All 3 of my favourite TV shows are starting again soon..


Aug 19, 2007
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How sweet is that?

Battlestar Galactica starts again on the 16th of Jan, followed by Lost on the 21st and then Heroes on the 2nd of Feb. Despite the fact Heroes has gone down hill it's still quite entertaining. Season 7 of 24 has also just started, though I'm not a big fan of that, I've only seen the first 2 seasons. They've come at the right time too since I'm currently in the final semester of my Masters degree course and it'll give me something to do instead of work! :E
When I read the thread title I expected a dramatic post, something along the lines of "BUT THEY'RE ALL SCHEDULED TO PLAY AT THE SAME TIMES, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

It's the same for me, but replace "Lost" with "Fringe."
whoooo Killer Butterflies :D
for me, it's also House, but I'm starting to get sick of that show.
Maybe they might add some new things to the season
Fell out of watching Heroes when that speedy chick appeared and Mohinder got powers...
but, I cannot deny the fact that I feel entertained when watching the shows

Not opinions. Facts. kthx
That was rude, I'm sorry. I take it back.

You better. :P

I loved the first season of Heroes but it went so downhill. Fringe started like a bad X-Files episode and went downhill into, well, garbage. Really I'm disappointed and HURT AND BITTER WHY WON'T THEY MAKE SOMETHING GOOD THAT I'M CAPABLE OF LOVING.
Same for me, only replace those three shows with "The Office" and the dates with "thursday".
Fringe started like a bad X-Files episode and went downhill into, well, garbage.

Dude, a show that has the concept of butterflies killing someone, despite being a hallucination, is cool.

well, not killing him, just forcing him to jump from the office building he was in, but WHATEVER

But, yeah, I watch it as one of those not-suppose-to-take-seriously-but-still-entertaining shows.