Air pollution rate in the world

Jul 11, 2003
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Sorry about asking so many air pollution questions, but does anybody know if the overall air pollution in the world is descreasing or increasing? Thanks.
I dunno, but in 20 years time we will be able to see the air.

Its going to be green.. :S
Wait.. you think Im being serious?

Well it isn't going down for sure...
Letters said:
I 'unno...

/me gooes to drive his Jeep

Bloody Americans and their bloody jeeps. Everyone else has to have wind power and solar power just so Letters can drive his Jeep without feeling guilty :sniper: ;).
The rate of polution is increasing, as more and more cars are used. This trend will continue untill fossil fuels run out, at which point cleaner methods will be used. It is the natural order for the atmosphere to reset itslef, so say 50 years untill we stop polution, then however long it takes for the polution effects to dissapear. You grandkids may well breath cleaner air than you do in their lifetime.