All eyes on thursday evening!

Dougy said:
Its becuase we are tired of fanboys like yourself who after a year of what can only be described of as a complete joke still think valve can do no wrong.

Ive never seen such a apparently proffesional company mess up so many things.

no doubt though your head will be buried deep in a sea of blind faith in valve so this post will merely be shrugged off as a troll.

whatever helps you sleep at night i suppose :rolleyes:
hehe hl1 was delayed a year :upstare: so, big deal.
Dr.breen said:
The human mind has a tendancy to find patterns in seemingly random circumstances, for the last 2 thursdays has been preload day.

So I don't think it took very long before everyone was thinking/saying/shouting/screaming "OH GOD PRELOAD 3 WILL BE THIS THURSDAY!"

I hope it will, only the human mind and it's obsession with finding patterns has mislead us before (Conspiracies) and no doubt again.

So please don't get too excited,

All the best, Gabe...uh! I mean Dr breen.

ok gabe, i will look to thursday then
It'll be out when it's out. Valve praising or bashing aside. Just sit and wait.

--Smoke while doing so.
I wouldn't bash VALVe. Do you honestly think they're doing it on purpose?
You will know exactly when you will have it in less then a month, so get out a calander and cross off the the days if you need something to do.
Valve delays things to make them better....The game was finished around may (the doug interview) and they have been improving it, tweaking it, ever since. Im sure most other companys would have released it then and there, but not valve, they will make it as good as it can be.

Regardless if anything happens this thursday (well friday for me really) you WILL know in less then a month.
paintballphreak said:
well its thursday...

Valve tend to release updates over Steam around 7-9pm PST I beleive. But don't keep your hopes up, there is no guarantee that Valve will do anything today.
ugh damn i'm gonna be away all night and most of the weekend... i hope theres good news when i get back :D :D
Impulse147 said:
btw how big was the second preload? how many preloads will thier be?

The first two were both just under 1 GB each (thought they were only 500MB download because they were compressed). Gabe has said HL2 will be 3.5GB altogether, so I predict there will be 2 more. There's no official number though.
Well I bet theres loads of people anxiously waiting for another preload right about now. Wonder if it's gonna happen
did steam's bandwidth change at all? is steam ready for another preload at the moment?
Ha! they seem like a friendly bunch over at the steam forums!LoL!

Straight into an argument =)
scatr99 said:
i hate people who are bias against americans

what are you doing? this comment can only escalate into whats going on in that steam thread.
oh yea they are, ever try to get help through thier forums, the end result is usually getting made fun of by a valve employee.
Yea that kind of turned into a flame thread lol I can't say squat in that thread anyway... I have dual nationality (English/American).
i'm just trying to piss off the stuck up european (apparently not english)
scatr99 said:
i hate people who are bias against americans

they may have a "bias," but they are "baised against" something.

/grammar police (and yes, i know i'm not capitalizing anything.)
epmode said:

they may have a "bias," but they are "baised against" something.

/grammar police (and yes, i know i'm not capitalizing anything.)

right you are
scatr99 said:
i'm just trying to piss off the stuck up european (apparently not english)
Quite right. I wouldn't consider myself European and Im English, I think I can safely say this for others too.

We would be Europeans in my eyes if we took the euro as our currency.
just in case anyone thinks i bash on europeans you're wrong. I have german heritage and speak the language fluently, I just hate particular types of people.
Hilly_2004 said:
Quite right. I wouldn't consider myself European and Im English, I think I can safely say this for others too.

We would be Europeans in my eyes if we took the euro as our currency.

Nah, still wouldn't consider us European :p . We have our own lil island for a reason. We should just be continent GB lol
so... this is kinda off-topic now. Status of hl2? Some say the preload will be out at 10 central.
preloads at this point are losing importance since there isnt a concrete release date. the final product could be on your harddrive for weeks.
I doubt that they would have us hold on to the whole thing for weeks.
Yoda1979 said:
I doubt that they would have us hold on to the whole thing for weeks.
and i doubted that it would take over a year to finish after the originally release date was pushed back :cool:
Wasn't it later before? Or was that just because I didn't even realize because I was playing World of Warcraft for such a long time last Thurday...