Al-Qaida Leader in Saudi Arabia Killed...

Raziaar said:
But you see, truely evil people don't think what they are doing is wrong... they think their was is *THE* way. Evil isn't defined as knowing what you are doing is wrong... evil can be someone thinking what he is doing is the way, and really, its more scary that way. In some of my roleplaying games, like my online text mmorpg, we don't consider people who run around saying "i'm evil" and who are killing left and right to be truely evil(more loose in games), but we do consider someone in that type of game TRUELY evil if what he does seems normal to him, and he goes about it as if it were normal.

Thats my opinion anyways. For someone to be evil, they don't have to know what they are doing is wrong... they can very well think what they are doing is right in their own mind.

Wait wait, but earlier in the thread people were saying that they were evil because they KNEW what they were doing was wrong, and did it anyway.

Now you are saying that if they are only doing what they believe in, then they are evil?

Where does that leave us? Pretty open definition of evil then.
Pogrom said:
Wait wait, but earlier in the thread people were saying that they were evil because they KNEW what they were doing was wrong, and did it anyway.

Now you are saying that if they are only doing what they believe in, then they are evil?

Where does that leave us? Pretty open definition of evil then.

I didn't say that, did I? God, I hope not, that'd make me look like an idiot. lol

I guess the definition of evil is different for each person, some people think you're evil if you trample flowers or eat meat, others only reserve it for the most extreme things like mass murdering thousands of people.
Bah, cant edit. Anyways. I'm going to step off the topic, I got too involved in this, like in the marijuana topic, so i'm gonna back off. Good luck guys
Raziaar said:
I guess the definition of evil is different for each person
and of course the natural conclusion of this recognition is that "evil" is, at best, only a social construct. "evil" is different for each individual precisely because there is no such thing as objective evil. there is ethical and unethical.. and that's about as far as a rational person can take it, imo.
CrazyHarij said:
Adolf Hitler was a genius, but obsessed with completely wrong views on life and the human race.
I don't hate him, I admire what he did with Germany, but NOT what he did with the jews, homosexuals, gypsies and the other types of people he considered being "unworthy".

Coming from a swede - how surprising...
...while disposing of hostage's body.

How wonderfully ironic - hope he's enjoying his time in hell.

lol owned "Counter-Terrorists win"

Haha just had to say that. If i'd show my feelings towards terrorism in this forum...well let's just say i would probably get banned :)
ok, since no one is reading my link, I'll just quote - said:
A senior US intelligence official is about to publish a bitter condemnation of America's counter-terrorism policy, arguing that the west is losing the war against al-Qaida and that an "avaricious, premeditated, unprovoked" war in Iraq has played into Osama bin Laden's hands. (....)

Imperial Hubris is the latest in a relentless stream of books attacking the administration in election year. Most of the earlier ones, however, were written by embittered former officials. This one is unprecedented in being the work of a serving official with nearly 20 years experience in counter-terrorism who is still part of the intelligence establishment. (...)

The Pakistani army claimed a big success in the "war against terror" yesterday with the killing of a tribal leader, Nek Mohammed, who was one of al-Qaida's protectors in Waziristan.

But Anonymous, who has been centrally involved in the hunt for Bin Laden, said: "Nek Mohammed is one guy in one small area. We sometimes forget how big the tribal areas are." He believes President Pervez Musharraf cannot advance much further into the tribal areas without endangering his rule by provoking a Pashtun revolt. "He walks a very fine line," he said yesterday. (...)

After such "hyping" of a small tribal leader, I think that this might just be the same thing....
Let me chime in one last time here...

You know, I never thought of this before, but I'm surprised of how tolerant we are of middle easterners through all this, and yet when we have people there, they fear for their lives. Its like the whole country is out to get you, when in the western regions like the USA, UK, canada etc, the only people seeking to harm people from the middle east might be certain factions like KKK, and other racist groups. The majority of the countries as a whole doesn't despise you, and actually would LIKE you.

America definately isn't the most racist/bigot country out there, but it's not like we're low on the list. We're flawed, but our country has thrived based on its tolerance to foreigners who come to live in the country.

EDIT: I wonder how many times the average saudi or iraqi that visits america thinks that they will be captured in a dining facility, and have their head cut off for the whole world to see. Huh? huh? Exactly, it doesn't happen here really, except in the most extreme cases.
Raziaar said:
You know, I never thought of this before, but I'm surprised of how tolerant we are of middle easterners through all this, and yet when we have people there, they fear for their lives. Its like the whole country is out to get you
huh? what are you talking about? i mean, specifically, what countries are you talking about? haven't we been discussing the actions of a 'few' terroists? just because people feel fear for thier lives, doesn't mean a whole country is out to get them. however, when lawlessness pervades (such as in iraq) there is very little protecting someone from the intentions of a violent minority.

ok, read your edit.. in the case of saudi arabia, all you need to recognize is that america generally doesn't have a well-funded terroist sub-culture. why do we not have one, but the saudi's do? well, that's a whole different discussion.