Al-Qaida Leader in Saudi Arabia Killed...

I agree totally with Crazy..

God doesn't exist
Tinneth said:
I agree totally with Crazy..

God doesn't exist

I never said that God doesn't exist.

Harij, this terrorist killed a person for absolutely no reason. He killed an innocent guy in the wrong place at the wrong time, just because he was a different nationality/religion. Terrorists are animals.

Animals? Animals kill eachother for feeding. Terrorists are not animals, they're not evil, but what they are doing may be "evil" or animalic.
It's the action that is bad, not the person..
CrazyHarij said:
Adolf Hitler was a genius, but obsessed with completely wrong views on life and the human race.
I don't hate him, I admire what he did with Germany, but NOT what he did with the jews, homosexuals, gypsies and the other types of people he considered being "unworthy".

What!? Hitler was an occultist, he based his whole political ideas for that. It was a fascist regime that strictly controlled it's country. He even killed his own Sturmtroopers (who got him into power) afterwards. He was an egotistic lunatic whose own demise was self-imposed.
There is no such thing as evil in a human being.. There is plain dumbness, greed, obsession, mental illness, twisted view on life, but not evil. Unless you consider these things being evil..

Thanks for your opinion, but we have our own opinions too. I believe in god, I'm god fearing, and I believe there is both a heaven and a hell. I'm also taught to respect other religions, as most of the main religions teach as well. This guy isn't a true follower of his religion, if you read the writings of it, he goes against his gods wishes, and these terrorists make bad names for their religions by claiming their evil actions to be in the name of "Jihad".

I believe in evil, I don't see how anyone can't believe in evil. Even if you don't believe in god, surely you can believe in evil. Evil and Lawful has nothing to do with god. These people aren't affected by mental illness, and the actions they choose to take are born from the deep, black hate natured feelings in their heart. These people killed innocents, TARGETED INNOCENTS purposefully, in order to make them and others suffer. That's evil, no question about it in my mind. We have evil people everywhere in the world, even in my own government, I admit. For the actions those people commited, they deserved death, and they deserve an eternal afterlife of suffering for their wickedness <shrug>

Thats my opinion anyways.
Raziaar said:
....I'm god fearing....

Why do you fear God? I'm not religious at all my self, but I hear this phrase all the time. It never made sense to me that one should have to fear one's creator.
Just curious about it.
Neutrino said:
Why do you fear God? I'm not religious at all my self, but I hear this phrase all the time. It never made sense to me that one should have to fear one's creator.
Just curious about it.

I found this from a random website, hope it helps a bit. I say it as a good thing.

People use the phrase "God-fearing" to mean something good. The general perception is that if you are God-fearing, you are aware of the wrath of God, and the threat of that danger keeps you in line. If you are not God-fearing, then you are somewhat of a heathen. What does it mean to be God-fearing? If God is all-good, all-knowing, and all-loving, why would anyone be afraid of Him? Doesn't a relationship with God infer a sense of calm, peace and comfort? Several people phoned into Victor's show to explain their viewpoints on exactly what "God-fearing" means to them. The consensus among callers was that the word "fear" in the phrase "God-fearing" is related to the idea of respect or reverence, not fearfulness in the normal sense. According to Proverbs 1:7, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Raziaar said:
I found this from a random website, hope it helps a bit. I say it as a good thing.

Hmm, still seems rather odd to me, but thank you for the info on it.
Well, I imigine it would, and I respect that. Easy to be confused by it. I guess you could say if I didn't fear god, I would sin and not even be worried about it, not worried about what punishment could be set aside for me if I did not seek to have that sin forgiven.
CrazyHarij said:
No, turning one of Europe's weakest countries that was pretty much doomed after WW1, being surrounded by enemy countries, into one of the worlds most productive and industrially and military advanced countries, filling the nation with hope and pride instead of neverending fear.

You know how he did that? By creating a fascist militatry-dictatorship and arming the country to the teeth. Can't say I admire that.

I admire people like Martin Luther King and Ghandi personally.
Raziaar said:
Well, I imigine it would, and I respect that. Easy to be confused by it. I guess you could say if I didn't fear god, I would sin and not even be worried about it, not worried about what punishment could be set aside for me if I did not seek to have that sin forgiven.

Ya, I can definitely understand what you're saying.

See the reason it seems odd to me is that I personally don't believe in God at all and thus don't expect there to be any consequences or punishment for an action beyond the obvious immediate ones. However, I still consider myself to be a very moral person and have, I think, some very strong personal ethics that I try to stick to. That's why I never really understood the whole "punishment" thing with most religions.

Not trying be disrespectful at all, but just explaining a bit more of why I was always a bit confused by the expression.

Of course, now we're getting into ethical philosphy, which is rather subjective to say the least. Seems just about impossible for one person to expain their own ethics to another person. :p
CrazyHarij said:
No, turning one of Europe's weakest countries that was pretty much doomed after WW1, being surrounded by enemy countries, into one of the worlds most productive and industrially and military advanced countries, filling the nation with hope and pride instead of neverending fear.

I can say the same thing about the US, but they didn't commit genocide.

O please, Hitler had exploited the Versailles treaty as propaganda to stir up support for his party. He filled the nation with racial bigotry, and used such ideologies that the Aryan nation were direct descendants of Atlantis and gods.....also viewed people of Judaism, the disabled, homosexuals, and gypsies as impurities to his "perfect" nation.
CrazyHarij said:
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.
For some reason i see irony in this....****ing dumbass...
If adolf hitler had a button to end the world near the end of the war, he would have used it. The same with AL-QAEDA, if they knew they could kill americans by pushing the button to end the entire world, they would use it in a second. These people dont care what happens to anyone. I cant believe some people actually support people like this.
People have different preceptions on what is evil and what is not evil, and because of this there will always be evil in the world.

Tonight I had a steak dinner. To some I am viewed as an evil person because I am eating another animal; a living creature killed for my own personal enjoyment (food-wise). To others, I am just doing what I need to survive.

"An eye for an eye", "two wrongs make a right", and any other analogy out there ties in with evil. This AL-QAEDA person probably had what was coming to him, and it's too bad that American had to loose his life in such barbaric fashion (I haven't seen the footage, but the news sites describe things in so much detail, don't they?).

I'm just generalizing at this point and really can't think of many other points at the moment so I'll close by saying: "Evil can never be truely abolished as everyone has different beliefs as to what is right or wrong, and when you think about it, there's a little evil in all of us."

Well, I'm off to bed. See you in the morning.
What goes around comes around.

That's all I'm going to say.

CrazyHarij said:
Wow, you americans are more narrowminded and stupid than I thought.

Cool! Way to generalize on all Americans!

CrazyHarij said:
But yeah, it was very bad of me to generalise and say "you americans". Can you forgive me? :(

Awwww. I can't stay mad at you Crazy. I forgive you and the biozominades.
Tonight I had a steak dinner. To some I am viewed as an evil person because I am eating another animal; a living creature killed for my own personal enjoyment (food-wise). To others, I am just doing what I need to survive.

Evil isn't a term to just be thrown around at everything. Those who do are pretty ignorant. If they called you evil for eating meat, they are morons. Animals were put on this earth partly to feed man, and if they can't live with that, tough. Same can be said about the weeds that they munch on <chuckles> Plants are living organisms, are they not?

Now, I guess evil could be applied if someone is hunting animals in an attempt to exterminate them for no other purpose but to do so, without using anything. However, I generally apply the term evil only to where mankind is concerned, against his own kind, but that's just me.
You guys take the words of a deadtired guy posting something in the middle of the night WAY too seriously, that's all I can say.

EDIT: Moto X, you're da man! :D
ray_MAN said:
Terrorists are animals.
no, they're not animals. theyre brainwashed into thinking what theyre doing is right, and that theyre going to go to heaven. they dont kill for pleasure, they kill for controll and to spread fear (TERRORists). i agree, they shouldnt be doing what they are doing, and that it's completely wrong, but it isnt their fault.

and btw, the nazis were one of the most cultured peoples in the world at the time. its the same story with them. (im a jew btw, so dont go around calling me a racist by saying i love the nazis/iraqis or whatever. that's not what im trying to say.)
hope he's enjoying his time in hell.

Boy would it suck if the Islam is right, then he would be in heaven with 77 women right now....
Farrowlesparrow said:
I unfortunately clicked the link (to check) and the first pciture i saw was horrible....That scary thing is it looked like something out of a film but when it hits you that its a real human and not just some latex recreation...Its just too much.

my freind saw the video of the american being beheaded by iraquis, he gave me the link... then 5 mins later told me not to watch it. I didnt anyway- i dont like that stuff. apparantly it was no more gory than any film, except the point is it was real... and he was really dead. i think he felt guilty ffor ages after that...

btw i agree with crush :p
crushenator 500 said:
no, they're not animals. theyre brainwashed into thinking what theyre doing is right, and that theyre going to go to heaven. they dont kill for pleasure, they kill for controll and to spread fear (TERRORists). i agree, they shouldnt be doing what they are doing, and that it's completely wrong, but it isnt their fault.

I agree - they are not evil. They are not killing for the sheer pleasure of killing. They are not killing for the sake of killing. They are killing for a cause.

How many of you would stay your hand if you thought you were doing god's will? How many of you would stay your hand if it this death would save other lives?

I believe it is no more evil than Israel firing rockets at Hamas militants - while they are sitting at the dinner table with their kids. Dead terrorist, but you had to kill innocents to accomplish your goal.
no, they're not animals. theyre brainwashed into thinking what theyre doing is right, and that theyre going to go to heaven. they dont kill for pleasure, they kill for controll and to spread fear (TERRORists). i agree, they shouldnt be doing what they are doing, and that it's completely wrong, but it isnt their fault.

Well said.

Terrorists use weapons and arms to spread their political views.
CrazyHarij said:
Animals? Animals kill eachother for feeding. Terrorists are not animals, they're not evil, but what they are doing may be "evil" or animalic.
It's the action that is bad, not the person..

Technically you could say the same thing about Hitler
Animal: A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner.
Bestial: Lacking in intelligence or reason; subhuman.
Brutish: Rough; uncivilized
Tork said:
Animal: A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner.
Bestial: Lacking in intelligence or reason; subhuman.
Brutish: Rough; uncivilized
thats funny, i always thought of animals as things like dogs and cats :rolleyes:
crushenator 500 said:
thats funny, i always thought of animals as things like dogs and cats :rolleyes:

Its also funny how you would think we are talking about dogs and cats when we mention how these people are animals.
Tork said:
Its also funny how you would think we are talking about dogs and cats when we mention how these people are animals.
crushenator 500 said:
no, they're not animals. theyre brainwashed into thinking what theyre doing is right, and that theyre going to go to heaven. they dont kill for pleasure, they kill for controll and to spread fear (TERRORists). i agree, they shouldnt be doing what they are doing, and that it's completely wrong, but it isnt their fault.

and btw, the nazis were one of the most cultured peoples in the world at the time. its the same story with them. (im a jew btw, so dont go around calling me a racist by saying i love the nazis/iraqis or whatever. that's not what im trying to say.)

damn you, 10 char limit !!!
ray_MAN said:
Terrorists are animals.

I was talking about his comment, thats what he was trying to say, when he says Terrorits are animals, believe me hes not talking about a dog or a cat, because most people think of them as companions more then anything else. Also some people think its not their fault for killing these people, well thats a load of bs. Anyone who thinks they are going to heaven for cutting someones head off 1: deserves to die or 2: belongs in an asylum.
One comment and I'm out of here:
They are pictures of the American military contractor that was decapitated by this Abdulaziz al-Moqrin hours before he was subsequently killed by Saudi special forces.
I'm interested in how (and why) they kept a decapitated man alive long enough for the Saudi special forces to kill him. It sounds like someone needs a lesson on grammar, punctuation, anatomy, or the concept of time.
ffs stop twisting everything crazy has to say :\. I dont think its a good thing for him to be killed, id prefere for him to be captured, interigatted (sp :() and then given a life imprisonment. No one deserves death.
Im not saying this is a bad thing but im more of saying there could had been a better way of going about it.
I wish they had captured them too but it doesnt always go that way, there was a shootout (5 cops were killed during this) and its kill or be killed in that situation, all this capture stuff flys out the window when you have bullets coming your way, so they had did what they had to do. They were disposing the body (caught red handed) while all this.
PvtRyan said:
Boy would it suck if the Islam is right, then he would be in heaven with 77 women right now....
easily the most meaningful thing said in this entire stupid thread.
Yeah, but you know what? They weren't following the code of Islam. <winks>

They were going against their god with their actions according to all the people who study the islam preachings.
Raziaar said:
Yeah, but you know what? They weren't following the code of Islam. <winks>

They were going against their god with their actions according to all the people who study the islam preachings.

.. not really. there are plenty of muslim "extremists" who probably saw the execution as justice. islamic justice, like most, calls for an "eye for an eye". this man was working for lockheed-martin repairing apaches i think.. it's not hard to see how such a person could be seen as a cog in the war-machine that there terrorists perceive is destroying their people. certainly, you don't need to extend the moral code of the religion much to justify this action in the minds of the perpetrators. and this is true of most codes of ethics, not just islam.
PvtRyan said:
Boy would it suck if the Islam is right, then he would be in heaven with 77 women right now....

Nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that if you kill infidels, you get to hang out in Paradise with 77 virgins. This is Al Qaeda proganda that helps convince people to carry out "martyrdom operations."
DarkStar said:
Nowhere in the Qur'an does it say that if you kill infidels, you get to hang out in Paradise with 77 virgins. This is Al Qaeda proganda that helps convince people to carry out "martyrdom operations."

I agree on that, I ASKED a while ago a muslim person on the above fase in quran he said its not in there and its part of a big propaganda to make the Islam religion looks bad.
CrazyHarij said:
Adolf Hitler was a genius, but obsessed with completely wrong views on life and the human race.
I don't hate him, I admire what he did with Germany, but NOT what he did with the jews, homosexuals, gypsies and the other types of people he considered being "unworthy".

As for Joseph Stalin, he had obsessions and distorted opinions. But he was very intelligent in some aspects, and he did change alot in Russia/The Soviet Union.
"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is statistics"

Osama Bin Laden and his family has alot of connections with the CIA and even the Bush family, they've been lending them shitloads of money even before 9/11.

There is no such thing as evil in a human being.. There is plain dumbness, greed, obsession, mental illness, twisted view on life, but not evil. Unless you consider these things being evil..
you admire a Man who did massive amounts of evil toward the human race. what makes it worse is you admit that he was intellegent enough to relize he was doing evil. you think what he did for germany really levels out for what he did to everything else? suddenly because he helps one type of people that it makes what he did to the others better? then you might as well where a swastika.
Crazy your flawed, and much how you admire hitler he did not stand for flawed humans. he killed himself cause he was a coward and was flawed. i guess you should do the same. :naughty: Definition of "evil"

evil :
adj 1: morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence";
"evil deeds" [syn: wicked] [ant: good]
2: having the nature of vice [syn: depraved, vicious]
3: tending to cause great harm [syn: harmful, injurious]
4: having or exerting a malignant influence; "malevolent
stars"; "a malefic force" [syn: malefic, malevolent, malign]
n 1: morally objectionable behavior [syn: immorality, wickedness,
2: that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune; "the
evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft
interred with their bones"- Shakespeare
3: the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice;
"attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world"
[syn: evilness] [ant: good, good]

Now regardless of whether you think there is no such thing as evil in a person, CrazyHarij, if someone is mentally well enough to be able to tell the differance between right and wrong, such as Hitler or these Terrorists killing in the name of Allah, they're considered evil by this definition alone.
Sorry man, i don't have anything against you but i totally disagree with you here. For example you can't say that the pedophile who rapes and kills so-and-so number of children whilst having a sound mind when commiting those crimes isn't evil. That person is fully aware that what they have been doing is considered wrong by everyone, and is just doing these things to satisfy themselves.
Pitbul said:
you admire a Man who did massive amounts of evil toward the human race. what makes it worse is you admit that he was intellegent enough to relize he was doing evil. you think what he did for germany really levels out for what he did to everything else? suddenly because he helps one type of people that it makes what he did to the others better? then you might as well where a swastika.
Crazy your flawed, and much how you admire hitler he did not stand for flawed humans. he killed himself cause he was a coward and was flawed. i guess you should do the same. :naughty:

He didn't say that he was admiring the bad things that Hitler did. In fact, I remember Crazy condemning them earlier in this thread :)

If someone does some good and some evil, why not be able to recognise the good that they have done?

Let us say someone discovers the cure for cancer. Then three years later he releases an anthrax bomb in a major city. Sure, that was an evil act, but still kudos to him for discovering the cure for cancer.

Sparta said:
Now regardless of whether you think there is no such thing as evil in a person, CrazyHarij, if someone is mentally well enough to be able to tell the differance between right and wrong, such as Hitler or these Terrorists killing in the name of Allah, they're considered evil by this definition alone.

But the crucial part is not whether they are mentally sound enough to tell the difference between right and wrong. The question is: Do they believe they are doing wrong? In my opinion, no.

Does it make them evil if we think they are doing wrong, and they believe they are accomplishing their goals using whatever means they have?
But the crucial part is not whether they are mentally sound enough to tell the difference between right and wrong. The question is: Do they believe they are doing wrong? In my opinion, no.

But you see, truely evil people don't think what they are doing is wrong... they think their was is *THE* way. Evil isn't defined as knowing what you are doing is wrong... evil can be someone thinking what he is doing is the way, and really, its more scary that way. In some of my roleplaying games, like my online text mmorpg, we don't consider people who run around saying "i'm evil" and who are killing left and right to be truely evil(more loose in games), but we do consider someone in that type of game TRUELY evil if what he does seems normal to him, and he goes about it as if it were normal.

Thats my opinion anyways. For someone to be evil, they don't have to know what they are doing is wrong... they can very well think what they are doing is right in their own mind.