

Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
K guys ... well ive posted here like once or twice.
Im 13 and im learning 3ds max ... accually ive been with it for about a year and im here to show you a pic of an ak i did.
The clip on the ak might seem abit "odd / wonky" I might fix that. But seeing as this is for nothing and the poly count is high i probably wont bother. ITs just a show model.
Anyway here it is.

Hey man, dont worry about your age. The model is beautiful! Good job, it looks really good.
Looks great, you should high-res skin it and people will love you even more
How many pollies and skin the bastard!

i just have like 2 crits, the handle looks a lil fat, and i think it would look better without the ridges on the clip. Just some thoughts it still looks great right now.
maybe if you made the ridges light grey instead of dark grey. also if its a show model then the cylinder abover the barrel should be hollow shouldnt it. im not a gun expert so i may be wrong.
maybe if you made the ridges light grey instead of dark grey. also if its a show model then the cylinder abover the barrel should be hollow shouldnt it. im not a gun expert so i may be wrong.
No, that's the gas chamber, that's where the gas from the fired rounds goes back into the gun to operate the bolt so the next round can fire. If that was hollow the gun wouldn't be able to work right. :p
thats really good. remove the ridges on the clips, they can very easily be skinned on and just dont look right modeled on.
gh0st said:
thats really good. remove the ridges on the clips, they can very easily be skinned on and just dont look right modeled on.

Yeah, looks good, but remove those ridges :)
nice job akuma, looking good, now as posters before me have said, but a kick ass skin on it, and it will be "1337"
Wow, that looks kick assical, add a a skin to it and i would use it instead of default ak :).
(btw if you don't mind me asking but did you pirate 3ds max?)