All Games Lag


Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
This problem started from last week, when i run any game like CSS or CS 1.6 or crashday the game lag all the time. that happen when i play online and offline.

I have:
Windows XP Professional ( service pack 2)
Pentium4: 2.4GHz
1GB of ram
ATI Radeon 9600 series (memory Size 256, Memory type DDR SGRAM/SDRAM)

can anyone help me please
I have run ad-aware and spybot but it did not help
any other suggestions

the lag comes when I play only
Is it lag or your computer being slow?
Try microsoft antispyware beta, and webroot spysweeper.
Or even better use "hitman pro" it may be on a foreign website but its in english (the software) it will scan with multiple different anti adware and spyware programs. Its great and it does it for you ;)

Maybe you could also defragment your PC? Try using diskeeper 10
and tuneup uttilities 2006.
MaxiKana said:
Is it lag or your computer being slow?

my pc is not slow, the lag comes when i play games only, that lag is the same as when you play online and ur feel the lag....

Thank Jonz0r i will try them all and i will tell you the result
There could be something wrong with your graphics card or the driver for your graphics card.
theSteven said:
There could be something wrong with your graphics card or the driver for your graphics card.

how do i check if i have a probelm with my graphics card, I did not update the driver for the graphics card since i bought it. will the performance of the graphics card be effected if i did not update its driver???