AI in HL2 can't hit anything

Mr Neutron

Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
First, unlike some people, I can run the MOHPA demo near perfectly at high detail and 1280, so I don't hate it for that reason. Nor do I hate it because it's short. What really makes it a huge disappointment coming off the awesome videos is that the AI's can't hit shit. You can literally run cirlces around them and they often won't even try to hit you. After the pin-you-against-the-walls action of COD, this just just doesnt' cut it. It's possible there's some good duck and cover AI here, but if they can barely hurt you, it doesn't matter how well they advance on your position; until then, it's hard to tell the difference between them and doom1 monsters.

'HL2 relevance, please,' you ask? Well the HL2 vids all look fantastic too, but they seem to have a similar problem: the AI's can't hit anything. I realize it won't be WW2 tactical firefights, but I'm really sick of fps where the basic gameplay is flayling about in the open with your opponent while shooting at them.
Ya i agree to many games are too easy.
Actually, the AI can hit things. Didn't you find it odd that the character wasn't taking any damage in the earlier Half Life 2 movies? The reason the enemies are failing to hit you/do damage is because the developers wanted to show what firefights could look like, without having to take cover (aka. stay alive).

I'm positive the AI will be quite competent when unrestricted in the full version...
Ya I suspect in the videos they turned down the enemy accuracy to ensure they didn't die before the video was over. Notice how they have kept any signs of healing kits/stations and armour our of our view (I havn't seen all the videos so I could be wrong)? So to ensure they wouldn't die without these things they probably decided to turn the AI's accuracy down.
Yes, it does suck... I now no longer appreciate games as unrealistic as this one.

Additionally, the "Tommy Conlin" voice actor sounds like a tired programmer.
Well they don't want to recreate a MP experience where you die a lot... On easy settings they probably have more recoil and such, but then again in video games you usually are a guy that seems to be lucky and usually can out-shoot anyone ;)
ok, which vid would u like to watch? first one, he does like hel in front of everyone because the game has good ai, and gives a bad name for the game
or second, show them what gameplay is like, and dont die, which gives a good name, u pick! lol
Sorry mate, I'd rather have a hard game that's hard because of realism then an easy game.
It was a very, very theatre-worthy demo. I loved how the wooden guard tower got hit by a bomb and blew into hundreds of pieces... amazing.

However, the unbelievably fast, furious, and frantic pace of the game should:
Make the player move much faster
Take the medic system out and replace that with medkits
Give some kind of breaks between firefights
Completely scrap the CS-like weapons (recoil and enlarging crosshairs)

In other words, the developers should have made a Medal of Honor game...
Art_Crime said:
Sorry mate, I'd rather have a hard game that's hard because of realism then an easy game.
um, if ur ahowing it to people, would u show urself dying every 1 sec? and hiding like a pussy? or show what the gameplay is like, think about it, if they used the good ai, the tester would be hiding, and like dying alot, i dont think the public wants to see the tester being a pussy, and wants to see the gameplay, and what u can do
It's likely that the AI will have aim that varies with difficulty levels. It's tricky getting the balance right; on one hand you don't want to make it too accurate or it's like the enemies are faultless robots, and on the other you don't want it to seem as though they have no eyesight. The most difficult thing about programming AI is making it seem human, and that's no easy task. I'm sure Valve have gone to great lengths to produce realistic results with their combat AI, at least it seems as though they have from what I've heard.
ya, and like i said, they dont wanna show u a vid of the tester struggling and getting pwned because the ai is good, that gives hl2 a bad name
Thread title wasn't appropriate for HL2 General discussion

I noticed this in all the videos, but I just took it as they toned the damage down a lot so they could get into the action a bit more. Nothing more than that, move on people.
Icarus said:
Thread title wasn't appropriate for HL2 General discussion


What? Now it just doesn't make any sense and is totally misleading. Why not just move it? :rolleyes:
I think the game was set like that so that we could see everything normal way ((Theatre like way)), watching people furiously completing a level without looking at anything wouldn't be too intersting.
Mr Neutron said:
First, unlike some people, I can run the MOHPA demo near perfectly at high detail and 1280, so I don't hate it for that reason. Nor do I hate it because it's short. What really makes it a huge disappointment coming off the awesome videos is that the AI's can't hit shit. You can literally run cirlces around them and they often won't even try to hit you. After the pin-you-against-the-walls action of COD, this just just doesnt' cut it. It's possible there's some good duck and cover AI here, but if they can barely hurt you, it doesn't matter how well they advance on your position; until then, it's hard to tell the difference between them and doom1 monsters.

'HL2 relevance, please,' you ask? Well the HL2 vids all look fantastic too, but they seem to have a similar problem: the AI's can't hit anything. I realize it won't be WW2 tactical firefights, but I'm really sick of fps where the basic gameplay is flayling about in the open with your opponent while shooting at them.

They can't hit anything? Obviously you haven't seen the E3 2004 demo. For two parts of it, Gordon died. For another, Gordon walked away from a firefight with about 3 health.

I'd prefer the game that forces me into an action oriented scenario. One where if I keep on my toes and keep my wits about me I will survive. I rather detest the game that has me creeping along to get a sneak attack on each and every character because a straight out fight will kill me. Scratch that, I don't detest that kind of game, but you will never see me confuse that kind of game with action so it had better have some other qualities to the gameplay.
They AI has nothing to do with the accuracy of the weapons they are using. And yeah I know it's not only that. That was probably just the Easy mode. If the accuracy is too crappy, then they will bump it up. They have tons of people playtesting. These are the kind of things they are fixing.

Completely a design decision.
Well at the moment it has the right amount of crap aiming.

What i mean by that, is that they are good shots but not amazing so it's still fun to go up against them. You don't have to be hiding or dying all the time.

Just looks like a tester run through. They will probably turn up the damage a notch.
im not going to judge how good or bad the AI aiming is till i am playing the game
I think the best example of how the AI aims would be the resistance guys shooting the strider in E3 2004. They are AI, and they kicked the strider around. Even most of the rockets that missed circled back because the laser was accurately placed.
The AI was on Easy/Medium for most of the demo's, and the only real fire fight we see Gordon have against the Combine, at the end of the video he is on 1/2 Health.
First off you think a game that has been in dev for 5 years would have "crap" AI aiming, I sure hope not, or that would be quite a waste of Valve's time.

Secondly, we can judge anything about HL2 gameplay, until we play it. In some of the vids "Gode Mode" is on, other is probably on an extremely easy setting.
E3 is all about impressing people with your presentation. The key to a good presentation is pacing (ask any magician). I wouldn't rule out them turning down the damage but I'm guessing the person in the video just practiced it for a while and was pretty good at it.

From what I've read the AI will be amazing. For example you could "throw" a crate at a soldier using the manipulator, and if you miss, he could fire back while using the crate as cover.

I'll put it this way.. if you thought the AI in half-life was good, valve made that. And they've had 5 years to work on making it better.