Ahmadinejad "wins" again.


Jun 22, 2006
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Supporters of the main election challenger to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad clashed with police and set up barricades of burning tires Saturday as authorities declared the hard-line president was re-elected in a landslide. Opponents responded with the most serious unrest in the capital in a decade and charges that the result was the work of a "dictatorship."
I'm just glad there are a shit load of people in Iran who this won't sit well with.
Me too. What we're not hearing are the 'street rumours' that are inciting the unrest on a minute-by-minute basis...
The incumbent president in Iran always wins a second term, no surprise.
I am surprised at how many people actually believe any of those candidates could win legitimately. How can the world believe an election result involving crooks in a government dirtier than Bush's???
There's going to be an investigation into the results. I spouse this doesn't mean much the result of it depends on who is investigating.
There's going to be an investigation into the results. I spouse this doesn't mean much the result of it depends on who is investigating.

Since the investigation is overseen by the supreme leader of Iran (who is NOT democratically elected), Ayatollah Khomeini (spelling?), who is a backer of the current president, I wager you're right.
The election results in Iran may reflect the will of the Iranian people. Many experts are claiming that the margin of victory of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the result of fraud or manipulation, but our nationwide public opinion survey of Iranians three weeks before the vote showed Ahmadinejad leading by a more than 2 to 1 margin -- greater than his actual apparent margin of victory in Friday's election.


http://www.terrorfreetomorrow.org/upimagestft/TFT Iran Survey Report 0609.pdf

doesnt sound like Mousavi ever had a chance. yet the media acted as if he did ...hmmmmmmm
I was watching Al Jazeera before the Iranian elections and they found that Ahmadinejad was favourite to win from the people they spoke to. The majority of Mousavi's supporters were in the richer areas of Iran and they were in the minority, the poorer people were all going to vote Ahmadinejad.

I guess it depends on the poll. Some polls had Mousavi up a head by a fairly large margin.

Not to mention the fact that they were able to count that many ballots in 2 hours. Seems a bit fishy. Then again, who in the world actually expected a fair election in a country ran by an ayatollah.
I dont expect a fair election however independent polls showed he was the clear favourite. I doubt Mousavi would have won had it been absolutely fair. he seems to have support from the rich, which in iran is a minority
What does it all matter anyway. President is a peon compared to the Supreme Leader.

I mean come on... Supreme Leader is the ****ing title. Obviously President is going to be shit next to that. He's the puppet master.
What does it all matter anyway. President is a peon compared to the Supreme Leader.

I mean come on... Supreme Leader is the ****ing title. Obviously President is going to be shit next to that. He's the puppet master.

He still has a lot of power, a lot more power than most other presidents in the middle east enjoy. He sets domestic policy and has a lot of say in the foreign policy.
It's amazing how everyone on the internet suddenly became an expert on Iran overnight, thanks WIKIPEDIA!
It's amazing how everyone on the internet suddenly became an expert on Iran overnight, thanks WIKIPEDIA!

well most of us learned this in 9th-12th grade history class and textbooks or are learning about this now one way or another. if anyone has paid any attention in high school they'd have learned a lot about world history by now
well most of us learned this in 9th-12th grade history class and textbooks or are learning about this now one way or another. if anyone has paid any attention in high school they'd have learned a lot about world history by now

History classes were an optional course. Something that economics, physics, specialist maths, psychology and biology had priority over. Although I did have to suffer through Australian Studies.

I know jack about Iran.
well most of us learned this in 9th-12th grade history class and textbooks or are learning about this now one way or another. if anyone has paid any attention in high school they'd have learned a lot about world history by now

Unfortunately, this is far from accurate.
History classes were an optional course. Something that economics, physics, specialist maths, psychology and biology had priority over. Although I did have to suffer through Australian Studies. I know jack about Iran.

Australian Studies? :LOL: