Aliens vs. Predator 3 Demo now available.

It was actually quite fun, matchmaking is total ass and playing as predator was hella complicated tho, i still to this day dont how it functions.
I think I cant give a good reason or opinion due cuz I enjoyed it mostly just cuz it was a alien vs predator game whit modern graphics and it dont run that bad on my pc,though at 800 res

though I didnt know what I was doing and got killed a lot and tons of lag

however this kind of gave me a good impression and if it dont get horrible reviews then I may consider it buying

one of my principal critics was that the enviroments feel whit too much light and too much brown like allways but after playing I can see the atmosphere is really not that bad and feels fine like one whould espect from a game like this

however until it come out whit good reviews I wont buy it
The core gameplay is an absolute blast, the matchmaking and failure to display any depth in the race v. race mechanic is shite. I'd also appreciate a more sensible interface and menu system, but that's the nature of a console port.
In 30 mins of apparently practically idle waiting, I could have played numerous other online games. So why give this one a chance, when other games do so much better? I think that's the point here.

Also, I haven't read anyone (except you) say this game is fun here. So tell me, why is it so much fun? Seems like there's an awful lot of people to convince here...

1.) The full game will have a full server browser and dedicated servers, so the purpose of the demo is to get an impression of the gameplay.

2.) Check the AvP3 thread in the main forum, many people saying it is fun, open your eyes. I don't have to convince anyone, if you don't like it you don't like it, but at least invest some decent time in the gameplay to get a real impression before you decide.

EDIT:- Or just check the next 3 comments after yours, up to you :p.
Also, for those saying this is a port, it was actually deved on PC and ported to consoles. Sure it was developed with all 3 platforms in consideration but the PC version was the lead development platform.

So then why does every part of it feel like a console game? If this was supposed to be their apex across all the platforms, they did a pretty terrible job.

And not everything is fun and sunshine on the AVP forums. Last I checked, there were plenty of people who hate it.
So then why does every part of it feel like a console game? If this was supposed to be their apex across all the platforms, they did a pretty terrible job.

And not everything is fun and sunshine on the AVP forums. Last I checked, there were plenty of people who hate it.

Because it was developed for ALL 3 platforms. Done on PC, ported to consoles but developed to take into account all 3 platforms, as said by the devs themselves.

Of course people don't like it, I know people that hate Mass Effect 2. Games will never please everyone but to say everyone hates the demo and I'm the only one who likes it is frankly stupid. For as many people don't like it just as many do.
That was directed more at your comment that anybody who played it for more than 30 minutes saw it as a good game.

"Developed with all platforms in mind" is usually an inoffensive way of saying "We're using consoles as a baseline, anything else is extra". Such games are generally not as well regarded on the PC unless an extra effort is made to tailor them to the platform (ala Mass Effect). Instead, the AVP demo feels like it's trapped in a console paradigm, and that's a bad thing no matter what the game is.
That was directed more at your comment that anybody who played it for more than 30 minutes saw it as a good game.

"Developed with all platforms in mind" is usually an inoffensive way of saying "We're using consoles as a baseline, anything else is extra". Such games are generally not as well regarded on the PC unless an extra effort is made to tailor them to the platform (ala Mass Effect). Instead, the AVP demo feels like it's trapped in a console paradigm, and that's a bad thing no matter what the game is.

That's not how I meant it. I just meant that to get a true feeling for the game, give it a little time, instead of getting flumoxed by the controls, setups and a buggy demo matchmaking service which will not be how we find games in the retail version and then ****ing it off. Give it a little time and you may end up enjoying it is what I meant.

It's clear that the console versions were the prime focus, but a port by the definition of the word means to take it from it's natively developed platform and rewrite the code for another. AvP3 was deved on PC, thus isn't actually a "console port" as many people use the term on here.
I enjoyed playing the demo again this morning.

I don't know how to feel about the melee system. It departs from the traditional "I need to always be aiming at you and if I'm lucky you don't juke away at the last moment" model and goes with "assisted" meelee attacks that are almost guaranteed if you're close enough, forcing you to use the block/counter system. Even as the marine you'll lock camera with your intended enemy and lurch at them when he uses his pitiful little butt stroke.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but marines seemed f*cked when an alien or predator get within meelee range. Especially with the alien's tail stun.
Depends, Mutoid_Man. As a marine, I almost always kill other aliens. Maybe they just suck, but I always melee first if they're within range. That stuns/disorientates them, giving me time to fill them with pulse rifle. If they catch me unawares, though, I'm toast.
played as the other classes and found controls complicated

why so consolised? keep pressing E to pick up a weapon?

weapons dont automatically changewhit the numbers buttoms,what is this?

and there was no crouch or I dint found the buttom for it?
Yeah, the seem to have done away with manual crouching. Aliens are always crouching unless you're up close and personal with an enemy and the Predator only crouches during his jump commands. Marines can't hide behind boxes and that f*cking sucks.

By the way, I find the alien's wall running to be a big flaw in this game. The original controls were so elegant, and they totally could have incorporated the "jump to the cursor" command. I still can't figure out how that horribly-named "wall transition" button works. At least the alien looks very acrobatic and fluid when jumping from wall to wall.
and how you can jump wall to wall?

I remnber in the originals you press E and the alien jumped forward but in this it dont seem to be like it

however playing as marine really give me the avp feeling I expected which is the reason why the demo is still installed
and how you can jump wall to wall?

I remnber in the originals you press E and the alien jumped forward but in this it dont seem to be like it

however playing as marine really give me the avp feeling I expected which is the reason why the demo is still installed

If a wall or ceiling is close enough, you just need to jump normally to jump to it seamlessly. It's much better than in the previous games.
If a wall or ceiling is close enough, you just need to jump normally to jump to it seamlessly. It's much better than in the previous games.


The old open system was so much fun! You could leap absurdly high into the sky with reckless abandon and latch onto random buildings, and use the maneuver to get out of danger or propel yourself right into the thick of things. The old system had so much freedom and I miss it.
Avp2 was definitely a more fun experience for me. Especially on the Aliens side of things. Aliens in this new game seem to take too many buttons to do what was fluid in the last game.
Hold the climb button to run on everything, release to drop at will, leap around ridiculously. Agh, I guess my problem was that I was looking for Avp2 with a fresh coat of paint.

Also, I'm not a fan of the melee system. Get within 5 feet of your target, press 'E' and watch the cutscene. It was fun the first 5 times, but it isn't very challenging.
also its me or the game seems to have some lag on it?
Yeah, that was mentioned by others. The controls, especially those regarding aim, are not very responsive. I'm going to try knocking the detail down a bit tonight and see if that doesn't make it any better. Some games have timing and responsiveness issues that appear when the frame rate drops below a certain level.
Any idea why this game always force my computer to shut down (!!!) after 10 minutes of gameplay?
Well finally got to play it and it's really fun, can't wait for the full thing
Multoid Man, you can turn the wall transition on to be automatic.
You too?! Goddammit. Why do people keep reading my screen name like there's an L in it?
I'll wait until they admit defeat and release/patch the game up to AvP2 standards.

Keep the nicer graphics if they can but I basically want AvP2, or at least the next best thing. The multiplayer has to make my eyes well up at the beauty of it just being...good.

A rare thing these days.

In the meantime I will play Wolfenstein.
Only complaint (from a non-AvP2 player) is that the melee system could use some work. Heavy attacks are a little bit too powerful to be both uninterruptable and unblockable, as they stun but they're hard to avoid due to their gigantic range. Melee fights between people who know what they're doing tend to end after the first hit because it's a heavy attack and they're stunned long enough that they can just get another one in. The block/counter for light attacks is great though; awesome times seeing an alien fall on his face because you block and counter as a marine or predator.

Great fun, especially as predator. Those of you who be hatin' haven't given it enough of a chance yet.
I'll wait until they admit defeat and release/patch the game up to AvP2 standards.

Keep the nicer graphics if they can but I basically want AvP2, or at least the next best thing. The multiplayer has to make my eyes well up at the beauty of it just being...good.

A rare thing these days.

In the meantime I will play Wolfenstein.

AvP2 multiplayer was an unbalanced piece of crap, with Queens etc running around. Anyone that holds AvP 2 up as the pinnacle of the series, either single player or multiplayer is just flat out wrong. AvP is the finest in the series, we'll see if that changes upon release of AvP3.

Besides, if you want AvP 2, then just play AvP 2.

Great fun, especially as predator. Those of you who be hatin' haven't given it enough of a chance yet.
