AIW 9800 Pro less powerful than regular 9800 Pro?


Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
I convinced my folks into getting me my b-day gift early; an All-in-Wonder Radeon 9800 Pro. My local Comp USA had a two-week-only instant saver for $50 on it, so that gave me the upper hand to coax them into getting it for me a month in advance.

Soon after I got it, I e-mailed Gabe and asked him if this would be good for Half-Life 2. He told that I should be just fine.

What I'd like to know, though, is if the All-In-Wonder is slightly underclocked compared to the regular 9800 Pro. I remember seeing a review (can't remember what site) of it, and the benchmark tests, which compared it to a regular 9800 Pro and an FX 5900 Ultra, showed it to fall behind the regular 9800 Pro and even the 5900.

I need some expert info here, cause I'm at a loss as to why it performs slower. Perhaps because of the extra components built into the card for the All-In-Wonder features?

I have to admit that I'm concerned a tad as to possible performance hindrances with Half-Life 2 that might arise from this card. After all, it seems that Gabe has only dealt with the regular 9800 Pro, and not the All-In-Wonder. Yes, I understand it uses the same chipset as the regular version, but does it take a hit performance-wise because of the other components built into the card?

Any info would be most appreciated.
Actually its the other way around. AIW 9800 is a little bit faster , not alot but a little. Even with the AIW 9700 Pro on benchmark in some places its a tiny bit faster, but pretty much the same.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Soon after I got it, I e-mailed Gabe and asked him if this would be good for Half-Life 2. He told that I should be just fine.

And I thought you were ok... how foolish of me. Gosh! : /
Originally posted by Tork
Actually its the other way around. AIW 9800 is a little bit faster , not alot but a little. Even with the AIW 9700 Pro on benchmark in some places its a tiny bit faster, but pretty much the same.

Thanks...yeah, just found some benchmarks that correlates exactly with what you're saying...dunno what was up with that other benchmark I had seen previously.
The AIW 9800 PROs clock rate is the same as the very 1st versions of the 9800 PRO. The newer 9800 PROs have a VERY VERY small slightly faster clock rate (4-5MHz at the most!) so you wouldn't even loose 1 whole FPS off the new 9800 PRO benchmarks.
its a tiny bit faster. I got the pro in the intel system and the AIW in the AMD. Its really awesome, the extra features are worth about 900 bucks if you bought seperatly.

you can hook up PS2 and stuff to your comp, and watch TV

it doesnt have dual monitor support, so thats the only downside if you needed that.
the aiw is the exact same thing

any descrepancy in a test is just that