Ai attacking a Object?



I have a situation where I need a torso zombie to crawl through a vent and hit the grating, it falls, zombie tries to attack.

I don't know how.

What I DID do though scince I'm no good at scripting YET, I got a headcrab, When it sees me, It triggers a aischedule telling the zombie to Set the Phys_box Grating to enemy AND run to it.

What it does is, it goes to it, but doesnt attack it...

But when it hits it the grating falls... And it attacks me, BUT I want it to SWIPE it...

So how do I proceed to do this?
Research triggers more, is all I can say. I'm pretty sure it's possible, and I think right now we're at a stage where nobody is experienced enough in source to provide answers about it, and is still learning themselves.
You can use a scripted sequence, which basically tells a model to perform an animation. Setting the action animation to "attack" should work.