Ah - what a great game

Thats alright, we'll make an expansion for you if you want :D

ps/ im not valve, and nt many people are. The ones who are never respond :(
I r teh Gabe!

But anyway, glad you liked it, but you can understand what would happen if everyone who liked it posted thread about it, same goes for critics.
Well at least someone was brave enough to post a thread about it...
Stupid thread imo. :S

If you're going to post a thread praising the game then that's cool, but at least actually write something, like why you liked the game, etc.....
Then we would have something proper to talk about, rather than flame uselessly.

AWWW allow the poor fellow, hes new and he likes HL2 :D:D me loves him *hugs*
BetaMaster said:
Can we keep him? Huh, huh? Can we? Can we?

No, son. I'm sorry but we don't know where he's been or if he has family somewhere. We'll have to turn him in.

Besides, he'd trash the house.
apparently my harmless reply, completely lighthearted with no profanity, or even mention of someones name got me 4 warning points so I'd just like to apologize because obviously this meant more to someone than it did to me, so sorry about that it was kinda harsh :rolling:
Ah... nice to hear that... eventhough alot of the games cool features and locations were removed. it was still TEH BEST!!!
Gordons_nan said:
Stupid thread imo. :S

If you're going to post a thread praising the game then that's cool, but at least actually write something, like why you liked the game, etc.....

its never stupid to show ur appreciation for something that took Valve 4+ years of hard work to make.
take a lesson from kmack's post, if u got nothing nice to say about such a thread, don't bother posting.
What made it good for me?

Mmmmm. Interesting posts to what I thought was an innocuous comment, posted in a euphoric, post finish glow. But with a soupcon of justification.

Good points:
  • Graphics (on a 3.0 P4 with a 9800 Pro and 1 Gig RAM)
  • Sound effects - excellent noises through my Audigy, especially street warfare noises in the distance
  • the dune buggy thing: excellent physics. I've never driven one but it's just how I imagined
  • the air boat: fun to drive, but surely unrealistically manueverable on dry land? Yes, yes, it's a game, I know!
  • the gravity gun: oh yes indeedy, excellent fun, especially once i realised it had an alternate fire button (doh!)
  • the bridge: I really got scared that I would fall off the thing, which of course made me fall off as I tried to skip gaily across the girders. I hate heights.
  • water effects - gorgeous; best I've seen
  • the cut scenes: done well, progressed the plot in a good stylee without interrupting gameplay seriously
  • the ending: I liked the ending. Handy that the G-Man can mess with time int'it!
  • the length: any longer and it would start to get samey. It's taken me, what, 2 months? Just about right. Unlike Doom 3, which was disappointingly short.

Bad points:
  • the pain that was registering on Steam and getting the downloads. And that's with ADSL, 56ker's must have been suicidal.
  • the looooong wait while it sloooooowly loads up when you want to play
  • the constant interruptions of gameplay while it loads up a new section. Really spoiled the flow.
  • Stutter (video and audio) when something bad around the corner gears up 'cos it realises you're coming. At least I assume that's what it was as something always tried really hard to kill me after a stutter.

@Dead-Inside/BetaMaster: thanks for your concern. Remember, 18 stone 6 foot beer monsters aren't just for Christmas! :)
Registering on Steam is a real pain in the butt, it was so bug-ridden :(
My impression was that it wasn't so much bugged as

1/ Huge
2/ Hosted on inadequately bandwidthed (is that a word?) servers
3/ With a tortuously slow verification process that was completely unforgiving of data drops
4/ Had extraneous software included compulsorily, like CS:S, which I for one didn't want.
5/ Had a compatibility issue between my Dell DVD software and Steam, which was only resolved by deleting the Dell stuff. Is that Valve's fault? dunno. But I've not had that particular problem with any other game.

Any game that takes 4 evenings to get up and running could have done with a tad more attention pre-release.