Getting a new comp. Need some help. (Super High end pc) (Plz read thread not noob)

Dangit dude, it's because of people like you that the high end video cards cost over $400!

When ATI and nVidia offered the 256MB versions of the 9800Pro and 5900Ultra they upped the price while the performance stayed the same(in some cases it lowered)
If it hadn't been for the people who have more money than brains who always want the most expensive thing they can buy(not always the best mind you) that market would've died and the top of the line cards would still be around $400!

So please, do everyone a favor and get the BFG 7800GT OC. If you don't think that's good enough for you then order it in SLI and you'll be better off than with your original lust for the absolute best.
More money then brains? Your a cool kid. Plz dont speak if you dont know the person. Just because i have all these questions about building a comp doesnt mean i dont know about it. Yes i dont know as much as asus but all im trying to do is get a perfect pc without making any mistakes. People like having the best that simple.
I wasn't trying to be personal. I have known and worked for people who have so much money that they always have the best of the very best, and don't even appreciate what they have and treat it like trash.

I also wasn't implying that you didn't know what you're talking about.
It's just frustrating and unfair for the rest of us when people give in to their greed and buy the most expensive(best) thing out there.
In a fixed market, that wouldn't necessarily be so bad. Video cards are in growing market where the products are progressively getting better.(obviously) When there are people who are willing to pay whatever the cost is for the best; then those products will be introduced, and will continue to be so, at a price above that of the current technology out there, instead of replacing it.

I know what it's like to want to best; and also the power of greed. If it wasn't because of greed I wouldn't have my Logitech Z-5500 speakers. But also taking the market into consider, the odds of Logitech coming out with newer, more awe-inspiring, sound system is not that likely.

Now, you not buying a 7800GTX would not have a noticeable effect on the current state of things; but it would be a start.
You're probably thinking that it's too late to do anything, and I'd have to say you'd be right. The battle should've been fought with the first 256MB cards and the 9800XT.
If something isn't done though, in about 5 years, we'll most likely be seeing the high end video cards costing upwards as much as $800.

That's the end of my long winded rant.

I do wish you luck with your computer and getting everything that will work just fine for you.

P.S. oh, and bytheway, thanks for thinking I'm cool, even though I'm not a kid. ;)
Im ordering my pc right now. And my luck once again is shit. The BFG is sold out! Now on the BFG site they listed few places i can buy from. I live in New York City. Do you guys think this is a good place to order from?

I dunno i want to order from newegg but i cant make up my mind

This card isnt sold out, has good reviews, and has better specs then the BFG. But most of you guys feel BFG is still better.

Do you guys really feel that way or are just fans? I want the best card, i will wait if bfg is best, but i feel the XFX here wins. I would really like your opinions.
IDK, spending 40$ more on the XFX for an extra 30MHz factory OC when you could do it yourself. I guess I'd go with the BFG from Zipzoomfly.
Good luck with your system. I hope you enjoy it.

P.S. If you ever get tired of it I'll take it off your hands for you ;)