Age of Conan top selling Pc game in March


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
...yet wont be released till May

X-Play has just announced that the game has been able to top the list of PC game sales for March.

This is certainly an amazing feat since the game hasn't been even released yet. It's supposed slated release date is the month of May. It this chart-topping news is indeed the case, then it would be safe to assume that Funcom's game has been able to rake in so much from the bulk of pre-orders alone.

and now for your entertainment here's a bunch of people dying very violent digital deaths, or how combat works in game
I'm psyched. Sales figures show how dry PC Gaming has been lately, though.
which doesnt take into account online sales ..and are almost always exclusively north american sales figures ..pc games make up the bulk of sales in some territories's all in how you spin the avialable information to make it support your POV
...yet wont be released till May

and now for your entertainment here's a bunch of people dying very violent digital deaths, or how combat works in game
Combat looks pretty good for an MMO, I just wish I could do the stuff I can in the Conan XB360 hack'n'slash game, you know, pick up people and throw them onto spikes impaling them, shove my fist into their gut and rip out their internal organs, breaks their backs on my knee.
looks great!

when am I getting into the beta stern?
Combat looks pretty good for an MMO, I just wish I could do the stuff I can in the Conan XB360 hack'n'slash game, you know, pick up people and throw them onto spikes impaling them, shove my fist into their gut and rip out their internal organs, breaks their backs on my knee.

connection speed/lag would almost certainly make it unplayable for some people

looks great!

when am I getting into the beta stern?

not soon enough? ... so very very very lonely ...<hacks off mob's head>
CptStern, true but I'm on a 30mbit connection, so I don't care.>_<
hahah, well if I don't, may comes soon enough
Combat looks pretty good for an MMO

I just hope Conan is what they say it is and not just a very dressed up point-and-click. It's hard to tell, it just looks the same old thing but more is on the graphical interface rather than a toolbar IMO.
I just hope Conan is what they say it is and not just a very dressed up point-and-click. It's hard to tell, it just looks the same old thing but more is on the graphical interface rather than a toolbar IMO.

I'm actually kind of hoping the combat is quite simple but at the same time very multi-faceted (like a GOOD action game). I'm not sure how you could pull off raids with the seemingly simplistic combat they have shown off, but if they do it right it could be stellar.
Although I am not as hyped about this mmo as my friend is, I will most certainly get it.

It looks like it will beat Oblivion, hands down and blindfolded ;)
CptStern, true but I'm on a 30mbit connection, so I don't care.>_<

Too bad latency laughs in your face. Also lol @ NDA fags. I've seen/played some of the beta on a friends machine whoopy.
I just hope Conan is what they say it is and not just a very dressed up point-and-click. It's hard to tell, it just looks the same old thing but more is on the graphical interface rather than a toolbar IMO.

Did you not watch the vid? Directional shield blocking. Directional attacks. Combo moves. There is more to this combat than even any first person to date, let alone the usual leftmousespamming onliner.

Looking good to me so far, it will be interesting playing as a mere mortal instead of a god for a change...
Kinda lame how you have to click arrows or use your keyboard to attack. Directional attacks would have worked fine with the mouse, and i think wouldve been a lot better.
Ever get the feeling that game developers employ respected forum members to advertise their games?
Yes, sometimes. But this is Cpt Stern.

*boom* *tish*
Did you not watch the vid? Directional shield blocking. Directional attacks. Combo moves. There is more to this combat than even any first person to date, let alone the usual leftmousespamming onliner.

Looking good to me so far, it will be interesting playing as a mere mortal instead of a god for a change...

I did watch it, Krynn seems to understand where I'm coming from.

Kinda lame how you have to click arrows or use your keyboard to attack. Directional attacks would have worked fine with the mouse, and i think wouldve been a lot better.
If the directional attacks were with the mouse that really would be cool... still, it's not bad. Hopefully magic users get something to play around with as well since these days all I ever feel like playing in RPG's are wizards. :p
I did watch it, Krynn seems to understand where I'm coming from.

Krynn said:
Kinda lame how you have to click arrows or use your keyboard to attack. Directional attacks would have worked fine with the mouse, and i think wouldve been a lot better


that's all I can say
CR0M, directional blocking and attacking is nothing new, Mount & Blade has had it for years.;)

that's all I can say

wut. The guy in the video said thats how it works. Click the buttons or press the keys he said.

And Mount & Blade is just a singleplayer RPG, but it had mouse-based directional combat and it works really well.
wut. The guy in the video said thats how it works. Click the buttons or press the keys he said.

I'm not disagreeing with that part

And Mount & Blade is just a singleplayer RPG, but it had mouse-based directional combat and it works really well.

it wouldnt work with Age of Conan ..there are 5 directional attacks (2 more unlocked at lvl40)
and how would you turn/move around and swing at the same time're often fighting 4-5 mobs at a time ..not too mention initiating combos which often requires 3 keystrokes
So anyone pre-ordered the game in Europe? Will it be doubtful that a AoC guild will form?
Guys guys, you are forgetting that this is an MMO we're talking about, nothing from any other genre applies, not even the movement system!

By the way mon Capitan(Stern), what the bloody 'ell happend to yer postcount!?

you'd still need to turn're often fighting 4-5 mobs at a time, pushing the w key while turning your torso would cause you to get behind mobs, it would quickly become frustrating

Gargantou said:
By the way mon Capitan(Stern), what the bloody 'ell happend to yer postcount!?

I'm not at liberty to say for fear of rupturing the space-time continuum