Aliens eyes in HL2....


  • Yes

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 23 51.1%

  • Total voters
my god. How on earth are we supposed to know
And that would be up to the design, not technical. So again, no way of telling.
I certainly hope not. Its just stupid eyecandy (literally) :P

sorry, got a cold. *snifie*

So yes they can. No one else need reply now. k.
as usual... worthless G0rgon crap thread...

[on topic]

as stated above, HL2 already have glowing eyes... besides, if it hadn't, why would Valve want to rip off Doom3 for no reason what so ever?
sidenote: Glowing eyes are not a game feature, it's a part of the model. Gordon doesn't have glowing eyes, nor would there be any reason to make him have lgowing eyes...
Aliens, not Gordon. Can you read English.
Everybody including me is :x
leave him alone man.

yea would be cool if the aliens had them eyes. man that would make me think twice to crowbar them, cause they be so scary! LOL
isn't it possible to ban someone according to his ip? ;)
He is probably on AOL (judging from his speech)... which would mean his IP changes every time he signs on.
Are you talking about "eyes" in the HL2 or Doom3
god dammit no gorgon is back he wont die hes been banned he wont die ahhhhhhh
Banning him won't stop him... I say they give out his e-mail address so everyone can spam him and use his e-mail to sign up for all kinds of porn mail.
He probably makes a new address for every name he has on here anyway... at least we could participate.
Glowing eyes? scary? what? why? c'mon it's the greatest sequel in the multiverse and all you can think of is "glowing eyes"? Jeez!
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Lmao, Gorgon I have never seen your other posts, but I already dislike you.

Lol... believe it or not, this is his best post yet... G0rgon has been banned a good 2-3 times...
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
god dammit no gorgon is back he wont die hes been banned he wont die ahhhhhhh

Just like a bad zombie:cheese:

/me stops being rude.

Anyway, I don't really care so much about the eyes, as long as they are as nice looking as the G-man's are in the uber high quality vid.
why wont Munro just ban his IP, or maby send a hitman to kill him, thatd make us all happy.
Its funny how G0rgons thread always turn into a big flame thread only flaming him.... Sierously go look at his other ones!
alien eyes.
I'd like to see that too.
Reckon it's cool.

But I think HL2 should stay away from chainsaw weilding zombies though.
OK duds. I lov this game and for every fan who lovs this game has the right to give his/her ideas.

I have the right to give mine too. If you hate me you r very welcome; but don't show it here, show it in HL2 multi. OK.

Give comments on the thread's subject only, nothing else. In case you don't have info don't start flameing because your Knowledge is 0%.
Why were you banned in the first place. And the second place........

You stop flameing us. Then I personaly will stop flameing you for sure. I admitidly have a bit of a grudge against you because you were quite frankly very offensive to me for no reason and then deleted your post so there was no evidence And You NEVER Opologised! Which just gets me.....

Im fairly new, but he seems to want to just start over
yeah, to a new person it would seem that way. But he has been banned twice now and for good reason.

But hey, i'll *try* to give yet another chance
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Why were you banned in the first place. And the second place........

You stop flameing us. Then I personaly will stop flameing you for sure. I admitidly have a bit of a grudge against you because you were quite frankly very offensive to me for no reason and then deleted your post so there was no evidence And You NEVER Opologised! Which just gets me.....

Banned for:
One word posts, Spam, redicilous posts, etc...
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
yeah, to a new person it would seem that way. But he has been banned twice now and for good reason.

But hey, i'll *try* to give yet another chance

Well some members started to flame me, the reason is I post 48.7 posts a day for that they hate me and all my threads+ posts contain usefull info non of them irrelevant.
but I cannot remember you and your not one of the members who flamed me.

But if I did flame you I am v sory.
Well, your'll be please to hear my personal vendetta against you is now over. But I have no power on whever you get banned. And if we are honest, not "all" your posts were relevant now were they :P

But hey, i am all for giveing people second/third chances :P
Thanks, but I just said it, stupid posts or smart its still the fan's ideas, and everyone who lov this game got the right to participate.
welcome back Gorgon

I hope that in HL2 during the daytime, the Combine will have normal/dusk eyes, and at night, glowing, because of the extra light that they must take in to see