All Modelers, Skinners, Coders COME IN -Popular Mod Needs Your Help-





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Enforcement : The Official Website ::

We require some more help on our mod, attention has grown rapidly for our mod and the demands are even higher. We have more, upon more level designers than we need but if you are Talent A+ at it, go ahead and apply.

We REALLY NEED some ::
Model Skinners
Texture Artists
For right now anyway.

You can contact us by three ways, it's up to you...
1) E-Mail Me Found At : [email protected]
2) Post A Comment On Our ModDB Profile
3) Logon to Our Official Website And Register & Post A Thread On Our Forums

It was a 3 man team but we've grown to over 6 people so far. We had 1,114 profile hits/views 10 days ago. We now have over 7,000 profile views now in just 10 days, anticipation is great for this game and I want to get some more people working on it to get a BETA out soon. Still no rush however.
that poster is really cheesy. some really nice models on ur website though
lol yeah it is, but just becuz its a small piece of a full page full of pictures, like a small section of it, cheezy, ahhh well, we're not goin for a pretty website yet til we get more done. 7,000+ profile views now tho. yday is was at 4,000 thats crazy.

added another modeler as wel.
If the mod's popular, why have I never heard of it? D:

-Angry Lawyer
Never heard of it either :|
*jumps on the never heard of it band wagon*
also you guys need to work on your presentation . the website and renders need a LOT of work.
I'm willing to wager the 7000 visitors was done with a little javascript magic ;)

-Angry Lawyer
damn if theyd know that they wouldnt have had to spend hours clicking onto it 7000 times :D
All you'd have to do is code a script to open a window to the link, and then close it. Pretty simple stuff.

-Angry Lawyer
wow a lot of spammers in the help wanted, wow.... thanks... dont get enuff in email or websites, now have it on a help wanted forums.

well thats ok garage games and several people from here in fact have jumped on the team. we now have 7 level designers, 3 modelers, 3 texture artists, 3 riggers so far, a few skinners, and 2 P&R people along with myself. Wheather youve heard of the game or not, you have now and you will in the future as well. Ever remember when people use to flame counter strike? a three man team, saying it would never go anywhere. Hmmm wheres it at now? Oh yeah, still holds the record for the most played MP game online ever.
So you're comparing yourselves to Counter-Strike? Nice.

Oh yeah - what are "P&R people"?
Hey, I never said a thing about your mod, I just said that your count of "7000" visits is debatable, considering your media collection on the Profile is nothing more than unskinned renders and some boxy map shots.

And, by the way, using a shader over the player's eyes would be a much better alternative to greyscaling all of your textures.

And by the way, comparing yourself to Counterstrike isn't a good idea. They started as a two/three man team (coder, and two mappers, I think). You've hired two PR guys. That means you have two people on your team that do nothing but make unneccesary hype.

Here's a hint - you don't need PR. You don't need 7 mappers. Just learn a few skills, keep your best team members, and make something.

Out of curiosity, what is your modding skill?

-Angry Lawyer
Do you need 7 level designers? Does everyone on the team have stuff to do, or are they all just twiddling their thumbs?

Edit: Was watching TV while Angry Lawyer already posted about the 7 mappers thing.
Im not comparing myself to CS, Ive merley stating how they got flamed badly as well and come and rose out of the firey pits.

I didnt "hire" two p&r guys. We're working on skinning all the models right now, everybody has a level they're working on.

We're working on several different player models for our main character John right now between Max Payne type, Punisher Type, and Dead To Rights Character type, no, not going to look the same just a ref. to use as a player model is casted. We want a badass look for our character.

I'm not trying to get a 100 man team, where everyone is walking around blind. I'm in talks with a coupple concept artists to draw up some character ref.s to use for our player modeling and possibly storyboards to use for level designing, story making, etc. Working with a local writter to re-write the story.

My role on the team was coding but a few buddies of mine from college are takng that over for me, I'm included in the 7 level designer numbers. I direct the project, control it all, make n break decissions, P&R, among other various unmentionable tasks as well.

There's not too many SP mods for HL2. I want to create a BANG with this one. I know the site is cheezy right now, we actually had a nice flash site up but for right now I'm figuring to keep it simple and to the point and easily updatable until are mod gets further down the road and attracts even more people.

I'm not just looking to make the best mod out there, no. It'd be way too hard to do that, but it is ok to dream of it, because it is plausable. My vision of Enforcement is to take it out of the Mod casing shell and put it as a stand alone game. I've been looking at several game engines and lisc. prices.

Soon we will make this game a stand alone wheather a company / publisher wants to buy rights or help us push the tittle or my team and I takes it stand alone by ourselvs. One thing is certain, we will make something playable and enjoyable. That's really only our main goal at this time. To make something people will enjoy, a character they can relate with. A character they like, a game with two different game views in one.

As the End User plays John they'll be endulged in non-stop action. As Marcus they'll be brain storming, puzzle solving, using their heads to complete the levels. So I think the possibilities are there and the the achievements are endless.
you havnt been flamed and you havnt been flamed badly. this forum has seen alot of smoke. it is very fair to debate your supposed 7000 thing. i doubt theres even 7000 people that know what a mod is.
You need a better website, and as the leader of the project, you need to learn how to type properly. Also, the replies in this thread aren't "spam", they are fair comments and suggestions that you should be taking notice of.

Do we really need more mods wasting their time on unoriginal ideas? Comparing yourselves to CS is indeed, a very stupid thing to do. You're never going to have that kind of success.

You've hired two PR guys. That means you have two people on your team that do nothing but make unneccesary hype.

A good PR guy will write up news posts on the site, handle forum moderation and make sure that a recruitment posts never looks this retarded. But yeah, the two he has will probably just build up hype for nothing :).

Wheather youve heard of the game or not, you have now and you will in the future as well.

Don't describe yourself as a "popular mod" when you've barely started and have very little to show for it. You seem to think very highly of yourselves, and that's a big mistake to make in this community.

I look forward to seeing you do nothing of any worth.
pjmiller435 said:
Soon we will make this game a stand alone wheather a company / publisher wants to buy rights or help us push the tittle

I look forward to never seeing this day.
He sounds young and unaware of game development and actual achievable goals.
dude!!! you know how hard it is to make mods and keep track of a team i dont know how praz does it he might have a skill that i need to get lol love your mod praz.

Anyways try not to get over confident try to set easy goals for yourself im actually workin on a design doc.
And my goal is to be able to finish the rough draft by the end of next week. my personal project is small im the only one thats gonna be workin on it plus a few other people hopefull im looking for a team that is small about 4 to 3 people the mods not gonna be that big its just gonna focus on gameplay.

^^see^^ look its not that hard. you easy simple goals. Dont even start talking about publishers i know for a fact that you havent liscenesed valves source engine cuz thats the only way you'll be able to sell your game/mod. your makin this mod for yourself well thats why im makin my mod it doesent matter if noone likes your idea the only opinion that counts is your.
Keeping a mod team together requires two things. Picking the right people, and putting in work yourself.

-Angry Lawyer
What sort've polycounts are your weapons?! They look damn high, especially this one:
