context, seem intrusive, or just completely wrong out of place and innapropriate.
I am alright as long as they actually fit with the setting. Also if the ad is something like a Coke Vending machine then please let me be able to also destroy that vending machine.

I fear in games with settings older settings however that the only way they could fit the ad into the game would be to have them displayed on things like loading screens.