Afraid Of Overclocking


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hello IM afraid of overclocking currently my Radeon 9600 xt Sapphire 128 mb is at 499 MHz It says. I have 768 mb ram 2.0 GHz. When you say you can damage computer from overclocking what damages your computer from overclocking its the heat that does that right? How much can i over clock without hurting card. I want to overlock and make it run about 39 C when just sitting there right now it runs 37 C just sitting there. If i overclock keep it at about 40 c when just sitting there will i be fine?


Honestly, don't overclock. Nobody is forcing you to overclock. In fact, overclocking your video card does not provide massive performance gains. You will be lucky if you notice a 5% increase in framerates. That means a game that is running at 30 FPS, it will jump to 31.5 FPS. That is barely any difference at all.

People who overclock do it because they have nothing better to do. If you do overclock, don't be afraid to take the time to thoroughly research it. The chances of you frying your card will be significantly reduced if you take the time to properly learn about OCing.
I just installed Omega drivers again and made it so i installed the opengl for CS and now everything is perfect and overclocking is BEEEP :)

thank you for you guys help.
blahblahblah, have you ever overclocked your video card? By experience I can tell that overclocking the video card can increase the game performances alot. I helped my friend to overclock his GForce4 TI4200. He was scoring 1100 on 3dMark03 before overclocking and 1750 after. And for CS, he was often dropping below 40fps. Now he has a constant 70fps. Huge increase!

We managed to do this with a Vantec Iceberq 4 VGA cooler. Of course you have to be carefull when you overclock. You try to increase the clock speeds by 5 and you test with 3dMark. If everything is alright, you increase it by another 5. When the system begins to be unstable or you see artifacts, you decrease the clock speeds by 3-4. Play some games, if everything is fine, you'r all set! If not, decrease the clock speeds again by 3-4. Good luck
Ti133700N, what software do you use to overclock a nVidia card?
Well SHould I enable Overdrive is that like a overclocking thing? Also doesnt overdrive also make sure you dont over heat card is it safe to enable overdrive?
So whats overdrive is it safe? is it same as overclocking? :naughty:
Overdrive is something ATI made so that it will boost your cards speed based on how hot your gfx card is.
Although it will only boost, it will never go below the base clock speed based on the heat.
So it's pretty nifty if you dont wanna worry about overheating anything.
Hey it went from like 400 MHz to like 525 MHz is that a Big diffrence? in CS:S Performance?
what? also how hot can my card get in Celsius before overheating?
You are using overdrive, right? You have no worries then. Overdrive is known as a dynamic overclock, which means that the amount of the overclock is based on the temperture of the card. So if the card reaches a certain temperture, the card will downclock itself to a safe temperture.

Overdrive will not cause any damage to your graphics card.

To test out your overclock, run a before and after of the VST (Valve Stress Test).
soooo ok
what? also how hot can my card get in Celsius before overheating?

Is it safe to enable override

2.0 Ghz 768 mb ram xp home 40 gb harddrive i have omega drivers

my comp runs the graphcs card at about 37 C just sitting there is it safe for me to overide?

o radeon 9600 xt 128 mb sapphire
Yes, ATI overdrive (through the tab in the control panel) is sanctioned by ATI. No damage from your card will happen if you only use overdrive for overclocking. And your warranty will still be intact if you enable overdrive, unlike normal overclocking.

A modern graphics card can handle tempertures in excess of 85 C. You will be fine if you only enable overdrive in your control panel.
IS ther anyway to give me more MHz or does it choose how much it thinks it should override?
Homie said:
IS ther anyway to give me more MHz or does it choose how much it thinks it should override?

That is why it doesn't void your warranty, the override program determines the amount of the OC. You have no control over it. So you don't accidently fry your graphics card.

If you ever decide to overclock your graphics card by your own (using ATI tool, rage tweaker, powerstrip, etc) make sure you turn overdrive off.
blahblahblah said:
Honestly, don't overclock. Nobody is forcing you to overclock. In fact, overclocking your video card does not provide massive performance gains. You will be lucky if you notice a 5% increase in framerates. That means a game that is running at 30 FPS, it will jump to 31.5 FPS. That is barely any difference at all.

People who overclock do it because they have nothing better to do. If you do overclock, don't be afraid to take the time to thoroughly research it. The chances of you frying your card will be significantly reduced if you take the time to properly learn about OCing.

You obviously have nothing better to do then be WRONG.

I've overclocked my 5900xt, stock 390/700 to 460/810

3d mark 2003 score jumps from 5200, to 5900, I then overclock my athlon 64 3000, from 2gig to 2.35 gig. and 3d mark jumps to 6240. Easily, gained 10 FPS in CS:S max settings.

OverClocking can be very powerful, just becareful.
Overclock your video card a little at a time, maybe 20mhz.
Watch for artifacts, and keep temp below 75 or so.

Can take it higher, but 70-75 is my personal limit.

The ATI overdrive, is perfectly safe.
Homie, just outa curosity, is english your native language?
Or are you new to computers?
Gunsnroses said:
You obviously have nothing better to do then be WRONG.

I've overclocked my 5900xt, stock 390/700 to 460/810

3d mark 2003 score jumps from 5200, to 5900, I then overclock my athlon 64 3000, from 2gig to 2.35 gig. and 3d mark jumps to 6240. Easily, gained 10 FPS in CS:S max settings.

OverClocking can be very powerful, just becareful.
Overclock your video card a little at a time, maybe 20mhz.
Watch for artifacts, and keep temp below 75 or so.

Can take it higher, but 70-75 is my personal limit.

The ATI overdrive, is perfectly safe.

Did you mention you have one of the most overclockable cards on the market today?

I bet you forgot that disclaimer.

In 3D Mark 03, you yielded a 13% increase in score. Test out the overclock in game and see what the performance improvement is. Hardly a dramatic bump as you are claiming. Overclocking is not going to give you a big enough performance jump where you don't need to buy a new graphics card. Overclocking is there for a nice framerate gain in games.
Gunsnroses said:
3d mark 2003 score jumps from 5200, to 5900, I then overclock my athlon 64 3000, from 2gig to 2.35 gig. and 3d mark jumps to 6240. Easily, gained 10 FPS in CS:S max settings.

UH OH! Everyone give this guy a cookie.
What about me..i want a cookie.. plzz!
Geforce 4200 of mine, can handle doom on almost max settings with overclock.

With out it, its just medium settings.

Although 4200 has some sweet cooling running on it.

Ill take a cookie, but i wasnt aiming for one.

Anyone who says overclocking isnt a big performace boost has never tried it them selves.