Alienware vs XPS


Dec 3, 2004
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I am just wondering which computers are better for gaming. Most LAN cafes I have been to use Alienware systems and I am wondering if it is a personal choice by the owner or if it is because the Alienware system surpasses what Dell can offer for gamers.
If the specs are the same, the machines should (for the most part, aside from tidbits like cooling), perform the same.

Build a PC. You can build what alienware has to offer for half the price, and you the best tech support in the world! YOU!
I am just wondering which computers are better for gaming. Most LAN cafes I have been to use Alienware systems and I am wondering if it is a personal choice by the owner or if it is because the Alienware system surpasses what Dell can offer for gamers.
Dell use gash motherboards, regardless of the system.

Alienware are better.

But custom built > bothof them.
Custom building PC has it's benefits.

1) You get to spend less money
2) You get the experience of building it
3) You get a sense of achievement and know exactly what is inside your PC.
plus building PC's aint hard, been doing it since I was 12/13.
If any of you have ever bought an Alienware laptop at least, you will realize that they are poorly made (absolutely NO room for cooling) and their customer service is horrible. Of course, Dell laptops at least have had their share of issues too, but I have had great luck with their XPS line of PCs (well, the one that I have).

That said, if you have the patience and knowledge to build your own, that is obviously the absolute best way to go. There's even a great tutorial in the hardware section of this forum!! Cheaper, better, more customized/customizable, no proprietary hardware issues--in short, the best way to go all around. Enjoy!!
Yup, an interesting point in this debate. Does that make the thread null and void? Quite possibly....
Not really, because the stuff Foxconn (who make a whole load of computer componants across the board) supplies Dell for use in their computers is the cheapest rubbish they have.

Alienware PCs (the desktops) are actually built with 'proper' motherboards built by Asus (and the componants supplied to Asus and the like by Foxconn are far better quality)

Dell motherboards on average cost about £6 to produce - right to their top end.
dell owns alienware ..although their operations are seperate you're still getting the same customer service, warrenty, manufactering etc

just build your own for half the price
Go with alienware I love mine! Yes the customer service is terrible but I havnt had any problems with my system anyways and any problems I have had I fixed myself. One of the best and stable gaming rigs Ive owned. Ive built my own in the past as well.
Alienwares are way overpriced.
And Dell have never really made "great" pc's.

Custom built ftw.
If I had to pick one, and not a custom build, i'd go with XPS. Dell has great customer service and fairly stable systems.
I got an XPS Gen 5 over a year ago now, getting bored of the case, gonna replace it, get a new card and a new monitor, other then that i never had any problems and ran all games perfectly :)