AGEIA Demo's | Real time water ( using PPU )

azz0r said:
I just dont see why physics need a whole card to themself, use the freaking processor.

The CPU is a general purpose chip. If you want to go further with physics, you need some hardware dedicated to it.
It looks like fat chunks of mercury...not all that impressive
azz0r said:
I just dont see why physics need a whole card to themself, use the freaking processor.

azz0r think about today's games. What are alot of them lacking? Good physics!

If you look at performances, physics are one of the huge hits on the CPU.

The CPU is supposed to orchestrate everything, and get all the hardware to work together nicely, and do AI (no card for that... yet :laugh: ), and then do input calculations, figure out your new camera view (based on input), keep Windows running in backround, etc etc etc

and then you want to throw complex physics into the mix?

Trust me, the videos they showed were less than impressive, due to driver bugs. And then add to the fact this is new hardware.

One day all games will have good physics (imagine a war game where if a plane crashes into the ground, the ground properly deforms... drool), and this will help in nurturing this. Right now, everyone knows that we can create good graphics. Graphics are amazing, and will only get better! But think of all the other game components that are lacking that same quality as graphics? AI, physics, lighting (sure Doom3 was nice, but it was hard stenciled shadows, and then there's also HDR, SSS, etc), etc

Do you remember the 3D accelerator days? I'm guessing you don't, or you would recognize a similar pattern.

Oh, and don't think of the CPU as a specialized tool for everything. Sure it is more/less an all-purpose component, that could run pretty much everything (I'm saying it could run, not saying how well), and really it is not specialized for physics, which is what the game industry is now working on a lot.

But more or less, I think you will have fun watching the next few months/years unveil, and if they market this right (like I believe they are doing well right now), then we should soon see this as a necessary gaming component.
azz0r I was actually thinking about this some more today.

Basically again think back to the days of 3D Accelerators. At the time, the graphics where so simple everyone knew that they could run on teh CPU. This is the case with physics.

Now let's imagine this PPU really takes off. Go 10 years into the future. With graphics we went from Quake to Unreal Engine 3 (which rendering could pretty much NEVER happen on the CPU with playable rates) but now make that same jump with physics and pretends it grows just as much. That's what they are working on.

Right now this is early tech. It will get better and better.