Alevel results thread


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Well I got my AS results today:

Maths B
Further Maths F
Phyics B
History B
Critical Thinking B

I know alot of you got you A2' results today. Did you get what you needed? post!
Your B in critical thinking conflicts with Chavez in your avatar
Art and Design C
Product Design D
Music Tech E
Gen. Studies U (On the one paper I was so ridiculously hot during the exam I ended up filling an entire page with 'TURN THE RADIATOR OFF' in a blind rage.)

Not too fussed to be honest - petty excuses aside the criterias for all three subjects have been pretty fething awful, and I refuse to put a dedicated amount of time and effort into something I don't enjoy, so all year I've mainly been working on my art/design portfolio which I'll be using above my results to show for foundation courses.

Besides, theres retakes. My A Level courses look SO much better than the AS courses.

Could've been so much better really. Could've been a lot worse as well though. I'm not going to uni so in the end I'm not too fussed either way, got pretty much exactly what I was expecting I'd get.
oh dam, im taking it next year. i take computerscience, phy, math,
B - General Studies

C - Geography

D - Religious studies

E - Physics
i'm ignorant.

whats AS? and A2?

solaris, what is the critical thinking course/subject about?

are you in secondary school/highschool antipop?
I ain't got mine yet. But then I always get mine like, a week later. :(
I'm not sure what the deal with colleges is, but AS and A Levels are what you take during Sixth Form College, which is a 2 year set of courses after High School. You take four primary subjects and one minor subject, such as Critical Thinking or General Studies.

I can't speak for Critical Thinking as I didn't take it, but General Studies is a sort of debate class about stuff happening around the world, like war, politics, economy, buisnesses, abortions/right and wrongs, etc. Quite fun. I really enjoyed the classes but the exams sucked - all the questions we got were damned stupid.

You do the AS Levels for the first year then finish with the A Levels the next. I only took three courses, though, because apparantly I needed a good Maths and Science grade to take History. :| You can drop one subject anyway.
Congratulations to all who got what they wanted today :)
I'm not sure what the deal with colleges is, but AS and A Levels are what you take during Sixth Form College, which is a 2 year set of courses after High School. You take four primary subjects and one minor subject, such as Critical Thinking or General Studies.

I can't speak for Critical Thinking as I didn't take it, but General Studies is a sort of debate class about stuff happening around the world, like war, politics, economy, buisnesses, abortions/right and wrongs, etc. Quite fun. I really enjoyed the classes but the exams sucked - all the questions we got were damned stupid.

You do the AS Levels for the first year then finish with the A Levels the next. I only took three courses, though, because apparantly I needed a good Maths and Science grade to take History. :| You can drop one subject anyway.

as i see, so you arent in uni yet. Your results from your Alevels will determine what uni/college courses you can do ya?
Goin to Heriot Watt for physics, w00t!
It's said to be amongst the best in the country for my course! Which I didn't find out til yesterday.

The Guardian and The Times ranking for physics:



A2 results are in:

English Language: B
Business Studies: B (7 marks off an A, gutted)
ICT: D (Was to be expected considering Edexcel's shoddy course structure and the competence of the ICT teachers at my school)

I'm off to ****ing uni babeh! Congrats to all those who have finally finished, hope you got what you wished for.
I got a double C for GCE Applied ICT in A2.
Last year I got an E in Computing A2 (damn teacher, failed every unit that year, good job I got a decent grade in the first year to enable me to pass D: )
I also took Imedia (games design) this year. And I passed that :)

Got acepted into the uni I wanted, had an unconditional offer so it doesn't really matter what I got :D Uni here I come! :D
A - English Lit
A - Film Studies
A - History Modern
B - Psychology

These are full A levels, not just AS ones.
as i see, so you arent in uni yet. Your results from your Alevels will determine what uni/college courses you can do ya?

Yeah each grade gives a certain amount of UCAS points, and Uni's ask for certain amounts of points depending on the course. I'm [hopefully] off to do a foundation art cours after Sixth Form and they'll want my portfolio of work more than points, but it's recommended to have both, and from there I'll go for Uni.
English - B
Maths - E
Electronics (AS only) - C
Welsh Bac - PHAIL
It's awesome 'cuz I needed a B in English to get into Glamorgan Uni to do Creative and Professional writing, and I did \o/.
Maths I'm not too worried about, but it's still a pass.
I got ABB in Maths, Chemistry, Biology A2 and a B in Further Maths AS (my further paper mark was awesome, but shoddy modules and balancing to get me an A in main Matha put it down). Got a B in Physics AS and C in Critical Thinking from last year if it matters.

I'll be joining you at Heriot-Watt, Neptune, but for Chemistry. Went in through clearing and got my spot sorted right away :P
ICT: D (Was to be expected considering Edexcel's shoddy course structure and the competence of the ICT teachers at my school)

Hehe, same thing here. I actually spanked the exams, but the coursework was just utter bullshit in every imaginable way. Coupled with a teacher who could barely speak English...

Still it's all done and dusted now. Congrats to everyone who got their grades. :) And ****ing well done Sui. :thumbs:

E in Biology, but to be honest I saw it coming. My god that subject was boring.
I got ABB in Maths, Chemistry, Biology A2 and a B in Further Maths AS (my further paper mark was awesome, but shoddy modules and balancing to get me an A in main Matha put it down). Got a B in Physics AS and C in Critical Thinking from last year if it matters.

I'll be joining you at Heriot-Watt, Neptune, but for Chemistry. Went in through clearing and got my spot sorted right away :P

Awesome dude! Us science nerds should stick together*, aye? :D

* - Find best pub in town and get pissed.
Are these the American/English/Other equivilents of the HSC?