Aftermath Retail


Jul 8, 2003
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I've been thinking about somethings Valve has said and been comparing them to the current goings on and how things have been done in the past.

We know Valve is on a episodic content shtick, and is planning on new episodes every three months after Aftermath is released (Whether hte pull it off is another question; though if they've been working on Episode 2 during Aftermath's development, then I'd say it's possible)

Now, Valve has said that they're going to release these theoretical episodes on a season box at retail, instead of each seperately. This leads me to believe that they're going to each be short enough that Valve wouldn't be able to charge enough for them to make it viable to release each of them seperately at retail. (Steam is another matter, however) This sort of happened with Blue Shift; it was such a short game that they had to beef it up by including Op4 on the disc in order to justify the price they gave it. There's not a whole lot of 10-25 dollar games on the front shelves, to put it another way.

Now, hopefully being that Aftermath has been worked on for a year, it'll be a lot bigger than the 3 month episodes Valve is planning; but the lack of listing of a retail package is a bit unnerving. (It's only shown up in the Half-Life 2 Platinum pack, for those of you who don't know.) At first I figured it was just because it's release date is probably up in the air, but looking at it now I think that might not be the case.

I'd e-mail Gabe about this, but he never answers my e-mails for some reason. :D (I guess he got tired of being asked about things like Blue Shift and Gunman Chronicles :D) but if someone else wants to ask him about it, feel free.
Um, Blue Shift was sold standalone as well as bundled in the Generations pack. At least it was here. Interesting points though.
pomegranate said:
Um, Blue Shift was sold standalone as well as bundled in the Generations pack. At least it was here. Interesting points though.
How much did it sell for, though? In the UK it's probably more possible to get away with cheaper prices for software. UK is just a different market; which is why they get standard DVD releases and we have to shell out for collectors editions. :)
I'm pretty sure that Blueshift standalone still came with Opposing Force... they were both on the same disc.
Here in the UK Blue Shift was sold on its own for a tenner. :p

Aftermath was going to be steam-only, not in shops (I think I remember hearing it's now going to be sold in stores), so it doesn't surprise me. Personally I'm expecting it to be like Opposing Force: maybe two-thirds the length of the final game.
Retail was officially being considered, however, A standalone retail package has yet to come out of the woodwork on any etailer listings, despite an Aftermath Strategy Guide and a "Half-Life 2 Platinum" retail box which includes Aftermath. So technically whilst Aftermath is 100% confirmed available at retail, it's only available at the moment through buying the games you already own.

I personally think that Standalone retail will happen, it's just that EA need to announce it. I will probably end up buying the Steam version anyway mind you. The UK HL2 retail was a POS and I've reinstalled without the disc on about 5 occasions now.
UndeadScottsman said:
We know Valve is on a episodic content shtick, and is planning on new episodes every three months after Aftermath is released
did i miss something?
I'm pretty sure EA will publish a retail expansion. I mean, seeing as EA will get a nice slice of the pie from the retail sales, I'm sure they can't resist :p
i havnt even got gabe's email address to email him!
some one want to help me out!
thanks SFPL1.
Reaktor4 said:
did i miss something?
Apparently you did. From the latest CGW

Gabe: One thing that's interesting, though, is that it's like the entire industry has been making feature films. It's been about big, costly, complicated projects, and the door is only now starting to open up for TV shows. And TV is totally different from film. So we're really curious to see how people respond. What are we going to do right and what are we going to do wrong? Hopefully we'll see other companies try these things, too, and learn from their lessons as well... whether we need to release once a week or once a quarter.

CGW: What are your plans so far?
GN: Right now, it's about once every three months.

CGW: And then release seasonal box sets at retail?
GN: Right.

The next episode will apparently focus on vehicals while episode 1 (Aftermath) focus's on Alyx.
UndeadScottsman said:
Apparently you did. From the latest CGW

that sounds more like the sin episodes because they said they would release one every 3 to 6 months and it would cost 20 bux on steam

-PC Gamer
giant384 said:
that sounds more like the sin episodes because they said they would release one every 3 to 6 months and it would cost 20 bux on steam

-PC Gamer
Uh, they were talking about Half-Life 2 stuff in that interview. The SiN stuff was on a sidebar several pages away.
Hmm, I distinctly (probably wrong) thought I heard AM would be released as a stand alone retail product; while every subsequent expansion would be available in a seasonal retail bundle as mentioned above. I hope atleast AM is available alongside the steam version, it will allow me to bide my time until the next episodic release.

Although, I wish Valve would concentrate on HL3 instead. I suppose as long as the story and presentation are superb then the episodic release thing shouldn't be too bad. I mean, with the episodes only being 3-4 hours long, Valve shouldn't have too much trouble maintaining the quality of the episodes.
UndeadScottsman said:
Apparently you did. From the latest CGW

The next episode will apparently focus on vehicals while episode 1 (Aftermath) focus's on Alyx.

um...okay..i am just a little confused here.
how will Valve/EA handle retail Aftermath releases since its "episodic content" being released every few months?

if i buy retail.. i gotta wait a whole year or six months for all the episodes to release before i can purchase via retail? :|
UndeadScottsman said:
The next episode will apparently focus on vehicals while episode 1 (Aftermath) focus's on Alyx.
Sounds to me very much like you've confused Sin: Episodes and any potential Half-Life 2 expansion timeline. The first Sin Episode will have a lengthy "on-rails" car chase sequence, that the devs argue would never get green-lighted in a modern retail game. HL2 Episodes haven't been confirmed...

Dr. Freeman said:
if i buy retail.. i gotta wait a whole year or six months for all the episodes to release before i can purchase via retail? :|
Yes, but Aftermath won't be Episodic. The entire expansion will be released at once, not done chapter by chapter or anything. Valve could do episodic later, but at the moment it's just Ritual's Sin Episodes that is testing the water.
kupoartist said:
Sounds to me very much like you've confused Sin: Episodes and any potential Half-Life 2 expansion timeline. The first Sin Episode will have a lengthy "on-rails" car chase sequence, that the devs argue would never get green-lighted in a modern retail game. HL2 Episodes haven't been confirmed...
Dude, seriously, he's not talking about SiN episodes; go find a copy of CGW and read the interview.

CGW: Gabe, you once said that "Half-Life gave us a great legacy to live up to" Are the expectations for Aftermath even higher now, after Half-Life 2, or is there a certain sense that expanded content is never of the same caliber"
Gabe: No, we're always moving ahead, and for each one of the episodes, we're identifying an area to focus on. So for Aftermath, or Episode 1, it's all about character interaction--how they interact with you and with the world--and taking what we did in Half-Life 2 and doing it better. And so in Episode 2, there are areas and vehicals that we saw potential in and wanted to push foward. Releasing these on a much more regular basis (through steam) lets everyone think about one thing at at time. But our expectation is that the episodes will be better than Half-Life 2 was.
UndeadScottsman said:
Dude, seriously, he's not talking about SiN episodes; go find a copy of CGW and read the interview.
Ah right, I see now. Sorry, it was just something in your phrasing "The next episode will apparently focus on vehicals" which sounded a little less specific than what gabe is saying there. What's weird, is that I remember all the other details from the content... but the gem of a detail (that we're getting more content past Aftermath and Lost Coast) was totally neglected by them.

Silly Journalists.
"We know Valve is on a episodic content shtick, and is planning on new episodes every three months after Aftermath is released (Whether hte pull it off is another question; though if they've been working on Episode 2 during Aftermath's development, then I'd say it's possible)"

Ehh? Your talking about Sin Episodes...its another game created by other people but being disturbated (spell?) via Steam in has nothing to do with Half-life or Valve exept the distrubuting.
Ravioli said:
"We know Valve is on a episodic content shtick, and is planning on new episodes every three months after Aftermath is released (Whether hte pull it off is another question; though if they've been working on Episode 2 during Aftermath's development, then I'd say it's possible)"

Ehh? Your talking about Sin Episodes...its another game created by other people but being disturbated (spell?) via Steam in has nothing to do with Half-life or Valve exept the distrubuting.
Did you even read the thread? Hell, just read two posts above yours.
Wow episodic Half Life? THAT'S FANTASTIC!

No we won't have to wait so long for answers to those damm cliff hangers.

But then again it's bad enough waiting 1 week for the next episode of Lost.
Max35 said:
I mean, with the episodes only being 3-4 hours long, Valve shouldn't have too much trouble maintaining the quality of the episodes.
I dunno if I like that idea though. You wait for three months or whatever, then only get a 3 hour fix and you're not really sure how long they'll whore it out for, or for how long we'll be around C17 before HL3.
Like you said, Valve should concentrate on HL3, but after Aftermath and maybe one other expansion.
el Chi said:
I dunno if I like that idea though. You wait for three months or whatever, then only get a 3 hour fix and you're not really sure how long they'll whore it out for, or for how long we'll be around C17 before HL3.
Like you said, Valve should concentrate on HL3, but after Aftermath and maybe one other expansion.

It depends how well they make the expansions, to be honest. Aftermath will set a precedent, so we will see. Its all experimentation, even Valve acknowledges this. One of my concerns is Valve will use all of their tricks on the expansions for HL2, when it comes time for HL3 it'll be something like " annoucing HL3, we got nothing new, but buy the game anyway!". Although Valve seems innovative enough that running out of ideas should be the least of their worries.

But what has been a trademark for Valve releases is the movie-like presentation of their games, if they can't uphold that, they should focus on HL3 IMO
Who knows if there will be a half life 3 now.

It could end up being broken up into seasons like a TV show. Just like Gabe said.
That's a good point actually. I kinda hope they don't do that though because it seems like rather a stop-start way to tell a more over-arching narrative through gameplay in Far separated bursts (every 3 months, we're drip-fed 3 more hours... Hmmmm)
el Chi said:
That's a good point actually. I kinda hope they don't do that though because it seems like rather a stop-start way to tell a more over-arching narrative through gameplay in Far separated bursts (every 3 months, we're drip-fed 3 more hours... Hmmmm)

Better than 11 hours after 72 months :D

EDIT: Also, this could potentially be really cool. Say episode 3 focuses on the Ant Lions, with the end having you kill the Ant Lion king; or that Episode 4 could focus on the Combine Air Converter. You'd infilitrate the Ice Breaker controlled by the combine and hitch a ride to the converter.

Tons of cool short stories can be done with this. I'm just fuzzy with possibilites. :D
They'll probably have each episode lead up to a climatic full 11 hour HL3. Sorta like a T.V. show having a big season finale.
UndeadScottsman said:
I'd e-mail Gabe about this, but he never answers my e-mails for some reason. :D (I guess he got tired of being asked about things like Blue Shift and Gunman Chronicles :D) but if someone else wants to ask him about it, feel free.
he replies to me! he loves meh more!! lawl!
Sulkdodds said:
Here in the UK Blue Shift was sold on its own for a tenner. :p

Aftermath was going to be steam-only, not in shops (I think I remember hearing it's now going to be sold in stores), so it doesn't surprise me. Personally I'm expecting it to be like Opposing Force: maybe two-thirds the length of the final game.

Your top line there is 100% absolutely true, I have the original copy of Blue-shift, in its original blue box, the single stand alone game that it was. (I have all three retail copies of the originals).

Secondly I hope that what u think u know is true. I have heard that Aftermath will only be released for purchase by steam only, I hope this is not the case.
I dont trust steam, and i dont like the idea of it.
IF there is one thing Valve has done incrorrectly in all its great work, it is to contemplate and have the recent idea, to release future expansions on steam only.

Dont get me wrong, i think steam is very good. It is an excellent system of no fuss support, and great for updating and little expansions, maps and models for Valve games. But..

Even though dl speeds are as fast as what they are today, i dont like the idea of always having to be internet dependant and download dependant for Large expansions and full size games.

I hope Aftermath is availible for Retail because it should. And i dont mind EA making a slice out of me, because i prefer to buy physical hard copies On Disc. Also I prefer to buy my games from stores while i am out-and-about, bought over the counter paid for in cash, rather than being dependant on credit cards. Call me old fashioned if u want, But they are the most reliable i think. Infact i think i may start a thread about this issue and popular, even if Valve are gpoing to release it in both modes anyway. Im sure u will agree , the results would be interesting (forgive me if someone has beat me to it).

Thirdly, as u said, i hope Aftermath will be a sizable expansion for HL2, in the same way as OF was for HL1.
episodes..boy, talk about milking the cow:(
Can't resist to buy them, though:x Damn you, Gabe!