All eyes on thursday evening!


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
The human mind has a tendancy to find patterns in seemingly random circumstances, for the last 2 thursdays has been preload day.

So I don't think it took very long before everyone was thinking/saying/shouting/screaming "OH GOD PRELOAD 3 WILL BE THIS THURSDAY!"

I hope it will, only the human mind and it's obsession with finding patterns has mislead us before (Conspiracies) and no doubt again.

So please don't get too excited,

All the best, Gabe...uh! I mean Dr breen.
Why Thursday? btw this post will get deleted, or locked according to my calculations.
Seems reasonable that they would plan to do a pre-load once a week as well. But I wouldn't expect too many more of them, maybe one or two, but that's already been discussed somewhere else.
Because you're being optimistic. There's a forum-wide ban on optimism.

Go to hl2fallout for optimism.
Haha, funny...
The only reason this thread would be closed is b/c of spam--as in a hundred replies saying, "Hehehe, ur threads gonna be deleted and mine isn't 'cause mine's better!! nanana."

J/k. I agree, Mr-Fusion. ("This place just seems dirtier everytime I come back...").
I agree with the original poster, and i agree with mr-fusion, This forum seems to be very much anti valve.

people tend to read to much into things than blame valve when the pattern doesn't happen. Along with a million other things they blame valve for.
Mr-Fusion said:
Because you're being optimistic. There's a forum-wide ban on optimism.

Go to hl2fallout for optimism.

i concur
At least this thread doesn't have stories about meeting Gabe in a bar and ending in "odd" circumstances.
killahsin-[CE] said:
I agree with the original poster, and i agree with mr-fusion, This forum seems to be very much anti valve.

people tend to read to much into things than blame valve when the pattern doesn't happen. Along with a million other things they blame valve for.

Quoted for turth
Mr-Fusion said:
Because you're being optimistic. There's a forum-wide ban on optimism.

Go to hl2fallout for optimism.

That doesnt make any sense. Thats just being a kid.
Im looking forward to see if theres another one. Luckily I was at the computer when last weeks happened. I live in the uk so the preloading doesnt start till about 1am. Hopefully 2 more finished....release sept or oct.
It seems logical. And if they're doing one more pre-load, the next Thursday is the 16th of September. Maybe they're sure that Vivendi will accept the first release candidate on September 15 and the final pre-load will happen the next day, when they can announce that it's t3h g01d tiM3!!!1!
Seppo said:
It seems logical. And if they're doing one more pre-load, the next Thursday is the 16th of September. Maybe they're sure that Vivendi will accept the first release candidate on September 15 and the final pre-load will happen the next day, when they can announce that it's t3h g01d tiM3!!!1!
Doubt it, it would take a few weeks to test the RC completely
Sparta said:
Doubt it, it would take a few weeks to test the RC completely

Yeah, maybe. I don't know how these things work, but I've read that the first HL was tested at Vivendi for only like 48 hours.
cyberpitz said:
Quoted for turth

i'm sigging that....brilliant

56kers don't care about your glorious steam updates, we live in constant fear of retail shortages and delivery strikes, eat that broadbanders.
Seppo said:
Yeah, maybe. I don't know how these things work, but I've read that the first HL was tested at Vivendi for only like 48 hours.

I've read that as well. Also, I was under the impression that Vivendi has had testers at Valve for a while. Can't tell you where I heard it; could have been speculation.
kaellinn18 said:
I've read that as well. Also, I was under the impression that Vivendi has had testers at Valve for a while. Can't tell you where I heard it; could have been speculation.

Now that would be a great idea, because then the testers could test everything as VALVe changed it. Once the first complete RC was made, VALVe could tell VU what they changed since VU's last test and significantly shorten the testing time. Thus, such great time management = Gold much sooner.
I'd be surprised if Vivendi's testers hadn't already had access to the product before now at Valves offices. The RC is probably nothing more than a rubber stamping exercise, unless there are some last minute cosmetics Vivendi want to apply (splash screens etc). It's an interesting theory as to whether there will be another preload, hopefully we might find out tonight.

BTW Whats with all the fallout fanbois? I visit both forums, but I'm not seeing any real reason to post there, over here.
i aint even done preload 1 or 2 sod 3 just get the damm game out
The current bandwidth availiable on the Steam network is about 80,000Mbps. You can see it here.

The bandwidth was increased last Wednesday (I don't remember to what) to handle the 2nd pre-load. Does anyone know if it has been changed back, or has it been at 80,000Mbps since last week?

If it has been at this speed for a week, that might be a good sign for a 3rd preload coming soon.

I remember Gabe posting (on fallout I think) that it's pretty expensive to increasse the bandwidth. They would only leave it on a high setting if they had a good reason (i.e. 3rd pre-load coming soon).
last time i saw optimism on these forums was... was.. uhh.. umm.. nevermind
IF a third preload is released on thursday I guess the game is nearing release .. Let's hope for another preload, and maybe another test to kill the time :)
Ecthe|ioN said:
IF a third preload is released on thursday I guess the game is nearing release .. Let's hope for another preload, and maybe another test to kill the time :)

Lets hope for the actual game!
KagePrototype said:
Doesn't look like 80,000 to me. :)
It's propably a typo and he meant 8,000Mbps.
You have to be careful with those 10,000Mbps. That's not the maximum bandwith available NOW!
If you check the stats page and look at approx. 17-18pm yesterday, you can see two little jumps. One up and one down. These little jumps are responsible for the min and max figures down at the bottom.
You see where it went down? That's ca. 6,900Mbps and where it went up it's 10,200Mbps.
In conclusion the Min and Max Numbers are the minima and maxima of the available bandwith in the last two days, not now !
The current available bandwith still is 8,780 Mbps.
I hope I could make myself clear.

very interesting... These preloads are a bit of a mystery to me as i can't get them but it is cool to see them coming, people having bits of HL2 on their systems makes everything seem a little bit better.
Posts deleted. Stop the spam and unrelated talk, please.
The RC to Gold process will prob take Zero time. Like its been said before this process is usually a "Rubber Stamp" process. Vivendi makes sure its in good working order but this doesnt start when a RC has been completed. The software is way too big to engineer the game this way.

A spiral approach is prob used where its tested by vivendi and valve as its being developed. Then when they think its done it gets a quick review and is released.

The RC is usually just so the publisher can be sure of what they are publishing and have the final say in when it gets released. With as much pressure as there is on valve and vivendi right now they will prob send it to gold ASAP. Of course being so close to the holidays makes it the perfect time of year to release such a game.
yeah i was thinking there would be a preload sometime this week. just because we had preloads the last 2 weeks... but meh, maybe not. could be valve just giving us some files to shut us up, and the next preloads are files that are still being checked for bugs?

btw, what ever happened to this being the best hl2 fansite? so much negativity anymore. it seems hardly a fansite sometimes around here. mehhh *goes to hang out in off topic again*
I can see them releasing the maps tomorrow as I don't see how those could change that much before the release, the only reason I can think of for not releasing them would be in fear of hackers.

I think most of us that hope for another preload are really just looking for some form of accountablilty from valve, not that they have missed a date if they don't. But it would reasure us that 1. the game is vary near complete and 2. valve has hit three consecutive weeks for preloads.

If there is another preload thrusday I'd say sept. 30 release is possable as long and VU does not delay it for profit.
killahsin-[CE] said:
I agree with the original poster, and i agree with mr-fusion, This forum seems to be very much anti valve.

people tend to read to much into things than blame valve when the pattern doesn't happen. Along with a million other things they blame valve for.

Its becuase we are tired of fanboys like yourself who after a year of what can only be described of as a complete joke still think valve can do no wrong.

Ive never seen such a apparently proffesional company mess up so many things.

no doubt though your head will be buried deep in a sea of blind faith in valve so this post will merely be shrugged off as a troll.

whatever helps you sleep at night i suppose :rolleyes: