
Redneck said:
Well I think that alien your talking about is the gonarch, but poor Dog wouldn't stand a chance against that monster. I want to see snarks too and I'm with you in that minority that wants to see Xen again, but that isn't a posibility in Aftermath.
You ****ing kidding? No, seriously, Dog could just tear it's egg sack off and beat the ever living HELL out of it using it's dismembered appendage.

Bullsquids are absolutely required in at least 1 or 2 of the Episodes. Period. And Houndeyes. And Snarks. And maybe they could throw in Mister Friendly and the Kingpin in there somewhere just for the Hell of it.
samo said:
Gargantua would be fun..
I wanna see the Gargantua that was in concept sketches in the HL1 manual - that thing looked absolutely incredible...

wolvesrdogs said:
go to and look them up in halflife section
Reading that was ridiculous - did they actually have any basis for the stuff they wrote about the aliens, Gordon, etc? Anything?
Rizzo89 said:
Mister Friendly?
Let me go dig up RTB for this one......

Mister Friendly was an enemy originally intended for HL1 but cut for good reasons. "One of Mister Friendly's proposed attacks was to pound the ground and knock the weapon out of his hand. It was even suggessted that Gordon's glasses fly offvand leave the player stuck incombat with blurry vision". ".... except for this one that looked like a Cthulhuesque dog that had a very obvious pallus, and it looked like it was about to mount something." Basically, it's a ****ed up alien one of Ted Backman's friend's son drew, where the creature had some unmentionable features. Looked like an ugly ass alien dog ready to mount something. I can't be bothered to find pics.
el Chi said:
EDIT: Reading that was ridiculous - did they actually have any basis for the stuff they wrote about the aliens, Gordon, etc? Anything?
Hell no. After reading about the Vortiguant, they made up some shit. Hell they made up most of that bullshit.
TollBooth Willie said:
Let me go dig up RTB for this one......

Mister Friendly was an enemy originally intended for HL1 but cut for good reasons. "One of Mister Friendly's proposed attacks was to pound the ground and knock the weapon out of his hand. It was even suggessted that Gordon's glasses fly offvand leave the player stuck incombat with blurry vision". ".... except for this one that looked like a Cthulhuesque dog that had a very obvious pallus, and it looked like it was about to mount something." Basically, it's a ****ed up alien one of Ted Backman's friend's son drew, where the creature had some unmentionable features. Looked like an ugly ass alien dog ready to mount something. I can't be bothered to find pics.
Hell no. After reading about the Vortiguant, they made up some shit. Hell they made up most of that bullshit.
I've seen pics of Mr Friendly before and he didn't look all that. Besides, knocking your weapon out of your hand is a silly idea. Giving you blurred/messed up vision for a while isn't a bad idea, but if it's because your glasses go t knocked off, well that's just plain comical, ie: not good for HL.

And I figured they'd made all that stuff up - what pointless drivel.
I dont think knocking the glasses of is comical, but it whould rather enoying if you had to find them and cant find the place where you lost them or whatever.

Droping the guns could be good... If it didnt happen too often. Then it whould just be annoying.

Otherwise Mister Friendly sound cool.
I'm thankful they didn't make hl as comical as it was probably intended to be originally. If you look at the early sketches.