Age of Conan Open beta May 1st


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funcom has announced that they are moving into Open Beta which will be exclusively available through and partner IGN sites. 50,000 aspiring barbarians may enter Hyboria on May 1, 2008!

You are required to be a FilePlanet member in order to sign up for the Open Beta. Preloading of the client will start prior to the launch of the Open Beta, and applicants will receive more information should they receive a beta key. The Open Beta will start on the 1st of May at 1500 GMT / 0900 EST.

dont know if that means a paying member or just a registered member

edit: shit sorry:

*** NOTE: Registration for Instant Notification COMING SOON! You don't need to be subscribed to register for notification of when sign-ups begin. You must be a FilePlanet Subscriber / Founders' Club Member in order to sign-up for the Beta. Sign-ups will begin NEXT WEEK! ***

if I didnt have a beta spot I'd be tempted to purchase a spot but would kill me to do so, I'm not playing the "Fileplanet dangling a carrot over my head" bullshit game. I dont care if membership were a single stinking penny it's the principle of the matter ...but this IS conan so ...
damn... open doesn't actually mean open

too bad.. I want to try the game before I (pre?)order it
I've been looking forward to AoC for ages. Recently I found a site full of beta leaks, and as a result of the reports there I pre-ordered. I'm content to wait for release now, it's quite soon after my exams finish.
Damn! I wanted a spot. I got in to the PvP but I hate gamespot so I cba with it.
I wonder if technical beta testers will be given a spot in the beta...
Doubt it. FilePlanet is that much of a bitch. (Are that much of bitches? I don't know what the correct form to use?)
I hate it when Fileplanet says its open, but then only opens it to paying subscribers.

I'll just wait until after launch when/if Funcom should create a 2 week free trial or something.
I'm gonna play the PvP beta thing this weekend, so I guess I'll just have to judge whether I'll buy it based on that! :O
Isnt that NDA lifted yet Stern? I mean... its in Open Beta now ffs.
yay free lovin' ...hate when I have to pay for it

"what? dinner doesnt entitle me to a blowjob? who made up that stupid rule?"
Yeah I guess I won't be playing any betas actually. :p Got in the PvP one but with no high-speed way to download it'll be over before it's even downloaded... nice! Gamespot is of course ass, and the torrent is no better.
Yeah, I hate gamespot. Shame, I really wanted to experience this game before I made my mind up.
Finally scored a key. Downloading the client as we speak. Big client is big btw.
it installs to 26G folder is 38G

and welcome aboard! :)
it installs to 26G folder is 38G

and welcome aboard! :)


And omg, that means I have to clean up ....

EDIT Uninstalled about 50 gigs of unplayed games. That should do the trick. Just read that the actual beta starts tomorrow, so no more Conan tonight :(

Oh and Stern, will there be euro and north american servers in this beta or are the servers NA based?

EDIT 2 Folder is 23.5 gigs. :eek:
Huh, why should I subscribe for a marketing ploy? No thanks. I am glad however that AoC is now "playable for the public".
I went and preordered the game from Best Buy today.

This is actually the very first time I have pre-ordered a game, and plan to get it as soon as it's released. All this based on my impressions of the PvP weekend.

Seriously, what the hell did they put in that thing? Crack?

Anyways, if you guys preorder from Bet Buy or Gamestop you get a Rhino or Mammoth mount when the game comes out, as well as an extra bag. You also get a code that lets you play the game 3 days sooner than retail, so you'd be able to start downloading the client on the 14th, and start playing on the 17th.

Retail hits on May 20th.

Oh, and damn you Cpt. Stern. I'd say damn you to hell but you're already in Canada, so what else is there? :-P

Seriously though, you've got me hooked onto this game. That has to be a sin somehow, right?
Hmmz, I am not able to play yet. I don't get past the login screen. Which is too bad since I have the day off and have a lot of time on my hands.

EDIT Start of the beta has now been delayed to 00:00 GMT (02:00 tonight Euro time). No more Conan today it seems.
I just got an email saying that starting tomorrow, I'll be able to participate in the open beta for being a technical tester. This is awesome news.
I went and preordered the game from Best Buy today.

This is actually the very first time I have pre-ordered a game, and plan to get it as soon as it's released. All this based on my impressions of the PvP weekend.

Seriously, what the hell did they put in that thing? Crack?

this will be my first preorder as well

Anyways, if you guys preorder from Bet Buy or Gamestop you get a Rhino or Mammoth mount when the game comes out, as well as an extra bag. You also get a code that lets you play the game 3 days sooner than retail, so you'd be able to start downloading the client on the 14th, and start playing on the 17th.

Retail hits on May 20th.

Oh, and damn you Cpt. Stern. I'd say damn you to hell but you're already in Canada, so what else is there? :-P

Seriously though, you've got me hooked onto this game. That has to be a sin somehow, right?

I wash my hands of all responsibility


Shakermaker said:
Oh and Stern, will there be euro and north american servers in this beta or are the servers NA based?

there will be both european and north american servers ..unfortunately you wont be able to play on north american servers unless you purchase a US copy of the game .,..same goes for north american players on european servers :(

good to see you're enjoying it ..dont think I'll be able to [play with any of you on the open beta ..the general and open beta servers are separate for now
there will be both european and north american servers ..unfortunately you wont be able to play on north american servers unless you purchase a US copy of the game .,..same goes for north american players on european servers :(

No, I meant the beta, actually. I was wondering if I was playing on a Euro or a NA server, since you can't tell. By the lag I am experiencing I am guessing NA.

good to see you're enjoying it .

Yah, it's a pretty enjoyable game. I like the way the combat is working out. The melee stuff is really entertaining. Quick question if I might: I am a Dark Templar and I recently got a DoT attack. When I use it, is there an icon somewhere on the UI to see if it's working? I haven't spotted that yet.

I also like that the first part is real story heavy. Definitely more engaging than WoW in that aspect. I wonder when you get to meet the king himself.

I might just get this at release. Under the condition that they get their servers into shape by the end of the beta. I know it's early days and that I am essentially a stress tester, but it's a bit too laggy at the moment.

My char's name is Lilo, a Dark Templar on Beta server 03.

No, I meant the beta, actually. I was wondering if I was playing on a Euro or a NA server, since you can't tell. By the lag I am experiencing I am guessing NA.

there is a european server in the closed beta, havent tried it out yet ..not sure about open beta

Yah, it's a pretty enjoyable game. I like the way the combat is working out. The melee stuff is really entertaining. Quick question if I might: I am a Dark Templar and I recently got a DoT attack. When I use it, is there an icon somewhere on the UI to see if it's working? I haven't spotted that yet.

which DoT attack are you referring to? as far as I know DoT attacks just add to your overall damage dealing

I also like that the first part is real story heavy. Definitely more engaging than WoW in that aspect. I wonder when you get to meet the king himself.

supposedly you do, have never gone that far ..but you can visit his palace and I'm pretty sure conan is involved in the end game

I might just get this at release. Under the condition that they get their servers into shape by the end of the beta. I know it's early days and that I am essentially a stress tester, but it's a bit too laggy at the moment.

it changes from build to build ...also if you have "bloom" enabled turn that shit off, I jumped 20-30fps just by turning it off
Oh btw Stern NDA has been lifted for closed beta testers for lvls 1-13.

Gief more info :p
does your character model actually grow as you lvl up or is this just the gm's messing around?:

Oh btw Stern NDA has been lifted for closed beta testers for lvls 1-13.

Gief more info :p

servers are updating atm did it say something about closed beta testers joining the open beta servers?

hazar: usually they're tattoo sized:

servers are updating atm did it say something about closed beta testers joining the open beta servers?

Nah, I saw a bunch of people on several forums saying this, inc the official ones. Apparently there was an email /shrug
Eep, game is horribly unoptimized. I play on 4gb of memory 8800GTS(512), Q6600 and loading times are unacceptable and I get 10/15 second pauses even AFTER all the loading. I think I'll wait until this game sees the attention it deserves. I sincerely hope it doesn't release like this.
Yeah, I am also a bit let down by the technical side of things. I know it's a beta jada-jada-jada, but so close to release I would have counted on a more playable build.
It's running a debugger and uncompressed textures to make debugging easier iirc.