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May 23, 2004
Reaction score
Stop being so politically correct. Some of you don't even have an opinon. An even more idiotically ironic thing is that some people feel that a discussion on certain things is pointless. You're on a forum so if it's so pointless don't post or visit forums. I swear, it's almost like the world is turning panzy.
:| If you can't handle it, in which you can't because you're making a thread about it, YOU get out.
Why do so many people have Jackal Hit's avatar?... Am I missing something?
Now that I think about it, that eye looks eerily similar to my eyes...ony not so much brown in my eyes...but still! It must be a conspiracy!

OoGoff said:
Stop being so politically correct. Some of you don't even have an opinon. An even more idiotically ironic thing is that some people feel that a discussion on certain things is pointless. You're on a forum so if it's so pointless don't post or visit forums. I swear, it's almost like the world is turning panzy.

Oh look, I said nigga, I am so cool, cuz I am tough and all. CUZ I VOTE FOR WAR AND I LIKE TO SEE PEOPLE GET RAPED! OMFG< FUNNY! TOUGH!

Jesus, maybe it's people choice to be politically correct, ever thought about that?
I don't understand what you mean, could you please explain?
Mr.Reak said:
Oh look, I said nigga, I am so cool, cuz I am tough and all. CUZ I VOTE FOR WAR AND I LIKE TO SEE PEOPLE GET RAPED! OMFG< FUNNY! TOUGH!

Jesus, maybe it's people choice to be politically correct, ever thought about that?

hah, are you afraid to take a position on a certain discussion just because people might not agree? Get a personaility, I'm sure they sell one on e-bay.
OoGoff said:
hah, are you afraid to take a position on a certain discussion just because people might not agree? Get a personaility, I'm sure they sell one on e-bay.

I am not afraid, I just find political discussion online a complete bore.
I read your post bunch of times, and quite frankly, what do you people expect to do? How do you know which people are afraid to post their opinions? Do you know what kind of people visit these forums? When people don’t have any argument, they need to stop posting some random shit (for example look at latest political “debate” on this forum, some people there, are politically incorrect, and the funniest part is, they all look like complete retards, because they can’t even back up the half of what they say, and contradict themselves after each post. Stick to some random jokes in this forum, at least those ones will make your long day at work go faster).
blah arguing on the internet is like special olympic something something.
gh0st said:
blah arguing on the internet is like special olympic something something.


oooh, oooh.. can I be Bret Hart?
gh0st said:
blah arguing on the internet is like special olympic something something.

The hell? I see you posting in EVERY politician thread, and guess what…. Actually don’t.
theres a difference between arguing and debating. this right here is arguing, and its retarded. theres no debate or logical argument going on here. its just stupid. retarded if you will.
I agree with the main poster.

/me watches as thread turns on him.
If you believe in freedom of speech why don't you let people post whatever the **** they want to? :|

I really couldn't care less about most of these threads. I see people complaining that the forums are "going to hell" and there are too many political discussions etc etc (Boohoo, here comes another leaving thread :P). Take a leaf out of my book and just ignore them :) Simple.


gh0st said:
theres a difference between arguing and debating. this right here is arguing, and its retarded. theres no debate or logical argument going on here. its just stupid. retarded if you will.
pfft, yeah but argueing for debate on the internet is like ****ing a virgin.. or something..
Lil' Timmy said:
pfft, yeah but argueing for debate on the internet is like ****ing a virgin.. or something..

Because it always gets bloody?
gh0st said:
theres a difference between arguing and debating. this right here is arguing, and its retarded. theres no debate or logical argument going on here. its just stupid. retarded if you will.

Bhaha, that's the point, I never seen you... actually forget it again.
If you believe in freedom of speech why don't you let people post whatever the **** they want to?

exactley, :O oh well, his problem, it just makes him sound like a fascist Nazi lover.
Hey, internet debate will never match the intensity of real world debate, that fire you get inside you, the rush and the feeling afterward of winning.

Jeeze you can really tell I'm a Law Student....
Icarus said:
Hey, internet debate will never match the intensity of real world debate, that fire you get inside you, the rush and the feeling afterward of winning.

Jeeze you can really tell I'm a Law Student....
He's a law student.. burn him! :)
I mostly stay away from most discussion threads exactly because my views are politically incorrect.....
I wonder how PC it is to criticise PC. Or how PC it is to make sweeping presumptions regarding someone's political stance based off a few words of text on a gaming forum...

Or how PC it is to mock an (apparently) overt PC community simply because you're bored...

But then again PC is a ****ing awful movement, so you're an idiot. Or something.

*flaunts freedom a bit more*
The point, I think, he was making was this:

People are so stupidly politically correct, that it is becoming a nuisance.

For example: A black person drops "the dreaded 'n-bomb'", and all the white people get offended. WTF??

The point he was making was that people get so caught up with being politically correct, they end up arguing more over being PC than the topic at hand.

HOWEVER (comma) since there WAS no topic at hand, I don't really see what the point of this thread is at all... :hmph: :| :dozey: :sleep: :O
MAD magazine said it best when it had that poem on being Politcally Correct in it...

"Don't call that schlub a fatty,
As it's simply not allowed,
He's now 'Physically Expansive',
Or 'Nutritionally Endowed'..."

... and that's just the bit I can remember...
So now what, after this topic it will be cool be politically incorrect again? Is it like a trend or something, 50s are in style again, yay! If you think political incorrectness is freedom of speech, you need to get out of your parents house a bit more, you know, to see the real world. People love to hide behind speech bullcrap all the time. Instead maybe word your argument the way that doesn’t make you sound like retarded racist.
yeh its true though, most people dont really care for the truth anymore, especially if the truth effects them in a negative way.. its all about being politcally correct.. Whatever makes you happy kind of opinions.

how screwed up can you be.. :O

not everyone is like that.. :) which is good