after months of debating...


Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
i will be upgrading my comp to all of this....





hows all this lookin? pretty good upgrade right??? anyone make this kind of upgrade that would wanna share their experiences...

i will be only paying like 300 because my dad is paying the other 200 for my birthday gift...

so please tell me what you think
looks good except the case i dont like it much but its ur choice what video card are u getting
i think as far as fugly cases go, this one is hard to beat.
sorry but that's the truth is makes me laugh out loud so much it's ugly.
Nice case, but you will need to upgrade your processor for future games.
His CPU? Yeah right. It is a 3200+ That is just as good a FX55. You won't need to upgrade for at least 1.5-3 years with that CPU. He already has a 9800 PRO as you can see in his signature so he won't get a new one. I also thought the case was ugly. I think he would be better off with a case without a PSU and then purchasing a decent brand 400+ Watt for $35+.
Sorry, I thought the processor was 2.0 Ghz...
it is, but AMD processors work differently, or something (I'm NOT a hardware guy) so it still works out to be as good as p4's with higher speed
Nice processor. I don't care for the case either. Lian Li makes some high quality cases. As does Antec and Coolermaster.
You can get a good Antec (with door) for about that price. Plus it has a 350watt ANTEC power supply. =p
get a cooler master centurion 5 case- cheap and v good.
yep like Antec Sonata case it has Antec 380w true power PSU.
Asus said:
You can get a good Antec (with door) for about that price. Plus it has a 350watt ANTEC power supply. =p

can you give me a link to that?? thanks
well.... for 50 more bucks you can get the 3500+
You might also want to look into an Asus equivalent for the motherboard
And you might as well get dual channel memory isince most new mobos support it
For cases pick what looks good to you!
This was the case I was thinking about. Notice the side intake is right over the CPU and has a duct. Would probably help you with OCing. ;)

The Sonata case is also really nice (very quiet).
Looks like a decent case there Asus, good 12cm fan in teh back gonna keep it cool and quiet. Also i think teh CPU is fine, if it was the skt754 then I would suggest that you bought one with of the skt939 cpu's, but its good that you will if you want to, be able to upgrade to the cpu in the future since the skt939 is still young and it will be around for a long time. Good job with the rest!
PunisherUSA said:
well.... for 50 more bucks you can get the 3500+
You might also want to look into an Asus equivalent for the motherboard
And you might as well get dual channel memory isince most new mobos support it
For cases pick what looks good to you!

what are you talking about?? the ram will be dual channel as the motherboard supports it...its not the ram thats dual channel its the motherboard
Dual channel kits contain RAM that has been made to work on dual channels mobos. If you buy two random sticks of RAM chances are they won't be dual. The (Twin Pack) he posted should work dual channels. If he would have bought a stick somewhere and then another later (even if its the same brand, model, latencies, it might not work dual.
It's not an issue of working or not in dual channel but getting them to run at optimal latency. Although twin packs are generally less expensive. :)
well im pretty sure that the corsair ram that i seletced is a dual pack...