Airborn; an awesome looking UT3 mod just released.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Kinda surprised nobodys posted this yet. It exploded on some art forums I go to, and I thought it would have made it here by now. Anyways:

Ok before anybode expects too much from our first release.
We released something because we had to, you can find the release with google, but i'd definitely advise you to wait because there are some ugly bugs in it that i'd like to have fixed first.
Having that said, the Demo is more or less a visual tech demo with very basic gameplay, but at least one quest is awaiting you so you have something to do.
The Game was meant to be a prototype for an action adventure based around console, thats why we tweaked everything for smallHD as screenres (1280x720) and a gamepad (xbox controller) as the main input source.








More media can be found in these threads:

Official moddb site:
Wow, that looks great. I would pick up UT3 for that mod alone. Has a Zelda-ish charm to it.
That looks fantastic. Do want.
Wow that looks amazing! I love the art style, very vibrant, and also steampunk.
they don't actually show flying at all in the trailer. Based on the screens I thought it was a mod about flying around.
The art is downright astonishing. I wonder if the gameplay is worthwhile, will definitely give this a whirl.
they don't actually show flying at all in the trailer. Based on the screens I thought it was a mod about flying around.

I think the current release doesnt have flying at all. They did a proof of concept or something, and thats what those images are from. They plan on having it in a later build. Its going to be released in parts I guess. As he said in the quote in my OP, this version is pretty much just a tech demo.

As for what its about, I heard its pretty much a game about a kid who delivers mail. :/

You get to kick cats though, and thats what really matters.

Also, I think the team size is eight people. At least, thats all the members registered to their team on moddb.
If they get the flying in on a later build and I get to fly around then I will deliver so much ****ing mail you have no idea.
Hell yeah, I'd ****ing write mail to people I dont even know just so I could deliver it!
looks refreshing in all the dark black and blood thats been out for the past 3 or so years
I'm definately looking forward to this. One of my friends is doing the voice for the old man :)
first of all thank you very much guys :)

just here to clearify some things :bounce:

first of all bouncing ball rocks :bounce:

Ok secondly, Airbørn is far from done or anything, but it is a base to build on, we had to release it to take part of MSUC, MSUC is not about finished mods, well they should better be finished in the finals. So we don't see Airbørn winning anything. The gameplay is very, very, very basic, but now we have the style settled and the basic ground gameplay (which is the part that mostly refers to zelda) we start working on the flight mode, we are testing quite some games right now, gather gameplay ideas, test and work on them. So for the finals we'd like to have flight in, which gives more to the world then adding more content on the ground movent, there will be more of that too, but really it's not going to be a finished game, we might be professional game developers but we are doing it all in our freetime, anyone who worked in this biz, know how tight deadlines can be and how much work has to be done etc. so therefore don't expect too much, doing art is easy, making it playable and fun is the work we have to do now :)
Airbørn is more or less a universe we've been developing for quite some time now, this mod is just one possible way to visualize our ideas in a way to the public. When MSUC is done its also possible that we stop this mod because its too huge, and do something smaller, more doable, something that at one point can be finished with a small team, but that really not save yet, future will tell where we go and what we are going to do.
This version Airbørn is about Piño a boy who wants to become messenger just like his father was, thats right Krynn72, but he wants to become doesn't mean he has to become, its not far enough if the idea doesn't work out, well then he'll never get what he want to be, but just has his adventures instead. Its a part of the story thats not been written yet, and might even not be during this contest. I don't think that the messeging part will be more then just a way to direct you around in a campaign instead of free flight and landing and stuff, its for me just a way to guide the player, and give him the boarding licence for unknown islands, good way for us to to not have to make every island at once, we just can do one after the other and allow the player only to land if he has post for this specific island for instance, really just rough ideas, nothing set just yet.

@Warbie: well then send tim our best wishes and a hug from me ;)
he gave the grandpa so much life with his voice i was smiling the whole day when i first heard it :)

@TheOneFreeMan: easy to answer
Artur Fast - Concept Artist
Benjamin Sauder - Environment Artist
Dario Coelho - Concept Artist
David Monteiro - Animator
Flavius Alecu - Scripter & Best Boy
Ian Dorsch - Musician
Jochen Mader - Sounddesigner
Jochen Volz - Animator
Johannes Figlhuber - Concept Artist
Julius Brockelmann - Concept Artist
Manuel Virks - Environment Artist & Leveldesigner
Oliver Janoschek - UI Designer
Philipp Clermont - Environment Artist
Steffen Unger - Character Artist
Tim Huntle - Voice Actor

ok enough text, lets do some work to polish the shit out of the demo that has our first release on monday :)
@Warbie: well then send tim our best wishes and a hug from me ;)
he gave the grandpa so much life with his voice i was smiling the whole day when i first heard it :)


He does old man's voice on comms all the bloody time - this pairing was destiny.

Keep up the good work :cheers:
Hell yeah, I'd ****ing write mail to people I don't even know just so I could deliver it!


I was just thinking that & then I saw you had posted my thoughts!

Looks fantastic. I love the art direction. I'm not a big fan of getting content in parts, so i'll prob wait until it's more or less fully finished & released before I reinstall UT3.

Looks awesome. A year or so ago I would have said that UT3 was one of the worst gaming purchases I've ever made, but now I'm pretty glad I have it.
I'm not a big fan of getting content in parts, so i'll prob wait until it's more or less fully finished & released before I reinstall UT3

no one ever said its finished we just had to release it for MSUC, maybe it will never get finished, totally not impossible

@bam23: indeed it is

ok our more polished demo will be up tomorrow :)
One week delayed


the download link, exclusive on 4players for now

This happens to be the first public release of Airbørn, a total conversion for Unreal Tournament 3. The initial version which we had to release due to the Make Something Unreal Contest deadline last week, had some bad issues here and there, therefore we decided to give that version a week of extra polish.

The game was planned to be console based Action Adventure, therefore using the shortcuts provided by us 1280x720 (small HD) and playing Airborn with a gamepad (Xbox 360 controller) is recommended. It does work in different resolutions but the game experience might change and the HUD might not work properly. It also does work with keyboard and mouse, but it lends itself to be enjoyed with controller.

This version of Airbørn is far from a finished game, it's more or less a visual techdemo with basic gameplay added. Now that we have that base done we can build upon and add more to it. This is Version 0.1b, we know that there still are issues, but if you have any suggestions, feedback etc. feel free to contact us or search for updates at .

Have fun!

If you've already downloaded the previous version, here are the changes we've implemented since then:

- fixed a bad jump bug that occasionally shot you over very far distances
- fixed a dead end, when you've been on pogo and came close to the ledge you lost controls,
now you'll fall just like when you jump over the ledge
- balance animation got fixed, now plays right
- bird anims fixed
- kicking tokachus is way easier now, still not perfect, but a step forward
- changed the collision for pino to not get stuck all the time
- updated the collision of the harbour
- polished the pogo animations and movement to be more fluid and fun
- fixed an issue with the quest that you couldn't finish it even if you made it in time
- press 'B' to talk now added to the quest, for keyboard users, use 'E'
- tweaked the hud to fit better in the game
- ingame UI did crazy things therefore we removed it, is fixed now.
- added new graphical assets to the harbour
- tweaked existing shaders to fit better with the lighting
- new start screen
- forum added to

Best Regards

The Crew and me :)
When I was scrolling through this thread this was my sequences of thoughts ...

  1. Wow, someone's talking about a UT3 mod? That never happens.
  3. oh hey, wow.
  4. Holy shit! That's effin' amazing!
Can't the PS3 version of UT3 play mods? this would be pretty cool to play on it.